

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 89: Some partings and developments

(Titus's (Lot's) POV)

As I entered Morgan's room, a sea of papers and books greeted me on her desk, signaling her deep involvement in some study. Without uttering a word, I gently lifted her from her seat, feeling the weight of fatigue in her body, and carried her to the bed.

"M-Milord?" Morgan spoke, acknowledging my presence in the room, but her tired form lacked the strength to protest. As I placed her on the bed, a sigh escaped my lips.

"I told you to take proper rest, didn't I?"

"I-I apologize," Morgan expressed remorse, "It's just that the financial issue is escalating. I've been exploring different avenues to amass wealth."

Taking a seat beside her, I smiled helplessly. "I am a little disappointed in you, Morgan."

"Why is that, milord?"

I moved my face closer, affectionately sliding her bangs aside, locking eyes with her. "Before being your advisor or teacher, I am your husband, Morgan. Making demands and expressing concerns to your husband is a right I wholeheartedly welcome."

"I see. Thank you, milord." Morgan beamed, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Then, as your wife, my first demand is for you to sleep with me from now on."

It wasn't that I hadn't slept with her before. Occasionally, I did, but most of the time I found myself sleeping alone or with Artoria since she would sneak into my room from time to time.

"Absolutely!" I cheered, settling beside Morgan. I stretched my arm out, and she nestled her head against it. "But I might be a bit of a tease, you know. I'll want to kiss you and feel you up!" I teased, planting a grin on my face as I kissed Morgan's cheek, playfully brushing my head against her neck. My hand slipped beneath her blouse, exploring her belly and navel without reaching her breast.

"Hehe!" Morgan chuckled as I playfully nuzzled her, but then she guided my hand directly to her chest. It was my first time touching her there, and it felt remarkably good. Over the years, she had developed splendidly. She resembled Lostbelt Morgan, so you can imagine just how much she had grown. Moreover, being a fairy, her skin was the smoothest I had ever felt.

"As you said, you are my husband first. So, rather than just saying it, you should let your actions speak for you," Morgan said, blushing.

"Oh my~! My little fairy wife has matured beautifully. I adore it." I smiled, withdrawing my hand from her blouse and kissing her forehead. "But that's all for now. You need rest, so I'll save my surprises for another time."

"I'm excited then," Morgan chuckled, embracing me tightly. "You know, now I understand why Artoria is so attached to you. You feel comforting, like a bed of flowers."

I couldn't help but acknowledge that. I mean, practically every girl had said something similar. It must be because of my saintly aura or something.

"Milord?" Morgan called out suddenly.

"What is it?"

"I love you."

For a moment, I was taken aback. Her affection wasn't entirely unexpected, given her recent gestures, but it made me reflect on what Merlin had mentioned. Did I genuinely love Morgan, or any woman for that matter? Was I merely seeking passion like Medb, rather than genuine commitment? What did love mean to me?

Whatever the case might be, I chose to follow my heart. Sometimes, a little white lie is kinder.

"I love you too, Morgan."


"Nooo way! Artoria isn't letting unkie go!" Artoria cried, clinging tightly to my leg. If it were anyone else, their legs might have already been in jeopardy due to her dragon-like strength, but I only felt a slight twinge. At seven years old, she was far from her King Arthur counterpart.

"Um, Your Majesty, why don't you teach her magecraft or swordsmanship yourself?" Merlin suggested.

"That's right! I want unkie to teach me!" Artoria chimed in, echoing Merlin's suggestion.

I sighed and crouched down to Artoria's level, meeting her gaze. "So, how about we start with a test on the book I asked you to read?"

"Eh?" Artoria gasped, and after some fumbling, she looked at me with adorable puppy eyes. "Artoria... hasn't read it yet. Artoria is sorry…"

I stood up and turned to Merlin, shaking my head. "See, that's why I can't teach her anything. She's just too adorable for me."

Her enchanting green eyes were simply irresistible. Despite having raised many children, Artoria remained exceptional. Those adorable emerald eyes had a way of melting my resolve, and I couldn't help but spoil her.

"At least give it a try!" Merlin protested. "Fine, I'll take care of her. I was going to be her advisor anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Turning back to Artoria, I explained, "Listen, Artoria, in the next five years, your sister will be heading into a fierce direct war with Vortigern. You want to help her, don't you?"

Artoria nodded, her cheeks pouting slightly.

"Then you need to get stronger. You have both physical and magical talent, so I want you to stand by her side in the future."

"Um," Artoria nodded, and we embraced each other. "Artoria doesn't want to leave unkie…"

"Unkie doesn't want to leave Artoria either, but I'll be busy with some fairy matters."

Another reason I couldn't personally teach Artoria was due to my upcoming travels for fairy matters. Besides, she had become too attached to me. It was crucial for her to meet other people and learn different skills like swordsmanship and magecraft from Merlin. Additionally, her being a bit of a fairy boosted her overall abilities, alongside her dragon aspect.

I handed Artoria a magical device for video calls, allowing her to reach me whenever she wanted.

"And remember what I told you about Merlin and inappropriate behavior?"

"Annihilate his balls like they never existed."

