

This a story of another boy that had survived the Fuyuki Fire and was adopted alongside Shirou his name is William Emiya an American boy that was left in Japan due to his parents dying in the fire read on to find out what happens. -Author's Note- - My knowledge comes from what I've seen in the Saber Route, Fate/Zero, Fate/Zero Abridged, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Grand Order, UBW Abridged, and a little bit of Heavens Feel - I am not a professional so don't expect anything professional - Next this is a fanfic things are meant to be changed so don't complain about it - No Harem - I will delete any comments and or reviews if they are unreasonable or are just plain out hate comments - I don't update frequently due to college and my focus constantly changing but I try

MidnightSpeedster · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter Eight: Cu Chulainn

William POV

It was the next morning as usual I woke up early and went on over to the dojo to refine my fighting moves after that I would go outside to where the shed was it was the only place Shirou and I could practice our magecraft without being seen.

The shed was rather small but with a bit of experimenting and alteration I had made the inside of the shed about as big as my room one side of the shed belonged to Shirou for his pipes lord know what he does with those.

While the other half of the shed was mine where I would mostly work on my alteration, structural analysis, and time alter since most of dad's crest was incomplete according to him, I had to mostly create my own time alter techniques from scratch.

During my studies I had come across runes and thought that perhaps maybe even runes might be real, so I asked Kiritsugu about it and to my delight it was.

So, I started studying runes Kiritsugu said that it was useless skill that most mages don't use but I argued differently for example you could put a fire rune on a bullet or arrow turning them into a good offensive mystic code.

Of course, I didn't let Shirou see any of my equipment otherwise he would start asking questions hence why I created a secret space room behind the shelf full of Shirou's pipes again using my masterful skill in alteration and of course a bit of construction work.

Pulling out a trick book from the shelf I watched it slide open if one were to look inside, they would see a dark lit room filled with weapons of all kinds arrows that were enchanted with runes, normal bullets that were incased with different rune elements, firearms of unknown designs, explosives that glowed of various colors, and finally some blades that were altered and created from the origin bullets that Kiritsugu had left for me.

I hadn't really used his bullets against any magus as of yet, so I sort messed around with them creating and altering the bullets properties and shape.

I had used up ten origin bullets for the creation of what I dub the origin blades I took another twenty bullets and hid them away so that I could find a way to reproduce them using runes.

The rest of the seventy bullets I kept in that same suitcase waiting to use them for the right time stepping inside of the room I went straight towards my desk where I had left the book about ancient Norse runes something I had generously taken from the local Fuyuki library.

I sat down opening up from where I left off and continued reading for the next hour or so once I finished the book, I closed it placing it on top of my built in upper shelf and left back inside the household for breakfast.

"Oh, your back William where were you?" Shirou asked while cleaning the dishes I grunted "in the shed," I said hinting at what I was actually doing Shirou nodded and went back to cleaning the dishes while handing the plates to Sakura so that she could put them in the dryer.

I silently walked to where Shirou was and grabbed a plate to clean "wow first you waited for me last night now your actually helping with the dishes tell me who are and what have you done with my brother" Shirou commented with astonishment I glare at him "oi I can clean the dishes and be a caring brother when I need to," I said with fake anger causing him to chuckle.

I went down to hand Sakura the next plate when I caught sight of her hand "Sakura wait a moment," I said firmly making her freeze while Shirou paused what he was doing "what happened to your hand?" I asked my tone getting a bit icier Sakura stuttered "Oh t-this? T-this it's nothing William-senpai,"

"don't tell me Shinji.." Shirou trailed off as I looked at him "Shinji's been doing this?" I asked he nods while Sakura looked down, I gave a loud tch and grabbed my coat from where it was on the hanger "I'll meet you guys at the school," I said leaving the house, but Sakura left the kitchen chasing after me "wait please senpai...don't do anything to nii-san he's just misguided," she said grabbing my arm.

I tugged my arm out of her grasp "I promise I am not going to hurt him Sakura....I am just going to talk to him," I said looking back at her before continuing my way to Homurahara.

When I got there, I immediately started my man hunt for Shinji but for a loud arrogant bastard he sure was good at not being found I thought with clenched fists and decided to wait after school.

Multiple times Shirou had tried to talk to me in class, but I ignored him knowing that he would talk me out of what he assumed I was going to do.

The whole-time during class I kept my eye on Shinji and his gang of girls the bell rang so I hurried and packed everything up following Shinji down the flight of stairs. Shirou however was quick to catch up to me and grab my shoulder "wait William let me talk to him alright," Shirou asked.

"Fine you can talk to him," I relented Shirou nodded gratefully and walked up to Shinji "hey Shinji can I have word with you?" Shirou asked "A minute? Too bad as you can see, I am very much busy isn't that right girls," he said glancing at the two girls next to him much to my disgust.

He begins to walk away and Shirou says, "this is about the bruise on Sakura's hand," Shinji turns around and tries to change the subject but Shirou persisted.

