

After an accident, Shirley finds herself in a comatose state, where her hidden powers of clairvoyance fully reveals itself. Traveling towards the future, she discovers that the mother whom she had sacrifice her life and happiness to was no different from a villain after her life. Her pure sister turned out to be a white lotus. Her so called family turned out to be the ones who pushed her towards her death and misery. The moment she witnessed her tragic end, her nightmare ended and she walked towards the hospital corridor only to realize that her nightmare was simply her clairvoyance powers, everything that she had witnessed was bound to come true. She didn't go through a rebirth, but her eyes had seen her horrible fate if she persisted to be a filial daughter.

FKarly · Urban
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7 Chs

To See The Future

  In a state of comatose, Shirley felt her body slowly being lifted up, as if floating in the clouds, but she couldn't tell if she was indeed floating in the sky.

   But she could tell that her body felt light and peaceful for some certain reasons unknown to her, she didn't know why. The strong smell of disinfectant was soon replaced by an earthly flower fragrance that wasn't found any where. It was like the combination of nature itself, making one feel extremely peaceful and earlier pain from her accident was no longer present.

   It suddenly downed upon her that she had actually had an accident and was supposed to be laid in the hospital bed. Then,why did she have tbe impression of flaoting in the sky and being bath by a light yet alluring fragrance of nature.

  A sort of heavenly fragrance that helped calmed her nerves and forget about her worries and trauma.

It was a heavenly fragrance.

   But if it was indeed a heavenly fragrance, didn't it mean she was death from her accident and the doctors were unable to save her. 

  Shirley slowly opened her green sapphire eyes that were no longer heavy. The moment she opened her eyes, she realized that her environment was filled with clouds, completely out of ordinary.

'Was this heaven?'

   She had thought and even in her wildest dreams she had never imagined that her end would come so soon. It turned out that she had to die so tragically and her clairvoyance wasn't strong enough to save her. 

  Perhaps her death was fate.

"You're not death, at least, not yet."

    Shirley widened her eyes at the familiar voice that spoke to her in the void space of only clouds and peacefulness. Her eyes searched for the provenance of the voice, but couldn't find it. It was at that moment that the voice softly reverberated in her ears.

"I'm here."

   Before she could realize it, a delicate girl, with blond hair, green sapphire eyes and refined looks. She flaoted above her, barely close to her by two meters.

   If it wasn't for the fact that she also found herself in this weird place, then she would have thought she was being delirious to see such things. After all, it wasn't everyday that they witnessed a girl flaoting above without being connnected to some sort of strings, just like in TV dramas.

More to that ,the girl in question was actually the epitome of herself or she would rather say, it dummy of herself flaoting two meters above her.

"Who are you?"

   Shirley asked,soon feeling that her question was quite weird, but it didn't stop her from being curious about the girl's identity and her sudden appearance. Even if she was some sort of an Angel, she still wanted to know about it.

   But the girl chuckled and her soft angelic voice was like a soft tune, pleasing to the ears. Though it was her voice and her face, it still sounded so unreal to watch the image of oneself and listen to one's own voice, just like looking at herself in the mirror.

   Though her haggard self couldn't really compare to the delicate, refined beauty that flaoted above her dressed in white. She had always thought that wearing White would make her look quite dull, but the copy of herself was able to pull off the beauty of this pure colour, making her look like an angel, yet elegant and poise.

"Silly, of course I am you, but I won't say you are me. At least, not until you've passed through the metamorphosis stage of a butterfly."

Metamorphosis stage of a butterfly.

   Shirley felt as rolling her eyes at the image of her for saying such things as metamorphosis.

Did she take her for an insect or what?

"Nevertheless, it probably wouldn't happen any time soon if you keep being righteously devoted to your mother and sisters."

Righteous to her sister and filial to her mother,that was indeed how she made herself to be, devoted to her family and sacrificing her life for them. She wouldn't even mind dying like Jesus to save her family.

  The bible had stated 'For God so loved the world that he sent his only son to save the world, that who so ever believed in him shall be saved as well'. She didn't know who sent her towards her family, but they became her priority and even if she wasn't Jesus, she would still save them. No matter what, they were her family, her mother gave her life, so she was indebted to her and ought to be filial as a daughter.

"So stupid, even if you pull out your heart to save them, are they ready to do thesame for you?"

  As if hit by cold, Shirley's  body seemed to have frozen for a second. She didn't even try to interrogate the beautiful copy of her how she could tell about her thoughts.

  But the words that she said now was like hitting a nail on her head.

  Yes, she was ready to pull out her heart for her family, devote her life to them, sacrifice her every happiness to them. But what about them. Are they even willing to make a little effort towads her. Her mother shunned and abused her, her sister was cold and wicked towards her, unlike her other sister who treated her with care, just like her father.

  But that was it, they didn't seem to be much mutual affection towards her. She could only envy other families who were united and harmonious, lacking individualism and bias nature.

  But she could only watch from afar, hoping that with time she would obtain the love of her family. Call her stupid, but she would never give up, until she could watch that same harmony of others fall upon her family.

Was it wrong?

"You're incorrigible, there's no way I can convince you...come with me."

   Shirley was suddenly pulled up by her own image and the moment her hands came into contact with those soft hands, it reminded her of how bad hers were. The person in front of her was nothing as the her at the moment. She was beautiful, elegant, refined, though cold, it couldn't hide the warmth that she brought with her. The heavenly fragrance that made her feel peaceful seemed to emanate from her body. She carried with her an overbearing aura of dominance,

Like, a queen.

"Let me show you something."

    The girl ignored the thoughts that didn't escape her. Shirley seemed to have forgotten that they were one person, so her thoughts would obviously reach her.

"Where are you taking me?"

   Shirley finally asked, as the clouds slowly drifted apart and they were heading towards a bright light, a place unknown to her.

   The girl smiled brightly like the sun and replied sincerely.

"To see the future."