"Hey! That's dangerous! On second thought, I'm leaving," Merlin said, sweat forming on his brow.

After a final hug, Artoria left with Merlin.

"Now that's taken care of. Time to surprise my wife."


I guided Morgan toward a hall, stopping behind a door. Handing her a key, I urged her to open it.

"What's this for?" she inquired.

"It's your first surprise," I replied, a hint of excitement in my voice.

Curious, Morgan nodded and unlocked the door. The sight that greeted us was dazzling—a golden light nearly blinding us as the door swung open.

"!!!" Morgan gasped in astonishment.

The vast hall stretched endlessly, filled with an unimaginable wealth that no one in Britain's history had ever witnessed. Gold, emeralds, sapphires, diamonds, rubies—the room was a treasure trove of opulence. Among the riches were jade dragons, exquisitely crafted weapons like golden swords and shields, and an array of priceless artifacts.

Standing beside my stunned wife, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and asked, "Do you like it? This is my gift to my ruler."

Morgan looked at me, her eyes filled with hesitation. "No… I-I can't…"

I gently placed my fingers on her lips. "Morgan, I have faith in your ability to manage this wealth. Use it as you see fit," I encouraged, then raised a golden ring. With a mesmerizing glow, the ring absorbed all the gold in the room before I slid it onto her finger. "Let this empower your kingdom, my fairy queen."

Blushing, Morgan nodded. "I understand."

"For the second and final surprise, I have this for you," I announced, presenting Morgan with a book. Confusion flickered across her face until she began reading. Within a few pages, the shock in her eyes surpassed that of when she saw the vast treasure of gold.

"Milord, this is…"

"Yes, the real path to your success."

The book was a treasure trove of various war tactics, weapon mastery, and scientific insights into terrains. It covered topics such as how to interpret weather patterns, navigate efficiently, and set traps for enemies. Alongside military strategies, it provided guidance on running a court, delegating authorities, fostering trade relations with neighboring countries, and maintaining a well-organized army.

Interwoven with these practical aspects were scientific papers detailing concepts not yet discovered, accompanied by a note cautioning against their public disclosure. I emphasized the importance of Morgan establishing a research and development sector to explore new ideas and propel her kingdom forward.

"Sorry, I couldn't create a magic sword or barrier or something," I confessed, scratching my head. However, Morgan shook her head.

"Milord, please do not say such things. This book is far more valuable than any magecraft or mystic code," she stated, a tear forming in her eyes. "I could not ask for anything more. Thank you, milord."


It was nighttime, and I was engrossed in a book when I sensed a presence. Closing the book, I felt Morgan sliding onto my lap.

"I am tired, milord. Hug me and comfort me," she requested.

"Haha! A queen shouldn't behave like that," I teased.

"I do not, but nothing shall stop me from being who I am inside in front of my beloved husband," Morgan replied with formality.

I chuckled and embraced her warmly. Yet, I soon noticed she was wearing incredibly thin clothing, almost revealing more than necessary for the chilly night.

"You should wear more clothes. It is cold here," I suggested, but Morgan remained silent, creating a moment of quietness.

As I looked into her eyes, I sensed that she had a purpose for being here.

"Milord, am I lacking something?" Morgan suddenly asked, and I shook my head. She began to caress my cheek and inquired, "Then why don't you touch me?"

I maintained my silence.

"Milord… I… I want a child."

At those words, a deep pain gripped my chest. Images of Nero's and Tamamo's suffering surfaced, and I felt anger at the loss of my children. Yet, in a millisecond, I sighed and smiled.

"I will give you a baby, but after your battle with Vortigern."

Technically, I could impregnate Morgan since it was September, and she wouldn't be fighting any more wars due to the harsh winter. Having an heir would also allow her to face critics head-on. People would listen to her, as Britain would have an heir to look up to.

I could not bear the thought of risking the loss of another child, not after the pain of losing two. It wasn't about considering children a burden or weakness; it was simply that I was not ready to welcome another child into the world, not before dealing with the threat of the Whore of Babylonia.

"Sorry, Morgan. You need to focus on the decisive battle. I know it may seem cowardly to view children as a burden, but I want you to concentrate on uniting the country," I explained.

"Sigh~! I understand, milord," Morgan sighed, clearly disappointed.

"But~!" I smirked, and my hand around her neck slipped inside her nightie, teasing her nipple.

"Ah!" Morgan moaned loudly, quickly covering her mouth in embarrassment.

Not stopping there, my other hand ventured to more intimate regions. Gently spreading her legs, I explored Morgan's pink hues, my fingers venturing inside.

"Ahn~! Milord… that's… dirty…" Morgan warned, attempting to halt my advances, but I rolled my eyes.

"My wife can't be dirty anywhere," I declared, continuing to explore her body.

Morgan offered a helpless smile with pink cheeks, allowing me to play around. She moaned, enjoying the playful touch.

But then, in an instant, our eyes met, and our instincts led us to close the gap between our faces, sealing our lips. Morgan wrapped her arms around my neck, and I reciprocated by holding her waist. We moved from the chair to the bed, and that night was filled with the endless echoes of shared pleasure.


Yeah, I was writing this chapter with one hand.

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