
Fate/the reincarnated

As a wondering soul wish he could be reincarnated a omnipresent being granted his wish and give him 3 powers depends on what world his landing on and decided which world he's going to by a wheel and the wheel stop at the fate world and now his granted with 3 historical figures powers now let's see what happens next

francis_suttijit · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: WHAT IS THIS


"so where are you two girls going?"

"I'm just visiting my family and she.... "



as a short blonde hair girl and silver hair woman with a ponytail wearing College clothing on a truck talking to the diver about where they going. the blonde hair girl was looking at the sliver hair woman with a bit of awkwardness and confusion in her blue eyes looking at the sliver hair woman next to her while the sliver hair woman next to her was happily chanting to the diver

"oh that nice of you visiting your family"

"yeah she is. I'm just going with her to visit her family"

"ohhh that nice I'm sure that they well be happy. especially know that their little girl brought her friend with her"

"mhm -ah yes th-"

as suddenly a burst of mana came from the front of the road a 100m away from them

"a Servant is coming stop here please"

suddenly as the car stop and the driver eyes turn completely emotless. as the blonde hair girl and the sliver hair woman jump of the car and their clothes turn into different uniforms

the blonde hair hair girl clothes turn into a armor saint uniform (I'm too lazy to describe it just search it up) and a flag pole appear in her hands

and the sliver hair woman College uniform turn into a blue and red kimoto covering most of her upper body while some samurai armor plats covering her Knees and shoulder with two swords strap to her waist one of them are shorter than the other.

"I am ruler of this great holy grail war what do you want"

as the girls get ready into a fighting stance while karna appears out of nowhere walking slowly while holding his spear in his righ hand with a calm face and answer the now revealed class ruler

"I was sent here to kill you"

as ruler expression gone dark as she saw karna turn name

"I must ask you why would you want to kill me. I'm only here to maintain and observe the war"

"I don't know why my master want to kill you but I was sent here to kill you"

as karna answered ruler question the sliver hair woman try to quietly ask a question of her own to ruler

"psssss so who is this guy he seem pretty stong by the way he stand and his weapon"

"he's name is karna the famous Indian hero he quite strong"

"so he quite strong ay I want to see how strong my swords style go a against him in battle"

"now the-"

suddenly a sword beam was shot out trying to hit karna. but karna blocked it in time. as a blonde hair and some red hair mix with it man wearing a white knight armor with red eyes walking behind the girls duo

"I am here to help you ruler my name is Richard lionheart the first"

as the now revealed Servant Richard looking at karna with a calm face and curiously turn his head and looking at the sliver hair woman

"and ho might you be. you seem not to be with any faiction "

"oh and how you know that"

"because you look like a saber and I met the saber of red already and your probably not a berserker because by now you would of try and attack me or him. so who are you and who do you support"

the sliver hair woman was taken by surprise by Richard analysts skills

"oohh your quite smart even though you look like a teenager"

"I well take that as a compliment "

"well take it whatever you like but for your question befor I support ruler"

"so we have the same goal for now"

" what do you mean for now?"

"I don't know my master might change the plans in the future so for now we are allies. as allies you have to introduce your yourself seeing that I already introduce myself"

"oh I see what your trying to do very well I will entertain you for now"

as the conversation continues the sliver hair woman expression smile and continues to grow bigger until the smile turn into a grin while Richard expression continues to be the same as befor

"so listen up closely I will only repeat it once and I know that your masters are watching me. my name is musashi miyamoto"

as the now revealed musashi grins to the air as Masters looked at her with a bit of surprise and weariness

meanwhile 500m away from the desert


as Klaus have a panic expression on his face with him looking at the direction that karna is in

what do I do now the story is completely change from the original even I don't exactly how the story goes but I remember that the saber wasn't a knight even though I don't remember his name I think it was something Saig or sieg I don't know and musashi I don't remember him well now her being a woman and appearing in this story god did my summoning cause this now I'm not sure how the story well go now shit shit shti mayb-

as Klaus panic face turn into a neutral face then turn into a madden grin on his face with his eyes turn a bit red with a hint of craziness in it

wait what I am doing why are I am following the story plot that would be boring after all I didn't spend all that time in the void thinking about what I will do if I was out of the void just to follow some plot of a story that I didn't even watch till the end did I. screw the plot and let's do my own thing instead.


