
Fate/Scp: Epic of The Demiurge

Our infamous lonely protagonist Kazuya Yagami was suddenly torn from his reality by a mysterious system for unknown reasons. He has fallen into a foreign world filled with danger at every turn. And he needs to find a way to deal with the secrets he will discover along his journey. [Ding!] [User you have been chosen to try the new system just created] [Yes] [Yes] "Huh?" [Congratulations Host you got Omniverse Gacha System] "Wait up! Fuck, No!!" ---- https://discord.gg/pnBQTzJr paypal.me/david911234

Demon_King22 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter: 25


Chapter: 25 - Sakuya Izayoi Part-2


[A/N: Guys, remember to leave a review if you like the story as usual. That I'm having fun writing it and I think it's going very well. I would like to hear some of your opinions <3]


Kazuya Pov

It seemed that I was wrong and this Gacha, was more creepy than I initially thought or perhaps it was better to say that it was an 'entity' that relies heavily on logic and was only interested in adding only its goal.

After this information I could only think that the Gacha was really sentient like this? Or is there "programming" of some kind in it? I could not help but think that perhaps it was very similar to the "God" or rather the archive that appears in KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World.

*Tch* It was quite useless to think about these things. I can only be happy for the benefits given to me and do my best to become an existence that could be left alone by most entities in the universe.

Also from what I had understood it seemed that the Gacha saved you? Well, it was not a great choice, after all the other option was death.... But even if this Sakuya in front of me would for some reason have rejected the system's proposal

It was very much a foregone conclusion that the Gacha would probably move on to the next "Sakuya" until someone accepts. In another alternate universe or something like that. After all, our multiverse was very big and I didn't think he had chosen a plan B in case of failure.

Now I also know how she feels about me, I had activated my electromagnetic field, and I could feel it coming from her. Different emotions that were fear, respect, loyalty, etc. These were feelings that Sakuya herself felt as she looked at me with her usual cold expression.

And those feelings were shared. Not only because of the Gacha that was slowly transferring those feelings to me. But mainly because of my electromagnetic field that was always active around me like the domains of Soul Land, and in a way these feelings grew stronger of me.

As for negative emotions, however, I could also perceive them as anger, hatred, contempt, disgust, sadness and so on? And I was also absorbing them to try to somehow increase my Oni perpetuation, and especially to grow my divine soul length.

Unlike what you might think, the feeling of absorbing so many negative feelings was not bad, in fact in a certain sense I even felt more energetic and even strangely stronger.

It seemed that in a sense I was absorbing the negative feelings and then I don't know how it made them my own. To make a comparison in my opinion it would be like Tsuna's Zero Point Breakthrough: Revised technique.

Not to mention the "Loyalty" that is embedded in my summonses. It was very subtle and I really liked that to be honest.... It was in a way like Shisui's mangekyou sharingan skill.

With that I felt more relaxed. It looks like I won't have any problems with Summons, that they believed it was natural to trust me up to a certain point. From what I could sense, Sakuya felt that there was no point in thinking of betraying since I had saved her in a way.

"I see," I replied, "Then I will be entrusted to your care. I know a little about you and your world. So relax, I won't ask you to commit any asassination or anything like that and above all I won't put you in danger. Let's get along from now on." I say extending my hand with a small smile adorning my face.

After all, I had achieved one of my many weeb goals, to summon a sexy silver-haired maid to call me master.... 'Now there was only one more she-devil silver-haired left before I could say I had completed the collection'

I see her hesitate, before putting that quiet smile back on her face. Her cold, calculating mask. Perhaps she doesn't trust me.... All right, I have time to change it.

"Then I will be under your care, master." She speaks in a calm and cold tone that, if I didn't have my Gacha shield in front of my eyes and my electrical powers, I would seriously think she is lying to me, even though it is absolutely not possible.


Name: Sakuya Izayoi

Race: Human

Bond Relationship [3/10]

It seems that building a relationship with my summonses is easier than I initially expected. It just takes some effort on my part.... But after getting to know the history of most of the characters, it wasn't that hard to try to get along with them.

And a slot for assimilation, eh? That way I could have made my subordinates much stronger. I couldn't help but think how Bullet would have grown if he had assimilated Upgrade (Ben 10).

Charmcaster could also become stronger by assimilating some characters that could be considered real wizards, such as some characters from Fairy Tail or even Negima (Uq Holder).

Well, that was stuff for the future, better not to think about it right now. "So... Master Kazuya?" says Sakuya after a few seconds of thought, finally finding the honorific meaning he wants to use for our relationship.

"Well, if you like it."

"I have some questions for you, Sakuya. As you already know, I have the power to bring people from different realities to help me. In fact, you are the first sentient I have brought.... By the way, this is Hakumen. Take care of her too." I say pointing to the cat that is coiling in my lap right now.

From what I could sense with my electromagnetic field trying to decipher her emotions. She seemed to know my summoning power. But she does not know the details. She does not know about Gacha. In fact, she did not even know my name, what I looked like or what my powers were.

I had, in a nutshell, become the final boss of Dark Soul for my own pleasure, not that I had somehow obtained powers related to lightning or even had any kind of connection with dragons....

Basically the Gacha was very clever, and he didn't mention anything that might have you would have refused his request somehow. "I assume your body is in very good condition, right?" I ask, with a little effort, to try to make friends.

"Yes, I feel great. No pain or discomfort. And my abilities are at their best. Thank you for your concern." He speaks to me in a professional manner.

"Don't think too much about it. It's good that you have no problems..... Even if you had some old wounds, I could heal you." I tell her as I stand up and she shows a somewhat confused expression.

Hakumen gets up from my lap where she was rolling around on the couch and starts following me with obvious desire for more cuddles for my pleasure to continue stroking her tail.

