
Fated Tale An Undertale Au/Timeline

Fated Tale is a take on the original story of Undertale Taking place after many pacifist runs when Frisk finds a way to get everyone to the Surface even Asriel, in which many Hectic things proceed. Full of.. things and mysteries that are to be discovered throughout the reading.

NirvanaDishwasher · Video Games
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27 Chs

The Bitter Ending

Converging back into the place of Shiro and Sora, while something deeper was going on within the mind of Shiro. Shiro opened her eyes and it seemed she stood off the ground from where she laid, but there was an odd feeling that could not be shaken. The place she felt did not feel though with ehr looking down a bit towards her chest she would still see the fact that there was a hole in her chest. Looking back up now Sora who was there seemed to be stuck still, looking around the world she was in more everything was completely still as if some enigmatic powerful force made it all happen. When her mind was in the most confusion that's when the scene would change to utmost darkness with herself being filled with confusion. Within the dark scene there was something even more chilling than the darkness itself, a soft and silent sound yet worrying at the same time would have come from behind Shiro with soft splashes the sound of bare feet walking through a wet place. Shiro turned around quickly and summoned a blade as she was slightly scared and on edge especially after what just happened not too long ago furrowing her eyes, but then they would have widened in a bit of shock due to what was revealed to her, all so surprising… it was, her? Why was she there, HOW was she there? The Shiro before herself looked older, wiser, more experienced like what she could possibly be. There was a bit of silence until the older one had then kneeled down to the level of the younger one, their eyes staring directly into each other's. With the glare between their eyes the younger one would see they looked different, they were not even the same color as her own, a certain power coming off of them though they blinked and they were normal once more. The older one would touch the head of the younger one before speaking. "Greetings young one, you may call me Enigma. I am nothing but a mystery to you and it will be like this for a while. As you may already tell I seem a lot like you for some reason, perhaps you will learn soon about that. Though for now I do not have much to tell you, but I know you are confused though everything is within your mind currently. You will soon wake up, well maybe not you, but I will. You will not be sufficient in this situation, I will try, I must try to make this better." That's when Shiro would seem a bit worried or rather timid, but struts their determination in their stance glaring at the other her. "What do you mean! Get out of my body you weirdo. I'm not gonna let you be in my body or whatever, something like that is absolutely lame!" Shiro held her ground on her control as she was not of course going to so easily give up something like that. That's when Enigma placed a hand infront of Shiro and curled her finger into a flicking motion and simply flicked the forehead of Shiro. With this Shiro exploded into 1000s of pieces and blood splattered everywhere it was a rather gruesome scene with her body parts not even being recognizable due to them being cut up so badly. Yet as you know none of this was real? Yet why Enigma did this was an Enigma for now. And as for Shiro it was like she was viewing her body from a backseat perspective, even though it was awake now she couldn't do anything with it her actions weren't under her control.. Enigma by killing her in her own mindscape had effectively taken control of her body now being carried in the arms of Shiro once it stood up. "What's going on, why is this happening!" Shiro would've shouted out within the depths of her own mind… but nobody came. She was alone with herself as her voice echoed into the emptiness that lay in the outer areas of her mind. With this happening Shiro was scared.. this was just all like a bad dream, ones that she had been handing. Still being particularly young she couldn't take this at all and curled up in a ball within her own mind. She had more thoughts come throughout her mind, mostly dark ones of just what this Enigma person would do and if they would ever get their body back from them. Another thought that would come, is that she wished she was as strong and determined as sister frisk. Even when she was really young she was the most determined girl ever. She could get through anything, and look at her here just crying. Outside of the mindscape Enigma stood up in the body of Shiro and had a rather pleasant smile towards Sora giving him an excruciatingly long hug. "I love you Sora, or uh I mean i'm really glad you're okay!" Sora would have held tight onto what he thought was Shiro with slight confusion and relief all at the same time, just why was she all up and at 'em', she did still have a huge hole