
Fate / Lost Avian (anime multiverse)

The Megaverse is where different multiverses exist and form, along with many colorful and different stories such as heroes fighting villains to protect life or characters reincarnated from this world. Going to another world with special abilities, or life and death battles to achieve desired desires, or simply just interesting adventures, everything will still happen very normally and diversely and the universes will have nothing to do with each other...until a mysterious force appears to invade and destroy the multiverse, then MC Khanh Minh an ordinary person accidentally Caught up in this war because of a mysterious incident, he was fortunately found by MST (Multiverse Security Team), an organization that brings together characters from different multiverses whose mission is to protect the multiverse, and from there he, along with them and the Servants in the Nasuverse fought against that mysterious force.

Lotus_8171 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 20: Gen Z

After I was stabbed through the body and lost consciousness, I was thrown into the lava lake by him but was caught by Artoria and jumped out.

"Hey Master! Are you awake?"

Artoria called out to me but I couldn't answer because I was unconscious and in critical condition.

"Hey ferocious child! Withdraw now Master is in critical condition!"

"I know, but it's impossible right now, he doesn't seem to want us to leave."

She wanted to leave, but with the constant attack of water birds she couldn't leave.

"Do you think I'll let you go like this after destroying Angra Manyu? After killing you, it will be the others."

The more he talked, the angrier he got, then he summoned Stand and launched a series of water-circles to attack her with electricity, causing her to be electrocuted as well as shoving and slamming into the wall where we were.

"Damn it, that guy restrains my fire, I can't even hit it."

He slowly walked over and started dancing his water sword, while both of them were trying to get me out of here.

"Wow, it's not that easy!."

Before they could run away an electric current was aimed directly at both of them, causing them to be electrocuted and paralyzed lying there.

"The body is paralyzed by the electric current, so is she."

Artoria tried to open the cave, but no matter how hard she tried, her body still couldn't get up.

"It's worth it? If your Master's Hyper Mutenki armor didn't run out of time, you probably wouldn't be like this."

"Shut up, I won't let you kill my Master."

"She's right, even if the Master is an obnoxious person, and reckless and stupid when he rushes forward and his armor disappears and you stab him, we won't let you kill him. "

At the steadfast will of the two he was surprised and happily laughed.

"Is that so? But he seems to have been pierced in the stomach by me but he doesn't seem to die yet? and soon he will die and so will you."

But in his mind he was wondering.

"Strange with that wound, he has to die already? Why isn't he dead yet he can't heal, no matter what, I just need to finish him off and then I'll come to them."

Without hesitation, he approached me and swung his sword down to finish me off.


Before his water sword slashed at me, another person appeared and knocked him away.

"Who is!?."

He shouted and looked towards the person.

"It's me Saber!."

The one who appeared was Saber, she arrived just in time before I was killed while unconscious and both Jeanne and Artoria were able to stand up again.

"Thank you, my aunt."

"If you hadn't arrived in time, the Master would have been killed by him."

"You two don't need to thank him, if I don't help the three of you, Shirou and Rin will be the next target, with Acher and I aren't strong enough to fight him, so I came back to help. People."

"But what about Master? If we don't get him out of here, we'll all die! So we need someone to take him away."

In a difficult situation, Jeanne calmly asked the two of them how to get me out of here, before that question Artoria volunteered to take me away.

"Then let me go, since I'm a Rider Class, I'll quickly bring the Master to their party."

"Okay thanks to you, and we'll hold him off."

And then Artoria immediately carried me on her back and ran away, he saw that he was about to give chase but was stopped by Jeanne and Saber.

"Don't you dare go anywhere you bastard."

"We'll defeat you here too."

"Just try it?."

In the forest outside the cave, Shirou and Rin's group were trying to heal themselves and Acher was observing the situation around the room under the surprise attack.

"How's your wound getting better, and are Sakura and Ilya okay?"

"I'm better! Sakura and Ilya are fine they just passed out."

Shirou was annoyed with Acher and told him about Sakura and Ilya's love, while Rin next to him was also dressing himself up.

"If it weren't for the other three to hold us back, we would have been killed by him, and Saber as well, is she okay with going to support them?"

Rin was worried about them when they had to confront him, when a tree root appeared in the sky surrounding the circle of the holy grail.

"What the hell? roots? but that's a gourd and why is it saying around that circle?"

When All three suddenly looked up at the sky, from behind a figure with a flame birthmark on his forehead and under his chin, long black hair with a hint of red, wearing a business suit, approached them.

"Well it looks like I have to act fast."

Acher, Shirou, and Rin were surprised by the appearance of the stranger and got into a ready-to-battle stance, seeing them like that he reassured them.

"There's no need to be like that, I'm just a member of his guild."

"He? You mean the name Khanh Minh Master of the other two Servants?"

