
Fate/the reincarnated

As a wondering soul wish he could be reincarnated a omnipresent being granted his wish and give him 3 powers depends on what world his landing on and decided which world he's going to by a wheel and the wheel stop at the fate world and now his granted with 3 historical figures powers now let's see what happens next

francis_suttijit · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 5.5 : WHAT IS THIS

meanwhile in a apartment

"tch when will the fight begins it been 5 minutes already come start already "

"calm down mordred the fight well begin any time soon so no need to be inpatient"

"shut old man and what would you know about fighting since you just touch corpses all day"

"hey I'm only 46 years old and also at least call me master or my real name and I maybe don't know as much about fighting as you do but still I know abit about it"

with a angry expression both started arguing until a old lady came in the room

"would you too shut up already I'm trying to sleep here"

"yeah yeah I try to keep the sound down abit"

"tch shut up old lady who do you think you are"

"god why am I working with you two why can't it be any other master"

"tch don't disrespect us who do you think you are insulting us while we're the only master Servant duo in the red faction"

as a sword appears into mordred hand and lifting it to the old lady neck

"tch Kairi tell your servant to put down their weapon"

"mordred calm down don't kill her yet we need her for now"

with a angry expression mordred put down her sword and the sword disappears from her hands

"tch why do we need her anyways I can take them all out by myself"

"huuuu because she's a master of caster even though she doesn't have a connection to caster righ now we still use her later on to beat caster using her command seals"

"tch why can't we just take the command seals"

with a exhausting sigh Kairi ready himself to explain to mordred why he can't take the command seals for himself

"believe me If i could I would of taken the command seals a long time ago but I can't"

"and why not?"

"because if i take the command seals it would alert amakusa to us because of his connection to caster righ now"

"but why wouldn't it work for her?"

the old lady pull up her shirt to show a bullet wound in her stomach

"because little girl my magic circuits are destroyed by a original bullet most of it anyways only one was left after I use every last drop of magic left to block it"

"wait dosen't that still allow the priest to locate us?"

"yes in normal situation it would but because of some sort of skill is blocking it from being detected by the priest"

mordred face turned into a understanding one and looked at the old lady with a bit of understanding

"ohhh your our trump card for caster but still I don't see the point to this didn't you say that you were ment to summon Shakespeare and from what I remember he's pretty weak"

" yeah that was my original summon but it didn't summon Shakespeare "

"huh how did you when you didn't even summon him yourself?"

"because of the skill that's covering my tracks from the priest Shakespeare dosen't have that skill and even if he does it would be way too weak to cover me it would only cover one command seals not the rest"

with a serious expansion on her face the old lady pull up her hand to show her three command seals.

" each command seals need at least three magic circuits to work and I already have three left so I can use one command seals every 5 minutes until I have none left"


as a sudden explosion happens on the screen showing karna clashing with Richard and shooting a red beam at arjuna and musashi

"look like the battle is happening we can have this conversation later"

meanwhile in the desert high way

5 minutes before

"so shall we start this battle I think they have waited long enough"

as Richard got into a battle stance pointing his sword at karna before attacking karna.

"I jeanne arc the saint of the 100 year war well not be fighting in this battle"


with a disbelieving face musashi looked at jeanna. while Richard look at jeanna questioning why she isn't helping them. and karna and arjuna just look at the situation with a calm look as before

"BUT WHY jeanna he literally trying to kill you"

"yes I know but as a ruler I have to maintain a neutral side even though if he tries to kill me the only time when I will pick a side is when a faction or a master is spilling the war on to outsiders that's the only time"

"come on Jeanne I'm literally helping you can't you at least like use a command seal on him? to like stop him or something?"

"no I can't. that's for emergency only"

"huu fine it's only one Servant after it couldn't be that hard right?"

musashi look at jeanne with a questioning look while jeanne just look away and a sweat drop can been seen on her forehead





"... oh come on it couldn't be that hard"

"don't worry musashi you have us to help you we have arjuna who's karna rival and me one of the fastest Servants in the war"

as Richard tries to comfor musashi arjuna aim at the far distance

"I take that one while you take karna "


"wait what take who? I thought their was only one Servant that their sent?!"

"ohhh I would of thought that the legendary sword master musashi would be able to sense something as easy as this"

"...um yeah I can totally sense the Servant hehe....."

musashi face turn a bit awkward and turn away from Richard stare


... fuck he can sense me. calm down Klaus it's not that bad well no it's that bad I don't know what his abilities are and he's a saber too sooo it's that bad god this is my first holy grail war and ofcourse it gonna be a great one I don't even know the difference all I know is normal holy grail war is free for all and great one is teams then free for all that's all I know. god this depressing

Klaus got into a ready fighting stance pointing his KARABINER 98K at the direction where the battle is about to begin

back to the soon to be battlefield

"shall we start now?"

as Richard is about to propel himself to the far distance but before that

"As the ruler of this war I shall declare the war to start with this first battle between Servants "

jeanne raise her flag pole light slowly start coming out of it

"this war begins now!"

a sudden bright light lighted up the whole battle reaching and covering Klaus too