in her chest. Actually when he looked down though it was gone and he was even more distraught. "Sh-shiro what happened your chest it's alright now! But whatever it is please lay back down. You probably aren't well." Enigma would only sigh and not let go. "I'm not letting go of you so soon Sora~ And don't worry about that I healed it up with a magic trick I learned." Sora had an odd feeling about Shiro and tries to actually get away from her, pulling her arms from around him and stepping back from her. "Shiro, you're acting weird.. really really weird!" Shiro would say with an awestruck look on his face. Though that's when Enigma would look down with a slightly dark expression "pushing me away.. why would you do that Sora. Tsk whatever there's something more important to do, come with me now." Enigma seemed to suddenly change in personality from Sora's dejection and began to walk off. Sora was even more confused as what he said wasn't really addressed. Being the boy Sora is, alas he follows along quickly with the more intimidating Shiro or at least he thought that's what this was. And then the two would've gone off into the distance somewhere well not just somewhere they would've run directly into the kindness corps who were taking care of a bunch of these creatures of hatred as well as those afflicted with dark souls. "Sit tight now Sora." And within the next instant before Sora could respond Enigma was gone within an instant, her presence not even left behind.. What was this? The people around that were apart of the corps would all look strangely at Sora due to his peculiar cursed soul and stare him down. One of them spoke up, being the leader from the meeting. "Hey you what's with that soul of yours, it seems like no good, visit a church or something after this for your own good!" They really did seem worried for the kid, well they weren't the leader of it for nothing it would seem. And only moments later Enigma came back and stared around at everyone with a rather neutral yet intimidating expression holding her look on Sora. There was a rather deathly aura about her entirely; it was something strange and potent that made everyone tremble only Sora allowed to fully stand. Covering the body of Enigma was nothing but splashed around black goop. "They're all dead, I killed all the creatures, are you proud of me! It only took me a few seconds." Sora did look amazed for a second, but then that turned into worried and scared. Shiro couldn't do that.. this really wasn't Shiro! Who was this and what did they do to Shiro. Even more concerning was how exactly this person was so strong and where did they come from. It seemed Enigma was about to come closer towards Sora with a mysterious look in her eyes though that's when a strange event occurred Enigma suddenly stopped in their tracks and suddenly sapped right into the mindscape where Shiro had currently been stuck. Enigma would've peered around her surroundings curiously as there was nothing, but bemused and confused as to what was actually going on in this situation. Shiro would stand there in the mindscape she was crying, though she had found her resolve in the bit of time that had passed. That resolve came from thinking about her family.. her friends.. all of them wouldn't want her to be like this at all. How would everyone feel if they found out she gave up so easily.. how would she feel? Staring towards Enigma now with a determined expression as she managed to engage a fight for her body back while Enigma only groaned in realization. "You realize… everything would be better with me instead of you, I could go and try and make everything better! You're too weak you almost got yourself and Sora killed if only you weren't as lucky. If only he wasn't as lucky." Shiro would gaze back with unwavering eyes, that may have been true maybe she was too weak and almost let down him, herself and many others, but that doesn't mean she would do something like this. Shiro would simply get better or something like that is what ran through her mind wanting anything but a stranger to take control of herself. "I don't know who you are, where you've been, or what's happened to you, but for sure you better get out of my body!" As she would've said this the girl then began to walk forward without saying anything anymore, but as she did she heard the shouts of Enigma towards her, but she turned it into just white noise with herself pushing forward and past. The place where Shiro was walking began to get brighter and brighter as she was starting to see through her own eyes now, after a few moments later now walking faster and faster until she burst into a sprint reaching towards the end of the bright tunnel. Shiro was suddenly shoved into her own body now only an instant after she had paused with a rather happy expression on her face now smiling towards Sora as the whole aura had disappeared now. Shiro would've held back the tears she had and just gave Sora a rather big hug now pulling him in. "Please don't let me go again.." Sora was more than confused; it seemed like she was