Shirou pressed the person, and the person responded.

"Yes, I'm here to help them."

"Help? Then who are you?"

"I'm Kukoshibou."

In the cave Artoria was running while carrying me, she was running hard without a car.

"I wonder how the two of them are? I hope they don't die and especially Master, it's strange that even though he's unconscious, his wounds seem to have healed? Don't think about this too I have to get the Master out of here quickly or he'll-."

From behind came a stream of water and landed in front of her, when I landed on the water column I went and from there he walked, holding Jeanne and Saber by the necks.

"Exact period? Just a little bit more and you'll be able to escape, oh yeah, I'll give these two to you."

He violently threw both Jeanne and Saber towards Artoria, infuriating her.

"Bad guy."

"Even though I want to enjoy the fight, it seems time has passed and the roots of the universe tree have begun to absorb the energy of the holy grail."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't need to know because now I'm going to kill you all."

After saying that, he rushed to attack.

"Don't you dare!!"

Artoria replied back to him, while in my mind, I was floating in the dark straw night.

"What is this? Am I floating in the night again? Damn I'm dead? Damn it."

I couldn't help but lie still because there was nothing I could do, thinking that I would sink deeper into the dark night when a woman's voice threw me up.

"Get up, now is not the time for you to stay here, you have a mission to become Mighty Guardian Lost Avian."

I suddenly looked in the direction of the voice and saw a humanoid light looking at me.

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you wake up now, or everyone will die."

She created an orb that projected the image of Jeanne, Artoria and Saber lying on the ground with wounds all over their bodies.

"What? Damn I have to wake up fast! Or I'll die! Hey, is there any way you can help me wake up?"

She was silent for a moment then answered.


"Then do it now!"

I begged her to do it but she said.

"Not yet."

"Huh! why?."

"Because you need to do something."

Saying that, she pointed in the direction of a dazzling light and in the center was a dark blue orb.

"What's that?"

"That flying Akashi aka the root."

"So what do you want me to do with it? And why is it here?"

I wondered what her purpose was as she pointed at it.

"Simply you touch it, so you can activate part of your Mighty Guardian Lost Avian power, and the reason it's here is because we're in Limbo and you have Turn Null energy so I could easily take you to Root."

"I wonder what Turn Null energy is that everyone is talking about?"

She looked at me and was silent and then spoke again.

"You'll know all about it on your next journey, so just do it."

I was somewhat suspicious of her, but if I hesitated, not only them but also me would be killed by him, so I decided to bet on her.

"Fine, I'll do it, though I don't know what your intentions are."

I walked up to it and felt the heat and pressure it brought.


"Be careful we are not from this universe so there will be a lot of difficulties and a bit of resistance, so be careful especially when you touch you and you will get sucked into it if you don't hurry, but rest assured. Mind you, since I'm not from this universe, I might not be absorbed by it!"

When she said that, I touched it, a stream of energy rushed into me, and at the same time it felt like it wanted to suck me in as well.

"Am I being absorbed? Don't hold back, I'm not going to give in easily, I'm with my own will and Gen Z won't give in!."

While I was struggling, a series of memories from my past appeared.

"This is...no I have to practice, or I'll be absorbed by it."

Even so, I didn't give up, but I resisted and suddenly I was suddenly pushed away, as if it was rejecting me.

"Damn it! Failed?"

"That could be the case, but congrats you were able to touch it without any problems, now that you have the power to manipulate space, that's 1/7."

"How did you know?"

"Okay, now I'll put your power information in your brain."

Then she touched my head and then a flood of information about my power flowed in, and outside Artoria was lying on the ground with wounds along with the other two.

"Even though it's a simple elemental control power that you can use and make it so powerful?"

"That's right, my Stand is still not the strongest, because after completing this quest, I will be given the power of Reqiuem."

"What is it?."

"I told you you don't need to know because you're going to die right here!"

Just when he was about to deliver the finishing blow, his sword suddenly stopped and hovered, and the water jet and lightning still moved but back and did not harm anyone and he was pushed back.


Artoria was surprised by the phenomenon just now, and from behind I slowly stood up, causing her to sneeze in surprise.

"Master, are you awake!?"

"Yes, even though he's still badly injured."

My previous wounds were still there, to his surprise at my new strength.

"That power is...infinity!."

"You seem to know my power, don't you?"

"Of course that buggy ability isn't from Gojo Satoru, the cosmic magician with the code JJK."

I was quite surprised that my new power was related to someone else, but that didn't interest me, Artoria walked over to my side.

"Hey Master, it looks like you have new powers, don't you?"

"Yes, but it looks like I haven't given it a name yet? Let's see...yes I'll name it Gen Z power."

"It's up to you, but is there anything more important that you can fight with me?"

"Of course."

"Human and Stand merge!."

To Be Continued.