

After an accident, Shirley finds herself in a comatose state, where her hidden powers of clairvoyance fully reveals itself. Traveling towards the future, she discovers that the mother whom she had sacrifice her life and happiness to was no different from a villain after her life. Her pure sister turned out to be a white lotus. Her so called family turned out to be the ones who pushed her towards her death and misery. The moment she witnessed her tragic end, her nightmare ended and she walked towards the hospital corridor only to realize that her nightmare was simply her clairvoyance powers, everything that she had witnessed was bound to come true. She didn't go through a rebirth, but her eyes had seen her horrible fate if she persisted to be a filial daughter.

FKarly · Urban
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7 Chs

Anna Perez's Decision

     Anna Perez cast a puzzled glance at Jane who stood quietly beside Jenny as a body guard, guarding over a treasure. These two daughters of hers had always been quite close and affectionate. Compared to other sisters who fought over a yes or a no, her two daughters were well behaved and many people had already voiced out their admiration towards the twins that made up her pride.

   Unlike some certain daughter who only knew how to cause trouble for her, day in day out. Anna Perez knew from the first day of her birth that she shouldn't have given birth to that little wench who was born different from her.

   She was obviously the mother who carried her in her womb, but the little wench carried no ressemblance with her. But she didn't mind about that, she utterly hated the little bastard, it was good that she bore no ressemblance with her. If people had to compare her features with the wench, then she would surely break down from depression.

   It was good enough that her eldest daughters could bare some resemblance with her and their father, because they were truly her hope.

   Jenny was calm, composed, elegant, pure and warm hearted, refined and delicate as a flower. Though she was still immature and clung to her like she did when she was barely three. She wasn't bothered, as long as Jane who was close to her in temper and character could look out for her sister, then there was no need for her to be worried.

  However, she was stunned to see that Jane stood on her father's side to convince her into saving the little wench. She could have understood if those words came out from Jenny, because she was too kind.

  However ,though both daughters had similar voices, as a mother she was able to differeniate between the two clearly. Even if her daughters decided to dress identically as they done in the past, she could still tell who was who at first glance

   A proud mother was one who strived to understand her children, even when they hadn't utter a word. So she could clearly see that Jane wasn't showing much concern towards Shirley, though she said those words.

  Unlike Jenny who's eyes seemed to have clouded with tears. Her heart ached for this daughter of hers who was still immature, but she couldn't change her, she could only rely on Jane to look out for her, lest she is shortchanged in the future when she's absent from her side.

"Mother, I heard that sister had an accident and she's in a critical condition. Mother quickly hurry to the hospital, we need to save sister at all cost."

   Anna Perez was at lost for words of comfort for her daughter who had suddenly pounced on her and bawled like a baby. Her delicate features made her look pale and weak. A crying beauty, who could resist protecting her.

"There, there don't cry anymore, mother is still alive."

"But mother, sister she..."

    Jenny choked in her words and burried her head in her mother's arms, crying even more hard, leaving Anna Perez helpless.

   She glared at her husband for causing so much a ruckus that it reached their daughter's ears. She knew just how kind Jenny was, as she had never treated the little wench with a cold and harsh attitude.

   She even knew that when she had sometimes starved the little wench, Jenny went behind her back to offer her meals and little gifts, but she kept a blind eye to it. Not because she cared for the little wench, but particularly because she didn't want to cause her daughter's pains.

   The fact that she kept a blind on it did not mean that she would let the little wench off. Each time Jenny helped Shirley behind her back, she would severely punish her for using her precious daughter.

   How dare the little wench take advantage of Jenny's kindness at her own profit.

 "Look, even your daughter is reasonable, how could you bare to let Shirley die in the hospital?"

   Neil James protested, feeling relived that he got more supporters. At least there was chance that the youngest daughter could finally be saved from the gates of of death.

  Anna Perez glared coldly at her husband and continued to comfort Jenny who was still crying in her arms. She didn't say anything to refute her husband, but it didn't mean she was considering his words, she merely didn't want to argue with him in the presence of their daughters.

"Mother, father is right, we can't watch a 'member' of our 'family' die."

   Jane emphasized with the words 'member' and 'family' in order to remind her that no matter what, Shirley was still part of their family. Neighbor always like to wag their tongues and they had already made known their displeasure at Anna Perez's treatment towards her younger daughter. They didn't know much about Shirley's daily life or how she had been treated by her mother.

   Nevertheless, it didn't stop people from speculating a lot, ignoring the story or getting wind of the truth. Though the truth was as they had speculated, they could also choose to deny it. So with time, the speculations slowly drowned, though some few neighbors still spoke about it, it wasn't significant enough to cause them much harm,so they didn't bother with it.

  However, if her mother was to let others get wind of the situation at home at this moment and let them discover that she held unto money and refused to pay a dime for her youngest daughter's life, then how would outsiders view them.

   She wasn't bothered about what would happen to her or how others could possibly view her, but she was more worried about her sensitive sister who might get embroiled in the whole situation.

   There was no way she could sit still and watch her sister's life being destroyed by another insignificant 'sister '. So when she heard her parents quarrel, she thought of ignoring it, at least she had the intention to ignore her father's plea.

  But how could she possibly ignore her sister's plea, when she arrived the house and got wind of the reasons for their parents' dispute. She had fallen into her arms and cried for her to convince their parents.

   Jenny was genuinely truthful towards Shirley, but as for her,she was barely trying to protect her family and this delicate little sister of hers.

   Her mother might look unreasonable at times, but she wasn't stupid. She just had to explain things to her, help her measure the pros and cons of her decision.

  Sure enough, Anna Perez finally gave in and decided to fork out the sum of money to save the little wench. As for the rest of the bill that needed to be paid, she didn't care.

   Her husband would surely borrow from God knows where, then he can settle the debt as as he deemed fit. As for the little wench that caused her to squeeze out her savings, she would definitely make her work day and night to pay off the 'debt' she owes her.

   Neil James could finally sigh in relief, it took a lot of time and energy to convince this wife of his, but it was worth it. Luckily his daughter was reasonable and had convinced her mother.

    He looked at his mature daughter with admiration, little did he know that his daughter inwardly scolded him as useless and coward. If he had known, he'll probably not be able to lift up his head in public.

   Nonetheless, he wasn't aware, but he was aware that Anna Perez won't hold back their money and Shirley would be saved from the gates of Hades. As for the hostility of Anna Perez towards he daughter, he couldn't do anything about it for the moment.