
Fate/unlimited sword system

A Young man Died and Reborn during the Fourth War of Fate series as Shirou, who only wanted to live a peaceful life, encountered various events, including a murderous maniac, system awakening, unlimited sword system, summoning of servants, and entering the Holy Grail War. This the Story of young man from Modern world who wanted to Survive in Holy Grail War.

Unlimited_Comic · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 32

Saber grew a little tired of the inexplicable situation, and looked at Caster seriously.

"Now that you have given your name, I will also tell you my real name, which is Artoria, out of knightly courtesy. Son of Uther Pendragon, King of Britain. "

Caster still stared blankly at the girl in front of her, who was puffing out her chest and proudly announcing her name, and then cried out in a lost voice.


Caster screamed desperately and hammered the ground unseemly.

"How sad and lamentable! Not only have you lost your memory, but you have lost your mind... You... You, God, why are you so cruel to my beautiful woman? "

"What the hell are you talking about, I wasn't—".

"Joan of Arc, it's understandable that you don't want to admit it. You are more religious than anyone else, and you believe in God more than anyone else. But you were abandoned by God, and God did not give you any help and salvation when you were judged to be a witch and put to death. It's not for nothing that you're doing this now. "

Saber suddenly felt a disgusting sensation that was completely different from his fear. It's like the hairs all over my body stand on end. The man in front of him hadn't heard Saber at all Or that I didn't intend to listen to it from the beginning.

As for Saber, he just made a conclusion based on his own fantasies, and he was convinced of it.

Caster, who was dominated by this thought, did not listen to Saber at all.

"Wake up, Joan of Arc, don't be confused any more, you are the Holy Lady of Orleans, Joan of Arc, the Savior of France!"

"Okay, okay, you can stop in moderation!".

Saber, who couldn't take it anymore, scolded Caster with a look of disgust as he knelt on the ground.

"I'm Saber and you're Caster! we're both Servants fighting for the Holy Grail! "

"... Saber, it's useless to talk to this man. " Irisviel said to her behind the back of the Knight King.

Artoria, who is Saber, has traveled through time and space to the present as a Heroic Spirit, and of course does not know what happened after her history.

Therefore, it is natural that you will not know the crazy legend of the Count Gilles de Ray, who is known as "Green Beard".

Although Gilles de Ray ascended to the throne of marshal as the hero of France's salvation, on the other side of his glory he indulged in black magic and lust, and even tortured hundreds of teenagers.

Known as the "Divine Monster" ————

Jill's final tragic fate has a lot to do with the death of Joan of Arc, the heroine of the middle school he fought with.

Therefore, his dedication to Joan of Arc was brought to the current Holy Grail War, and it is unknown how much similarity Saber Artoria and Joan of Arc are, but the two must be very similar.

Regardless, Caster was convinced that Saber was the one he was missing, and he didn't allow any doubt.

"Joan of Arc, please stop calling Yourself Saber and stop calling me Caster, we will soon no longer be bound by the shackles of the so-called Senrant, the Holy Grail War is about to end!".

"That's just your wishful thinking!".

"No, it's not!".

Caster said a little frantically, and then opened the "Prelati's Spellbook" in his hand!

"Joan of Arc, I'm sorry that it wasn't you the guest of honor tonight, but I would be glad if you were to be there!" Caster laughed.

Beneath his feet, the dark waters began to stir.

The countless monsters gathered at the summoner's feet shot countless tentacles in unison, engulfing Caster who was standing on their heads in cloak.

At first glance, it seems that this is a rebellious demon attacking Caster, but Caster, who is covered in tentacles, raises his voice and laughs wildly.

The arrogant laughter bordered on screaming.

"Now I will once again raise the banner of the Savior! The outcasts will gather around me! The despised will gather around me! I will rule over you! I will lead you! The resentment of our bullied will soon be conveyed to 'God!O Master of heaven! I will wash away my sins and praise you!".

The foaming surface of the water swelled and pushed Caster up as it engulfed in tentacles.

The number of monsters that used to be his foothold has increased dramatically. Estimated from the depth of the river bottom, the number is unimaginably terrifying.

"Caster... Absorbed?!".

Saber felt a shudder all over her body, and in her eyes, the number of monsters gathered around the summoner's body continued to increase.

The summoning ability of the "Prelati's Spellbook" is truly endless. Countless tentacles tangled and fused together to form a piece of flesh.

The pieces of meat were covered in disgusting mucus and glowed, but not only that, but the pieces continued to swell.

Caster's form was completely invisible, only his voice still echoing haughtily.

"O arrogant God! O cold God! We will pull you down from the throne of God! God's beloved lambs! Those who have bodies like God will be humiliated and torn apart by us! The ridicule of our rebels will knock at the door of heaven with the sorrow of the Son of God!".

The filthy pieces of flesh gradually expand and take shape. Or it can be said that this image is the essence of the otherworldly monster.

The monsters that Caster has driven so far are all fragments of this, just miscellaneous soldiers.

"That's ..."

The alien shadow towering in the darkness, the image was hateful and had a great sense of oppression, and Saber couldn't help but sigh.

Even the creature of the deep sea, the whale and the king squid, do not have such a huge body.

This nightmarish figure that reigns over all the seas of the world is an aquatic giant beast worthy of the title "Sea Devil".

Fortunately, there was no one on the embankment where saber and Irisviel stood, but the lights were on in the houses on the other side of the river, and even though it was late at night, a loud commotion could be heard.

Such a strange thing happening in front of everyone's eyes will certainly cause a commotion.

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