"You know you're getting on my nerves Emiya," he said with irritation and the feeling was quite mutual I thought walking up to him with a glare Shirou tries to say something, but I spoke first "listen up you little shit I don't give two hells about whatever flimsy excuse you have but if you so as much as put your hands on Sakura again then..." I trailed off at the end.

The room suddenly felt hot making Shinji and everyone else tremble my hair covered my eyes when I looked up at Shinji's face of fear "you'll see what will happen," I said darkly making Shinji nod. I then turned around while titling my head at Shirou to follow but he frowned upset at my actions and ignored me.

"I am sorry about William he didn't mean anything bad by it," Shirou apologized snapping Shinji out of his shock he glares at me for a moment before he puts a fake smile on "well if you're sorry then you can help clean up the archery club it's sort of a mess right now I would do it, but I have plans as you can see till then Emiya," Shinji said leaving down the hall.

Once he was gone, I grabbed Shirou by the shoulders "alright Shirou clearly you must have lost your mind what the hell were you thinking?!" I demanded Shirou glares tugging my arm off his shoulder "Shinji said he didn't do it, so he didn't do it you didn't have to go making threats for no reason," he replied angrily I chuckle "see this is why we argue every time because of how gullible you are Shirou easy to believe everything even when the evidence is right in front of you!"

Shirou's frown deepened his stubbornness matching my own "I'm not blind to his faults but jumping to conclusions and making threats won't solve anything either," I sighed releasing the tension in my shoulders "maybe your right Shirou...but you could be wrong you just don't see it yet" I said as we walked to the archery club.

The club was a complete and utter mess like how that seaweed bastard had said without saying word Shirou and I started cleaning the place up.

Time had passed and by the time we were done it was already nighttime "well seems like were done here" Shirou commented absentmindedly.

I grunted we were about to head out for the day when the sound of something clashing got our attention Shirou and I looked at one another.

We silently walked closer to the sounds and saw two people one was dressed in a strange red like clothing he had silver hair, gray eyes, dark tan skin, and was dual wielding a pair of twin swords while the other was dressed in blue spandex with a red spear gripped in his hand.

The two battled fiercely I could barely keep up with their movements it was only with the quick use of reinforcement to my eyes that I was able to see them. Every move the two made were swiftly engraved into my mind although the silvered haired man's sword style looked a bit familiar to me.

"Who are they?" Shirou asked, "we should probably leave quickly before they spot us let's go," I softly whispered turning to leave unfortunately the spearman noticed us "who's there?!" he asked out loud "shit!" I cursed.

Shirou and I ran but the man was quick to catch us Shirou fell on the floor with a grunt while I slid past him a few distance away I stood back up ignoring the pain.

I picked Shirou up in a fireman carry continuing my run, but the spearman was somehow keeping up damn it looks like I have no choice "Time Alter: Quadriple Accel!" I chanted the world around me slowed down but my speed increased greatly.

While I was at it I also reinforced my legs my heart was beating fast, but it would be worth it because I wasn't going to let us die, I thought taking the quickest route back to the house.

Placing Shirou down on the mat I slowly released my time alter this time it took me thirty seconds for my body to readjust back to the normal flow of time. I breathed in sharply feeling my heart go down from its fast beating to normal.

Shirou stood up with a bewildered expression "what the hell happened how did we get here so quick William!" he asked I swallowed regaining some air in my lungs "I used time alter along with reinforcement whoever that spearman is he's hunting for us...shit he's already here Shirou go to the shed now!" I said feeling the alarm bounded field go off.

We went outside to where the shed was, but it was too late for the man had finally found us seemingly materializing in front of us "not bad kid being able to out speed me isn't something a normal mage of this era can claim" he said spinning his red spear around the instinctual use of my mastered structural analysis activated letting me see into the weapon's complete history.

I bit back the gasp that threatened to escape from my mouth "so how is it your here and alive...Irelands Child of Light?" I asked shocking the man before he grinned "oh my that's the second person today to have gotten my real name right I would tell you, but you see my master would rather much prefer you and the boy behind you to be dead unfortunately," he said while scowling disdainfully at the mention of his master.

"Shirou get to the shed quickly!" I said once more but Shirou doesn't listen "no way I can help!" he shouted I turned to him with a glare "damn it Shirou just do as I say you're of no use here your tracing skill isn't even perfected yet I on the other hand..." I trailed off slamming my foot on the ground.

A deep rumble shook the ground as a huge dirt wall raised itself between Shirou and I using alteration I was able to alter the area around me to elevate the ground up into a giant dirt barrier. I then pull out the origin blade that I kept on my person at all times and proceeded to alter it into a long golden colored spear my eyes hardened for battle.

Cu smirks "well it seems someone thinks they can fight me with a spear," he commented getting into a stance the very same stance that I proceeded to copy perfectly much to his surprise.

-end of chapter eight-

phew I am freaking exhausted from all this writing, so I'll be posting chapter nine tomorrow.

Fun Fact in Archer's timeline both he and William split up agreeing to meet back at their house, so he still died the first time around before getting revived by Rin.