
February Hearts

with the month of february upon us, cupid is the main factor but what about the supposed anti-cupid? Eros? this month has two weeks- valentines Day week and the anti valentines day- with romance and heartbreak comes drama lust and a roller coaster of emotions to follow

LegendsLostStories · Urban
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23 Chs

The Secret Scandal

Voices were screaming, tears were flowing, and hearts were breaking, "Why are you always so secretive?" because i fucked up, "Why are you always so intrusive?" I retorted back to my now ex-fiance. 

24 hrs ago

Laying in bed and just waking up to the person you know you want to spend forever with is the best thing there is. I just dont know if I regret this or if she thinks this is a mistake. I was ripped from my thoughts when i heard something so dirty but also so sexy coming from her. " did anyone ever tell you what a dirty mouth you have?" she giggled, " oh darling haven't you admitted to yourself yet just how much you love it when i talk dirty to you?" before i knew it the heavy question was asked, " when did you know it was time to let him go?" 

I sighed, "When the bad days began to outweigh the good ones." " You know he is a dick." I rolled my eyes, "Yeah I know. I found that out the hard way." then the guilt began to settle in, "We are terrible people." Her response was a joke but also serious. " It depends on who you ask. I mean he was the one who was cheating first. Especially to a married woman with an oblivious snake husband." 

Present day: 

I regret this- being his fiance. I mean I wasn't any better but he blackmailed me into staying with hiim for this long. " why her- why out of all people her?" his questioned pleaded, i sighed, " because she made me feel like a human being and not a slave. Because she was the one to acually care about me and not treat me like a rag doll, She was the first person to not treat me like a g*d damn punching bag when shit went wrong or things got tough or something didnt go your way." 

Hearing him say this, that i was the problem, that i can't do any better than him doesnt make me regret what i did, i just never expected to fall for his sister.