
Fate/unlimited sword system

A Young man Died and Reborn during the Fourth War of Fate series as Shirou, who only wanted to live a peaceful life, encountered various events, including a murderous maniac, system awakening, unlimited sword system, summoning of servants, and entering the Holy Grail War. This the Story of young man from Modern world who wanted to Survive in Holy Grail War.

Unlimited_Comic · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 33

Thankfully, due to the dense fog obscuring the view, there were only a few places where the monster could be seen. The panic of the inhabitants is also confined to a specific area.

Despite this, the tacit principle that the Holy Grail War must be fought in secrecy was completely undermined.

"I underestimated this guy... I didn't expect him to summon so many monsters. "

As Saber spoke, another voice came from behind. It was a slightly childish voice, but the words spoken were extremely convincing.

"No, no matter how powerful the Servant is, there is a limit to the 'grid' of the demons it can summon and drive - but if you don't consider the 'drive', there is no such limit. "

"What ..." Irisviel turned her head in surprise when she heard these words, and her eyes widened.

"Ah... It's that kid!".

"Don't keep calling that kid, I also have a name, my name is Fujimaru Shirou, you can call me Shirou. "

Although it had a difference between first name and last name, Irisviel and Saber were not people and had no idea about Japanese names so they tried to ignore it completely.

What's more, for Shirou, he still prefers a more direct way of addressing his real name. Hearing Shirou announce his name, Irisviel also said her name in courtesy.

"Irisviel von Einzbern. "

After nodding their heads, Irisviel then looked at the sea devils who were dancing their tentacles.

"That monster, isn't it under Caster's control?"

"I guess that's right" Shirou replied.

Irisviel was surprised because she was a Magus, so she could clearly understand how terrifying it was.

However, it is not difficult for Saber to understand the seriousness of the matter.

"The so-called magic refers to the 'magic of mastery', but that kind of guy is a real 'demon' that cannot be understood by such a small concept, and the whole body is full of gluttony, devouring this desire and materializing the product, and the act of summoning this kind of thing itself can no longer be called 'magic'. "

Saber clenched his fists in anger as she thought of the Servant's madness.

"So the monster is trying to challenge the peace of this city?".

"Yes, it's just an invitation to eat, and in a few hours, it's going to swallow up nothing left, and then, if left unchecked, it's going to gradually spread the damage to the entire city of Fuyuki. "

"Damn!" Saber gritted his teeth.

It was clear that Caster had no intention of fighting anyone at all, but rather of destroying everything.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the sky.

"Hey, Knight King, it's a nice night... I want to say that, but it doesn't seem like the time to say hello. "

Hearing a familiar voice, Saber turned his head.

Holding the reins, the big man Servant, who was about to land the glittering "bull Wheel" in the park plaza where the two of them were, smiled disrespectfully at the person who came first.

"King of Conquest... You still don't know what to do, are you just here for fun?".

Seeing Saber not letting her guard down at all, Rider waved his hand.

"Don't do that, let's stop tonight. If you leave that big guy alone, I won't be able to fight you with peace of mind. I've called out just now, and Lancer has responded. It should be right away. "

"... What about the other Servants?".

"I've killed Assassin, Berserker won't discuss it. Archer... It's useless for that guy to say it, with that kind of guy's character, he won't easily agree. "

Saber nodded, placing his hand in front of his breastplate with a solemn expression.

"Understood, I have no objection to fighting with you. The King of Conquest, although it is a temporary alliance, let's take an oath together. "

"Huh... You were pretty sober when you were fighting... Well, what, does the Master have any objections?".


Of course, it wasn't that he was dissatisfied, but seeing Rider and Saber happily put aside their past grievances, Irisviel was a little overwhelmed, while Waver showed obvious determination, poking his head out of Rider's chariot console carefully, with no intention of getting off.

For those who are on the battlefield, whether it is to kill the enemy or form an alliance, it is a calm judgment without any personal feelings, and this is consistent.

This is the spiritual will shared by those who have been in troubled times.

That being said, Caster's madness must now be stopped anyway. If the oath can be kept, then joining forces is the right thing to do.

"I don't mind. I-Einzbern going to form alliance! Rider Master, what do you think?". Hearing Irisviel call, Waver nodded reluctantly.

"So, what about the other one?".

Rider said this, turning his gaze to the other person, Shirou, who was watching with Lancer.

"I'm going to form an alliance too?". Shirou raised an eyebrow and said.

"Of course, what if you suddenly come out and backstab us while we're fighting that monster?" Rider's eyes were shrewd.

As the King of Conquest, he is experienced in both the battlefield and the solitary battle, so he will naturally eliminate any factors that will be unfavorable to him before fighting.

"Well, I, Fujimaru Shirou, promise a truce. "

Hearing Shirou's oath, the originally heavy atmosphere at the scene was suddenly relieved.

Then, Rider spoke first.

"Either way, it's going to have to be done quickly, and even though that monster is still on Caster's mana to sustain itsSpirit in the present world, it won't be able to cope if it starts foraging for food on its own. Until then, Caster must be stopped. "

Shirou followed suit.

"That guy's Book of Magic is the Autonomic Summoning Mana Furnace, the unconventional Noble Phantasm, which has now become the heart of the Sea Demon along with Caster, so he must be dealt with before it goes ashore to forage for food, or else it will ————"

Needless to say, the rest can be understood.

"Caster is in the center of that pile of meat, what to do?". Rider looked at the behemoth with a sad face.

"Get him out, that's the only way. " Lancer spoke at this point.

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