back? He would have to ask about that due to the absolute confusion it would've brought. "Shiro tell me all about this later." Shiro would've nodded her head before they both let go. Right behind the both of them a lady would've then cleared her throat it sounded rather commanding this being Choi the leader of the kindness division with her arms crossed and tapping her foot looking suspiciously at Shiro. "I'm sorry, but I'll have to question you both, so come along." Shiro and Sora now looked back at each other gulping like cartoon characters with themselves both being quite scared at the moment now. The dark beings of immense hate that attacked them hadn't affected them much, the whole city destroyed and burning around them hadn't seemed to affect them that much. Though somehow the kindest person in the world struck lots of fear into them. The kids having no knowledge of what to do just shot their hands up in the air now, Choi would've then grabbed onto both of their arms and began to drag them along with her. After a bit of walking she stopped with them inside of a broken building in a room that was still intact, sitting them down in two chairs while she then sat opposite them now. Before actually getting into her sort of interrogation a smile blossomed on her face with her hands opening up on the table as cookies would appear in her hands, absolutely delicious looking "Do you guys want cookies?" They both looked with excited eyes in unison "I do!" Cookies were a nice thing to ease up the minds of the children especially since they had both gone through something, but she assumed they just had a rather strong willpower which impressed her in the end though they were still just kids. The two children began to eat cookies delightedly right out of their hands at the moment now. Choi now kept her pleasant tone and then spoke. "Alright i'll cut to the chase, tell me everything that's happened to you guys, especially you" She points at Shiro although her look then curiously focuses on Shiro.. she seemed familiar although messed up slightly. A gasp came from her in realization "The princess, oh i'm sorry but I still have to do this." "It's no bother to me." Sora has then spoken first "Well me and Shiro were having a normal day at school until well there was a big explosion and everybody started running, though when we left a little bit later we got attacked! A whole buncha other kids were hurt too. Me and Shiro tried to help them and beat up those bad guys, but Shiro got really hurt. I barely could do anything and then got right outta there with Shiro. When Shiro woke up again she started acting weird." Shiro cleared her throat of the cookies within it before speaking to clear up the oddity in the story of Sora. "When I was unconscious after getting attacked, there was this other girl in my head and she was all mysterious and then she took over my body or something like that. I don't really get it. I took it back from her though now but she scares me a bit." Choi had to take this all in and take it in rather carefully, but she pretty much understood most of it though the other person in her she just took as some weird alternate personality disorder. "Make sure to tell your parents about this alright? Now come on, let's try and find them well. I'm guessing you two are together." They nodded their hands and choi stood up now walking over and taking their hands once more acting as a guide to them both walking outside and having the rest of her party follow them, the children still hadn't questioned her a lot due to her being known as rather trustworthy. With a bit of searching and wandering eventually there would be a meet up as the main cast had all found each other. The kindness group moving away for now left them all alone as they would've all trudged backwards to their place of residence all making reports of their situations. "Well I was pretty bone tired taking a snooze, but they sure had a bone to pick with me so I took those blobs out easy!" Sans would say, Papyrus shook his head disappointedly at him. "Sans maybe if you tried to be like me and Undyne giving those things some delicious spaghetti they wouldn't be so mean to you fool!" "Yeah right, paps.." Then Asriel would speak of his time. "It wasn't too bad for me either, honestly they were quite underwhelming for what that man said, I met dad though I hope we will be seeing him more often." Toriel then spoke as she was a bit surprised "Asgore.. I hope he's well since I last saw him, perhaps him coming over more would indeed be quite good. And as for me I would say the blobs also weren't particularly a problem until they combined together." Frisk stares at everyone else with a blank expression *You tell of how you and Chara handled it without a problem. And finally Axis had come to the same consensus, how strange. Although now they all simply decided to go get some rest now it was well deserved and they needed it all to get refreshed from the experience..

This will be the end of volume 1 woohoo

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