"But later I will tell you about the world we are in. Now I will tell you a little about myself. In short, I have several skills, but I often use electrical manipulation and some blood-related skills.... I won't say more, Nbn, because I don't trust you. But that would be too long an explanation. I hope you don't mind." I say and she nods her head.

"No problem... The master may not even tell me anything if he thinks it is necessary" She speaks a little surprised.

"Yes. This world is dangerous in a different way than yours. I will explain in detail later." I say after we move to the center of my apartment.

"I want you to help me with something, Sakuya." I say thinking of a card in my inventory that depicted a strange fruit. But first a little help to make her apartment, in a real castle of the demon king.

"I would like to ask you to manipulate the space of the whole apartment, just as you 'stretch' the space of Scarlet Devil Mansion which was originally small, much more abundantly spacious."

"Yes. I can do it with ease, master." Sakuya replies and starts walking around the apartment. She closes her eyes with an obvious concentrated face. Outwardly apparently nothing changes. But I could feel certain changes taking place in the space around me.

"Done... I just added 69 new rooms, unlike before. " Sakuya speaks after a few minutes of silence.

"Well done," I could only comment as I stepped forward and opened one of the many rooms in front of me. It was in the same Japanese theme as originally. As I walked around the room a bit, I noticed that it was a much larger space, but completely empty.

'A good place to train,' I immediately thought, it was time to perfect all the martial arts styles I had acquired through assimilation so I could continue my ascent to heaven.

"Good job, Sakuya," I commented on her obvious good work. She seemed very pleased with my compliments, although she did not show it in her face. "Mhm" At the same time that I used the paper that had appeared in my hand, it disappeared into golden particles and I saw Sakuya's eyes widen for a moment. "Doa Doa no Mi?"

Doa Doa no Mi, a Paramecia-type devil fruit that allows him to create and open doors on any surface, no matter how strong or thick that surface may be. Using his doors, he can easily enter otherwise inaccessible places, such as closed rooms. He can also open doors to move freely throughout the environment, preparing for sneak attacks, as well as open small doors that he can use to trap the feet of his opponents and many other very interesting applications.

"I just gave you a power that I think you will be very compatible with, don't think too much about it. Instead you know how to use it already?"

"Yes. Somehow- But its weakness-" Sakuya tried to say, but I promptly interrupted her.

"It's already been solved," I replied as I used the last "weakness removal" card I had, but I still had a lot of gacha tickets for that reason I wasn't too worried.


"Hmm. By the way, later I will give you some things to study about this world. Culture, history, common sense." I could let her with the good old Internet take care of her. And I'd let her explore the Internet and learn what she can do and want, while this saved me valuable time for unnecessary explanations.

But as we all know the public Internet can only show certain information and I didn't want my beautiful maid to be corrupted on her first day of work.

"All right, Master... Master Kazuya."


I could now confidently say that I understood what those Isekai protagonists felt and I could only love him as a man of culture... However, now that I think about it, the different cultural and historical memories that I used to bring into this world may have.

I don't think Yoriichi Tsugikuni will be summoned anyway.... I will give the card in question to Saeko to raise her strength to do dirty work or even just my bodyguard.

"Well, Sakuya. I'll stay here for a while.... You can prepare lunch and familiarize yourself with the house in the meantime. Call me when you're ready," I say and with that after a bow, she left me to myself.

Alone, I take off my black jacket and begin my own as I could feel two she arms wrap around my neck. "You ignored me master ~~ You don't want me as your weapon anymore~~" Her seductive voice tickles my ear, making me think of strange fantasies.

"You are my weapon Depore, and only you~~" I responded with a small kiss on her soft little lips.


Sakuya Pov

This world was in a way very different from Gensoukyou where I came from, but at least the technology was very similar; it could only remind me of when the great Yokai barrier had not yet been built.

Opening the refrigerator, I see that the food is about to run out. It would likely last for only a few more days. I will take the matter to the Master. Also what was all this red meat?

Will it be the master's favorite dish? "Mhm~~" I had to learn every single thing about my new master so that I could be his perfect maid.... Otherwise my pride as the perfect maid would suffer.

"Master Kazuya...." I could only mutter in a submerged tone. After all, I can't help but be a little hopeful for my future, despite what I left behind.

Although I could only admit that I missed my mistress and of course all the people who inhabited Scarlet Devil Mansion.... I hoped one day to see everyone again, though I don't know how I would explain my new master.

Pero I'm finally free, I could still remember that abyss slowly devouring me as if I were a prime meal....

I turned on the TV as I started to prepare a small lunch with what I had on hand for my teacher. I saw a strange being resembling a skeleton giving a press conference. "...He must be Shinigami," I could only mutter as a cold chill ran down my spine.

He was dangerous!

He was the god from this, or so the master had said.... He was dangerous, I could tell immediately from a mere glance, he was not a being that could be confronted by a human being.

As I walk past the kitchen I see a small note that was taped above the refrigerator as a reminder. You could tell it was not done in a non-serious way, or at least I could only think so as I read it and doubts grew within me.

The note said, "How to live a peaceful life in another world, as my Chad brother Yogiri Takatou taught me!"

He did not know who this Yogiri was, but it seemed that his master held him in high regard by following his teachings. Obviously this was done just for fun or so I thought until I read the note.

"Forming an alliance with witches? Capture a cute black cat? Become the next Kishin? Go to the Fire Force universe? Take complete control of the Adolla dimension? Become the new supreme god of this universe?



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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If you want to support me for more chapters:

- TDG: Son of the Lord of the Ten Worlds: 3 advanced chapters:

- DC: True Power Saiyan: 3 advanced chapters:


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