
Fate: Requiem of the Holy Grail

Giorno Giovanna is suddenly summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War, a deadly battle between seven mages and a powerful servant from legend. Together, Giorno and his master set out to fight their way through the other mages and servants, using their combined strength and cunning to emerge victorious. As they battle their way through the tournament, Giorno must also confront his own demons and the secrets of his pasts, learning more about the true nature of the Holy Grail War and the role he is meant to play in it. Ultimately, Giorno must make a difficult choice about his own future and the fate of the Holy Grail War. ---- 2~10 ch/week 700-1500 words/ch

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17 Chs

Ridiculous plan

As the flame engulfed Giorno, Tokiomi's heart froze with fear. Has the servant's ability failed? But then he saw his servant standing unharmed as if the mock battle had never happened. The only thing left in the aftermath was the sound of his servant calling out the name of his Noble Phantasm. Gold Experience Requiem. The mere name exuded power, a power that Tokiomi could barely comprehend.

As the truth of the situation dawned on him, the Magus felt his reason and control slipping away. He couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. His servant, this mysterious and unknown hero, had once again managed to pull a rabbit out of his hat. Suddenly, everything fell into place. He had won. The Holy Grail War hadn't even officially begun, but he had already secured victory with this one move.

It was a foregone conclusion that no one could defeat this servant. It was simply unfathomable. No other servant summoned by any other party could hope to match Giorno's level of power; they would have to be divine beings to even come close. As the servant watched his master cackle maniacally, his face twisted in wild glee, he remained stoic, his expression unchanging as he spoke.

"Are you satisfied with my power level now, or do you require another demonstration?" Finally managing to rein in his laughter, Tokiomi turned to his servant and smiled. What he had initially viewed as a failure on his part had turned out to be a stroke of luck.

He could feel the sweat beading on his brow as he clutched his staff, the adrenaline coursing through his veins at the thought of victory. Even though things hadn't gone exactly as he had hoped, he knew all that mattered was the outcome.

He was determined to see his ambitions come to fruition, "Archer, it's time to start this war," Tokiomi said, a sly smirk spreading across his face. "Come with me. We'll go over the plan as we walk." Tokiomi marched out of the park, his steps filled with resolve. The stoic Giorno followed silently behind him, listening attentively as his master outlined his plan to commence the war.

As the two walked back towards the Tohsaka mansion, Tokiomi explained, "We'll have plenty of time to deal with the true Assassin of the war later. This little distraction will demonstrate your power and throw off the plans of the other masters."

Giorno wasn't convinced that his master's plan was right, but he knew it was best to play along and appear loyal. He couldn't say he felt much attachment to his 'Master,' but he wasn't ready to betray him. With a nod, he pretended to be on board with the plan.

The plan was straightforward: they would use the alliance between the Tohsaka family head and the master of Caster, as well as the Church's oversight of the Holy Grail War, to their advantage. With the help of Risei, they could eliminate the master of Assassin, who had conveniently not shown any signs of participating in the war at that time. Then, they disseminated false information that Kirei was actually the master of Assassin, not Caster.

Kirei's deception was simple, but it would only work on those who weren't present to witness it firsthand. For those watching from afar, however, it is enough to temporarily trick them. Kirei would attack his master, pretending to betray him, and he would use a specially designed golem to do the job. The golem was crafted to resemble the Assassin class from previous holy grail wars, a slender humanoid figure draped in black clothing except for a gleaming white mask carved into a skull.

Perched on the manor's roof, Giorno waited in his spirit form, hidden from view. He knew they would put their plan into action tonight, though he couldn't help feeling it was unnecessary. If it came down to it, he was confident he could defeat the other servants in a straight-up fight. But his master was determined to follow this particular course of action.

He surveyed the garden below, noting the standard layout that showed at least some thought had been put into its design. It wasn't fascinating to him, but it was a decent enough space.

As Giorno scanned the surroundings, Tokiomi's elaborate system of magical security spells caught his attention. As a spiritual entity, he could see the Bounded Fields easily, each layer stacked upon the other like a glittering fortress. They were beautiful, but they served little practical purpose beyond alerting the occupants to an intruder's presence. So why had Tokiomi invested so heavily in them?

As he stood amidst the glittering, magical barriers set up by his master, Giorno watched in silence as the fake servant Assassin ghosted through the darkness, silently carrying out his mission to eliminate the Tohsaka head before the real battle began. Despite the situation's absurdity, Giorno kept his expression carefully blank, hiding his eye roll behind a mask of impassivity. But inside, he couldn't help but shake his head at the ridiculousness of it all.

"To dare enter my master's territory so brazenly...you must be the enemy!" Giorno called out, following the script given to the letter. The primary purpose of this charade was to distract attention from Kirei, who would be operating in the shadows. But there was another reason for it as well, fueled by Tokiomi's arrogant desire to show off the power of his servant to the other masters. He wanted them to see and fear his servant.