

After an accident, Shirley finds herself in a comatose state, where her hidden powers of clairvoyance fully reveals itself. Traveling towards the future, she discovers that the mother whom she had sacrifice her life and happiness to was no different from a villain after her life. Her pure sister turned out to be a white lotus. Her so called family turned out to be the ones who pushed her towards her death and misery. The moment she witnessed her tragic end, her nightmare ended and she walked towards the hospital corridor only to realize that her nightmare was simply her clairvoyance powers, everything that she had witnessed was bound to come true. She didn't go through a rebirth, but her eyes had seen her horrible fate if she persisted to be a filial daughter.

FKarly · Urban
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7 Chs


To see the future?

Was that anything that every human could be privileged of?

  Shirley James questioned, laying flat in a comatose state, trying to recall the numerous times when she had predicted the future through her clairvoyance. Seeing herself walk into the future to predict about others future, but never once she had thought that she'll walk towards her own future. To visit a forbidden place and watch the scenes of her own life in front of her.

In a while, she had some hesitation, with an unclear mind telling her not to venture in that place,but to know her heart's truth. But the other side of herself wanted her to walk out of her hopes and look at what stood right in front of her.

She had to see, in order to believe.

"You don't believe in yourself, do you?"

Shirley pursed her pink cherry lips into a straight line, unable to answer the question asked by her dummy. It might have been that she was scared.

Scared of predicting her future.

In the past she predicted that Jenny would enrol in a top tier high school, but she wouldn't be able to make it to the A class of prodigy. In OS senior high school, the classes were divided from the worst to be best, counting I from class A which was the class of prodigies. Class B followed behind before class C which was considered an average to A and B. Class D was for the average students, while E was for those who didn't even deserve to be enrolled in OS high school, but yet had been forcefully enrolled through unethical means. 

  And as for the class where Jenny was enrolled in was no other than class B, though it couldn't be compared to class A, it was still a class that could be on par by few points.It was a class that many could only dream of, but couldn't get in so easily, and it was even more difficult to get in class A. Any student would normally be appreciative if they could enrol in class B.

Everyone, excluding the proud Jenny James

   Nevertheless, Shirley had already predicted that things would end up that way, her clairvoyance powers had already informed her that Jenny would flare up at it, reason why she had never intended to reveal the truth to Jenny.

  Anyway, experience had proven to her that revealing the truth to others about their future, would hold inconceivable consequences on her. She could at most make them understand the truth indirectly. Or else, she would rather watch the scenes as a spectator and as for wether she enjoyed it...

It was uncertain, but certainly she couldn't deny that it was a burden that she hadn't been able to comprehend over time.

"Are you ready to face your future."

   Her facsimile asked her with a complicated expression, then she turned to look at the gloomy path that should obviously lead her to her future.

With a bitter smile and a sigh of exasperation, Shirley uttered the few words that had been stucked in her throat.

"The road is already in front of me, if I decide not to walk towards that unknown path, wouldn't I regret if things turn out badly atlast?"

   She didn't just say those words in order to feel relieved, but they were thoughts deeply etched in heart from the moment the path towards her future was presented in front of her.

The question now was...

'What did her future hold?'

   Best would be if in her future, her mother would rush towards her sick bed, tears rolling down her cheek and her expression, showing pain from almost haven lost a child, her flesh and blood to be precised.

   Right from her past sixteen years of existence, she couldn't recall when her mother lay by her sick bed, touching her forehead and trying to cool down her fever at all cost. Neither did she recall ever watching her mother's anxiousness while she attended to her, nervously.

Affection, love, fear, nervousness and several motherly expression towards a beloved child.

All such, had only been reserved for her sister's and as for she, who could have been pampered as the last born...

   She could still count herself lucky to be able to live under a roof, eat and drink from the house and carry the 'James' family name as an identity.

  But was it fair that she had to work her ass off to maintain it, but it would become an injustice if at the end her hardwork  doesn't reach her expectations.

   She had pushed herself so high, reading books higher than her level to tutor Jenny at her request.

  It could be noted that she had worked quite hard on the level of education, though she was no longer a talent. She was blessed with a captivating brain that was able to understand faster and store what she had learned with ease and not much a stress.

  It wouldn't be exaggerating to say that she was a epitome of a USB and her comprehension could be akin to that of a computer.

   Back at school she had never done bad in school,she even did better than her cousins and sisters, though in a slight sense. After all, she didn't omit the fact that she was still the youngest daughter by two years.

   Even as such, she didn't receive the privilege of being pampered, but working harder than average foster children to gain affection from her biological mother and not once had she given up with the thoughts that she might not succeed to make her biological mother let go of any grudges of the past towards her.

As for the grudges her mother held against her for the past years, she could only tell that it had been serious and hard on her mother and she as a daughter had to be filial and devoted

   As for the questions partaking on the extent she had to undergo.


   But when she lifted up her head and looked at the dark passage that supposedly led her towards her future. A look of determination flashed in her eyes, changing it with the once gloom and hesitation.

' I have to know.' ,She had to know in order to be aware of how much sacrifice and efforts she still needed to finally reach her goal. Changing her fate according to what her eyes had seen.

   Unlike other female leads from films that she heard from colleagues.

Heard, because she had never watched a full film or even had money to buy novels for herself. But working in different zones and areas, she had heard so much that it was enough to pique her interest.

   So,compared to those popular female leads in novels,she wasn't going to die and be reborn to change her fate, she was merely going to pique in her future and alter it accordingly.

  Perhaps there was a better future for her and a solution to build the mother-daughter relationship, grasping the love and affection she had always dreamt about. 

   She was certain that through this clairvoyance, she could resolve her domestic problems and it wouldn't be too much to wish for a harmonious happily ever after.
