
Fate: Requiem of the Holy Grail

Giorno Giovanna is suddenly summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War, a deadly battle between seven mages and a powerful servant from legend. Together, Giorno and his master set out to fight their way through the other mages and servants, using their combined strength and cunning to emerge victorious. As they battle their way through the tournament, Giorno must also confront his own demons and the secrets of his pasts, learning more about the true nature of the Holy Grail War and the role he is meant to play in it. Ultimately, Giorno must make a difficult choice about his own future and the fate of the Holy Grail War. ---- 2~10 ch/week 700-1500 words/ch

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17 Chs

Alexander the Great

As she spoke, the woman's eyes fixed on the Servant before her, and she recognized him as Diarmuid Ua Duibhne. Giorno could see the surprise in her expression, and he wondered why this particular name held such significance. He was not well-versed in history or mythology, so the name meant nothing to him. Perhaps Tokiomi, his mentor, would have more knowledge on the subject. But for now, Giorno's attention was solely on Diarmuid's abilities and the potential threat they posed to him.

The two spears that Diarmuid wielded were of particular concern. One was said to cut through magic, and Giorno was uncertain whether his Gold Experience Stand counted as magic. The other spear was rumored to inflict wounds that could not be healed, raising the question of whether Giorno would be able to repair any damage to himself with his Stand after being struck by it. The more he thought about it, the less certain he became.

But before the two could continue their battle, an unexpected sound tore through the air. A blast of thunder shook the dock, and all eyes turned toward the source of the noise. What they saw was nothing short of incredible - a massive chariot flying through the sky, pulled by bulls. Giorno's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched the chariot speed towards them, leaving a trail of lightning in its wake. The driver of the chariot let out a loud cry as he rode towards the fight, aiming for the space where the two Servants had been locked in battle moments before. It was a surreal sight that seemed to defy explanation, but there was no denying the power and danger it represented.

"Make way, make way!" As the deep voice boomed with confidence, the Servants turned to see the source of the noise. The ground shook as the sound of a chariot grew closer and closer. Giorno recognized the approaching figure as one of the Servants he had sensed earlier.

The chariot burst into the open space beside the other Servants, the impact of its sudden halt rivaled only by the thunderous noise it had made on the way. The man behind the reins was a giant, towering over everyone around him like a statue. He raised his fist into the air and shouted, his voice echoing across the dock.

"I am Iskandar, the King of Conquerors! In these times you might know me by the name 'Alexander the Great', and I'm participating in this war as the Rider class!"

Giorno watched as the new Servant revealed his identity, unsure whether to be impressed or to consider him a fool. Revealing one's name as a Heroic Spirit made it easier for opponents to learn weaknesses. But even Giorno, as an unknown entity in this world, knew who Alexander the Great was.

The diminutive master desperately pleaded with his Servant, who seemed to be losing control of the situation. The master's face was filled with fear and panic as he tried to reason with his servant.

Lancer's unseen master, still hidden, began to taunt the two with his voice dripping with arrogance. He revealed that he had been looking for the person who stole his summoning catalyst and was surprised to find that it was Waver, the master of Rider. Waver's face turned pale with fear as Lancer's master threatened to give him first-hand experience of the terror of the Holy Grail War.

The air was thick with tension as the two Servants faced each other. Lancer's master's words dripped with venom as he mocked Waver for his foolish decision to enter the war. He seemed to take pleasure in the fear he was instilling in Waver and promised to teach him a lesson he would never forget.

Waver's heart raced as he tried to come up with a plan to escape. He knew that Lancer's master was a formidable opponent and he was outmatched. The fear in his eyes was palpable as he realized the gravity of the situation he had gotten himself into.

As Giorno Giovanna stepped into the scene, he kept his expression calm and collected, but his emotions churned within him. He couldn't believe that this arrogant master of Lancer, who refused to reveal his face, dared to speak in such a manner. The memories of his past life began to stir inside him, and he knew that Tokiomi would not take kindly to what was about to happen.

Giorno materialized on top of a nearby shipping crate, his gaze fixed in the direction of Lancer's Master. His sudden appearance caught the attention of all the other servants, who froze in their places.

He stepped off the crate and landed gracefully on the ground, his eyes still fixed on the Master of Lancer. "Those are strong words for someone who won't even show his face, Master of Lancer," he said, his voice cool and measured. He stood tall, radiating a quiet confidence that commanded attention.

Giorno's words were met with deep, bellowing laughter from Iskandar, who turned to face the Lancer's Master. "My thoughts exactly," he roared. "Only a master who can ride into battle with me is worthy of commanding the King of Conquerors!"

The air was thick with tension, and the other servants watched on in silence, waiting to see what would happen next.

Lancer turned his head towards the newcomer, Giorno, his eyes surveying the young man from head to toe. "So, what brings you here, Servant of Tohsaka I believe?" he asked in a calm voice.

Giorno's eyes flickered to Rider, who had just leaped out of his chariot, creating a large cloud of dust. The impact of his landing had sent debris flying in all directions, and the sound of the earth-shaking could still be felt in the air. Rider's words were loud and clear as he proposed his offer.

Rider's eyes were filled with excitement and passion as he explained his plan. He wanted the others to join him in conquering the world. But the expressions on the faces of the other three servants were a mix of shock and disbelief. For a moment, nobody moved or said anything.

Lancer was the first to regain his composure, bowing respectfully to the eccentric servant. "My apologies, King of Conquerors, as I have already pledged myself to my Master and cannot betray that trust." He took a few steps back, creating an equal distance between himself and the others.

Saber, not wanting to be shown up by Lancer, spoke up next. "I cannot become your subject, Iskandar," she said in a firm voice. "I am a king myself, and to bow to another king is out of the question."

Iskandar eyes darted towards Giorno, his gaze almost pleading with him to say yes. But Giorno remained silent, his face a mask of neutrality. He had yet to reveal his intentions, and Rider's offer had done nothing to sway him.