
Fate: Requiem of the Holy Grail

Giorno Giovanna is suddenly summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War, a deadly battle between seven mages and a powerful servant from legend. Together, Giorno and his master set out to fight their way through the other mages and servants, using their combined strength and cunning to emerge victorious. As they battle their way through the tournament, Giorno must also confront his own demons and the secrets of his pasts, learning more about the true nature of the Holy Grail War and the role he is meant to play in it. Ultimately, Giorno must make a difficult choice about his own future and the fate of the Holy Grail War. ---- 2~10 ch/week 700-1500 words/ch

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17 Chs

Spectacular Battle

With a flicker of gold, the blood streaming from Giorno's amputated fingers transformed into the shape of his severed digits, as though they had never been separated from his hand. Gold Experience had mended his wounds, rendering any non-fatal injuries mere inconveniences. Testing his newly restored hand, he shifted back into his spectral form and headed toward the ongoing duel between Saber and Lancer.

The battle between the two warriors was as fierce as when he had departed, each combatant equally matched. Saber's blue-hued sword clashed against Lancer's concealed spears, the latter whirling around him like a tempest. His agility was such that even with heightened reflexes, it was difficult for the onlooker to track the weapon's movements. The fight was befitting of a clash between two legendary heroes.

Lancer launched two swift attacks toward Saber, but she parried them effortlessly, her expression unchanged. The resolute look in her eyes mirrored the man's own, a fierce determination to fight for their deepest desires. Each servant was summoned with a wish to be fulfilled, and Saber was no exception.

Suddenly, a voice broke through the cacophony of clashing weapons. "That's enough, Lancer..." The servant in green retreated, a smug expression on his face. The voice belonged to Lancer's master, though he was nowhere to be found, a cowardly tactic befitting of one who shied away from the battle. "Your playtime is over. End this fight now; I permit you to use your Noble Phantasm."

Following the master's command, Lancer discarded his short spear and proceeded to unwind the wrappings on his long spear. As he stripped off the purple cloth, a gleaming red spear emerged, radiating a fiery aura that contrasted starkly with the dreary surroundings. Lancer launched himself forward with renewed vigor, moving so fast he almost seemed to teleport.

What had once been an evenly matched fight now became one-sided, as Saber found herself pushed back with every strike of Lancer's relentless fury. His spear sliced through the darkness in a blur of crimson, leaving trails of red sparks in its wake.

Saber, who had thus far dodged all of Lancer's attacks, became wary of the power of his newly revealed Noble Phantasm. Giorno struggled to keep up with the lightning-fast movements of the two warriors. Although he was accustomed to fights where a single blow could end the encounter, the prolonged exchanges of blows between Lancer and Saber left him unsettled.

Saber retreated further and further, nearly reaching her master's position. Suddenly, Lancer thrust his crimson spear forward like a bolt of lightning, leaving Saber with no room to dodge and placing her master in harm's way. The spear struck Saber's invisible sword, unleashing a brief flash of golden light before fading back into invisibility. Saber leaped backward, but the relentless spear continued to pursue her, clashing against her sword again and again.

Lancer adjusted his grip on his spear, confident that he had finally figured out Saber's tactics. He had memorized the length and shape of her blade, rendering its invisibility useless. With a rush of adrenaline, he charged forward, his spear moving with even greater skill than before.

Saber's attempt to dodge his strike was futile. The sound of a blade cutting into flesh echoed through the air, followed by a splash of red. Lancer's spear had struck her in the right side of her body, punching through her steel plate armor with ease. Saber's armor remained undamaged, yet the spear had bypassed it completely.

Saber quickly realized what had happened. "Your spear cuts through magic, yes?" she asked, returning to a fighting stance as her master began to cast a healing spell on her wounded side. "Since my armor is formed from my mana, it's nothing but a hindrance against your Noble Phantasm."

Without hesitation, Saber removed her armor. She was putting everything on her next strike. Giorno could sense the boldness of her move, knowing that she would take severe damage if Lancer landed a blow against her. With a burst of energy, Saber dashed forward with inhuman speed, one she had not displayed before in the fight.

Lancer was caught off guard as Saber's upward slash robbed him of his spear. He leaped back to avoid her follow-up blow, but she kept running in. As she approached the unarmored Lancer once more, a slight smirk appeared on his face.

As she noticed Lancer closing in on her, Saber tried to escape but it was too late. Lancer's movements were lightning-fast as he kicked the ground beneath him and caught his short spear with ease, before plunging it into Saber's right hand with a sharp and brutal thrust. The golden spear pierced through her flesh, causing her hand to hang limp and bleed profusely.

Saber's attempt to retreat had given Lancer enough time to retrieve his long spear, and he now wielded both weapons with a lethal grace. Saber cursed herself for removing her armor, realizing that her mistake had cost her dearly.

In agony, Saber called out to her master Irisviel for help, her voice strained with pain. The usually composed and confident Saber had been reduced to a vulnerable and desperate state. Her master tried her best to heal the wound but with no success, her anxiety and fear evident on her face.

Giorno watched helplessly as the fight turned completely in Lancer's favor. Saber's hand was not healing, and she seemed to realize something as her gaze locked onto Lancer's. The air was charged with tension, and the two warriors stared each other down, waiting for the other to make the next move.