as a sudden laugh came from Klaus fortunately no one was here to see it as Klaus laughter calm down a content smile can be seem from his face


"tch great now theirs more stong Servants for us to take care of look like this war well be alot harder than I thought"

with a frown on her face seating on one of many church chair

"I see no problem with this at all. all I see is more battles for us to win"

with a excited voice and a wide grin on his face as the trojan man was seating back on a chair leaning backwards with his spear over his shoulder and his arms laying on the top of the spear

"...tch "

while semiramis was standing while covering her face with her fan amakusa was sitting on a chair with the bible on his lap looking at the scene with interest visible in his eyes

"now what will you do Fuhrer.."

meanwhile in a apartment

"so this is what my father biggest fan boy is doing I make him pay for what he did to me and for calling that fake thing a Excalibur"

"mordred calm down you get your chance eventually"

a man with 3 scars across his eyes wearing a sun glass with his appearance looking like a rock/metal music fan with a young girl with blonde hair with green eyes and wearing armor covering most of her body and her name was mordred

"tch why can't it be now "

"because it's across the country"

as a sweat drop formed at the back of his head

"..... shut up"

"what did I do"

mean while in a mansion in Romania

"good saber made it their in time now where is archer?"

"his going there his is not the fastest out their so it might take him a couple of minutes"

"yeah I know that but knowing who their. I would think that he would be their in a couple of seconds already"

a muture man with yellowish hair wearing a 14 century clothes sitting on a throne and the next to him with blue hair and purple eyes standing their wearing a white outfit and a short pink hair girl wearing a white coat covering most of her body except her head sitting on a coach looking at the scene with interest and curiosity

"yes your right considering that we inform him about the Servants that are their especially his rival"

"maybe he preparing something "

"maybe... we just have to see what happens next"

as the 14 century man close his eyes in readiness on what well happened next.

meanwhile in the desert highway

"mmhh I remember that musashi was a man in history?"

"hehehe it doesn't matter stop questioning me would you. your suppose to be my ally"



"I said ok"

"ummm ok"

as the conversation between musashi and Richard was going on a sudden blue beam came out of nowhere trying to hit karna.

karna immediately block it with ease and looked behide Richard

in the far distance can be seen a Indian man wearing all white holding a blue energy bow pointing it at where the conflict was held between the red and black Faction

"so you are here to arjuna"

as the now revealed archer smirked

"wait theirs another one?"

musashi was abit surprise that the black Faction send two Servant

"ahh yes that my partner for this mission"

with a smirk on his face

"ahh since lancer kindly said his name already I shall introduce him too all who are listening his name is arjuna a Indian hero the son of a lightning god and the rival of lancer over their"

meanwhile in the mansion

"so he have arrive it would be quite nice since it shows our dominance and power"

"yes my lord it indeed show our power but why do we need to share their names it gives us quite a disadvantage with the other team"

"yes your right but Richard is already fought the red saber so no need to hide and with arjuna he said that he sense karna was summoned already seeing that karna and arjuna legends are so connected it's unlikely that arjuna senses are wrong so theirs is not alot of loss by showing these Servants"

"oh I didn't think that you put that much effort in to this"

"tch this is but a mere simple plan"

as the 14 century man and the blue hair man convinced was going the pink hair girl was looking at the scene with excitement and curiosity on her eyes

meanwhile in the floating castle/garden

"wow another strong Servant have came along now things are really getting interesting"

as Achilles was looking at the scene with excitement and annoyance

"tch why did that bastard get to go their instead of me"

while Achilles was voicing his thoughts Atlanta was looking at the scene with even more annoyance than Achilles because their a archer Servant that can be saided to be more powerful than her while semiramis said nothing and amakusa was looking at the scene with even more interest than before

"things are getting quite interesting "