
Fate: Requiem of the Holy Grail

Giorno Giovanna is suddenly summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War, a deadly battle between seven mages and a powerful servant from legend. Together, Giorno and his master set out to fight their way through the other mages and servants, using their combined strength and cunning to emerge victorious. As they battle their way through the tournament, Giorno must also confront his own demons and the secrets of his pasts, learning more about the true nature of the Holy Grail War and the role he is meant to play in it. Ultimately, Giorno must make a difficult choice about his own future and the fate of the Holy Grail War. ---- 2~10 ch/week 700-1500 words/ch

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17 Chs

Vines of death

As the "Assassin" turned to face him, a look of fear and surprise washed over its features. It was a satisfying sight for the honest servant, who struck a dramatic pose with his right hand pointed towards the golem-assassin and his left hand resting on his thigh. To those watching from the sidelines, the servant seemed comically out of place with his ridiculous posture and the situation's absurdity.

As Giorno Giovanna plummeted from the rooftop, he knew that if it weren't for the second part of his plan, his enemies might see him as nothing more than a worthless servant. With a loud crash, he landed on the ground below, the area around him bursting into a dazzling golden light.

The ground around him erupted in a writhing mass of thorny vines, wriggling like tentacles as they reached out to ensnare their prey. The golem assassin drew a short knife from its belt and, with a swift slash, severed one of the vines. But to everyone's surprise, the vine suddenly became fragile. The golem's arm burst open with a spray of oily, red fluid as it was neatly bisected, following the same line as the sliced vine. Even Kirei Kotomine, the mastermind behind this attack, seemed caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events.

As the golem stumbled backward, Giorno wasted no time summoning his vines to bind the fake servant. They ultimately ensnared the golem, leaving only its head exposed as it struggled to break free. Giorno approached the creature slowly, his knuckles cracking as golden energy swirled around his fists. But he still needed to finish. With a sly smile, he released the grip of the vines on the golem ever so slightly.

The golem ripped itself free from Giorno's vines, its body scarred and battered from the backlash of the attack. But as a mindless construct, it felt no pain and continued its relentless assault. It sprang forward, the knife in its hand aimed straight at Giorno's throat.

With a relaxed, emotionless expression, Giorno raised his hands and prepared to counter the attack. He waited until the very last moment, his eyes locked onto the golem's, before unleashing his attack.

His arm moved with lightning-fast speed.

"Muda Muda Muda!" With a mighty shout, his fists smashed into the golem with the force of a sonic boom. He rained a barrage of punches down on every inch of its body, tearing it apart piece by piece until it was nothing more than a heap of scrap metal floating aimlessly in the air.

As he walked away from the fallen golem, its enchanted body beginning to disintegrate like a servant's spiritual form upon death, Giorno couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He wiped the simulated blood from his face, his vines disappearing at his command as he left the garden.

As Giorno walked through the doors of the Tohsaka household, he couldn't help but wonder if his risky display of power had been worth it. He knew it wasn't wise to reveal his abilities unnecessarily, but it was too late to turn back. His first priority was to clean the blood off his prized clothing before it stained permanently.

The towering figure in the room let out a disappointed sigh as he spoke to his companion, a much smaller man. "So, Assassin was killed already. I was hoping to have a chance to test my skills against them, but I doubt they would have given me much of a challenge." The behemoth of a man let out a contemptuous snort.

He was seated cross-legged on the floor, flipping through a guidebook of the local area with rapt attention as he engaged in conversation with the young magus.

"So, how did it happen? And what about the servant who killed the Assassin? Did you get a good look at them?"

"Uh, yeah. I saw him... Tohsaka's servant... it has to either be Archer or Caster, but the way he created those vines seems to rule out the former," the boy stammered, unable to provide a more concrete answer.

"Oh? A summoner, is he? That's quite a high-class magecraft. He should be an entertaining opponent!" The man laughed, his deep voice echoing off the walls of the cramped room. "No wonder he trounced the Assassin!"

"Rider! I've told you a hundred times, keep it down at night. You're going to wake up the whole neighborhood!" The young magus pleaded, knowing his servant was unlikely to listen.

Rider looked at his master with a confused expression, laying down the book of maps he had been studying. "Tohsaka's servant might have summoned something, but I'm not sure he was really a summoner."

"A magus who defeats their opponents through summoning must be a summoner. What else could they be?"

"That's just it. He didn't use summoning to defeat the Assassin. He used...he used his fists." The boy nearly stumbled as Rider instantly stood to his full height, his eyes shining with excitement. With a massive hand almost the size of the boy's head, Rider slapped him on the back.

"Alright, I'm ready to go!" Rider exclaimed, his eyes burning with excitement. "We must find our enemies before anyone else gets taken out like that Assassin did. Let's move!" He practically dragged his master out of the house they had been using as a base, a look of pure terror etched on the boy's face. Little did they know, the real Assassin was still lurking in the shadows, stalking the streets at that very moment.