
Fate / Lost Avian (anime multiverse)

The Megaverse is where different multiverses exist and form, along with many colorful and different stories such as heroes fighting villains to protect life or characters reincarnated from this world. Going to another world with special abilities, or life and death battles to achieve desired desires, or simply just interesting adventures, everything will still happen very normally and diversely and the universes will have nothing to do with each other...until a mysterious force appears to invade and destroy the multiverse, then MC Khanh Minh an ordinary person accidentally Caught up in this war because of a mysterious incident, he was fortunately found by MST (Multiverse Security Team), an organization that brings together characters from different multiverses whose mission is to protect the multiverse, and from there he, along with them and the Servants in the Nasuverse fought against that mysterious force.

Lotus_8171 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 18: Fight

After he finished his introduction, immediately the attackers attacked, very quickly he and Rider dodged and counterattacked, me, Jeanne and Artoria fighting the Ajax guy.

"Wow, I have to weigh three people by myself? Isn't it weak to bully you heroes?"

"Do you think your provocative tricks can trap us?"

Jeanne, although she is a rather hot-tempered person, this time she calmly responded to his words without getting angry, which surprised me quite a bit, but I still focused on fighting for the time being. aside.

From the upper side, the mechanical dragon launched a fireball, and he had to build a wall of water, and we took the opportunity to attack the part that didn't have the water wall, although he still reacted and responded. On Rin's side, they were fighting Rider.

"Fufufu, do you think you can defeat me with numbers?"

"Damn how is she so strong?"

Shirou was grumbling about Rider's strength, when Saber shouted.

"Watch out behind!!"

Saber's scream caught him by surprise and he dodged Rider's chain that was about to attack him from behind.

"Thank you, Saber."

"It's nothing, you should be more careful, Shirou."

Saber reminded Shirou to be more careful, and Rider clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"TSK! A little more is fine."

"You are negligent!."

Acher took advantage of Rider's distraction to attack from behind, but she evaded and counterattacked by swinging her chain and slamming Acher, sending him flying.

"What! Why are you so strong?"

"Why? Simply my Master has a special source of magic power that I don't even know about, being provided to me, so that's why I'm stronger than you."

She continued to attack everyone, with her remarkable speed easily dodging Acher's slashes and arrows.

"She's too fast to hit her!!"

Rin is both annoyed and annoyed by Rider's jumping speed, and chains appear from everywhere to attack them,

"Watch out for the chains it's chasing us! Come on!"

It can chase them, even if it tries to avoid it, Acher and Saber are still tied by chains.

"It's not over! Rin Shirou be careful she'll attack you two!"

"Too young."

She got close to the two of them and swung her scythe to cut them in half, but Shirou still used her ability to create a sword that held the air to block Rider's attack, dodging a fatal blow but still being slashed. and bleeding.

"TKS! Missed."

Rider, unable to kill, had to step back to prepare another attack, while Shirou and Rin were safe for the time being.

"Good luck! Thank you, Emiya-kun."

"It's okay, luckily that sword still blocked that attack, or we'd both be dead."

At the same time Saber and Acher also broke the chain, then ran to attack her. Their chains dislodged both of them, but they quickly got up and ran to Shirou and Rin's place.

"Rin, are you two okay?"

Acher asks how the two of them are after being attacked by her.

"We're fine despite the bleeding in our stomachs, but not too deep."

"Hey, do you have a way to defeat Rider?"

Shirou clutched his stomach and asked Acher if there was a way, and Acher just shook his head and said.

"The only way is to use her tactic to take the number of people who defeated her."

"Even if I don't really want to, it's the only way."

Saber agreed with Acher's idea even though it seemed so simple that everyone knew, and then they took a stance about to hit the Rider council when she stood there and said.

"At this rate I will be defeated by you, so right now I will invoke the Noble Phantasm Bellerophon!!"

A red magic circle appeared and from it appeared a Pegasus with a huge flow of mana, making their party break out in a cold sweat.

"She activated the Noble Phantasm, what should I do now?"

Shirou worriedly looked at Rider's Noble Phantasm, Saber heard that she thought for a bit, then she made up her mind.

"In that case, I will use my Noble Phantasm."

"But if you use a Noble Phantasm again, you will be dissolved!."

"That's right! Even though you got mana back for some reason before, if you keep going, you'll disappear!"

Rin and Shirou tried to stop Saber from unleashing the Noble Phantasm, but that still didn't shake her will.

"I know, but if we don't, we'll die."

"So what can you do, Acher?"

Rin turned to Acher to ask, and he shook his head.

"Saber is right that she must activate a Noble Phantasm to fight her."

Before that word, both of them were silent and accepted,

"Okay, you do it Saber, and I'll use the spell to help you."

"Thank you."

Saying that, Saber activated the Noble Phantasm and Shirou used a command spell.

"With the command spell in hand, the fourth spell, Saber, you use your Noble Phantasm, the second spell is for you to stay alive and not perish."

Then a powerful stream of mana began to flow through her body, at the same time Rider rushed towards them.


"We won't die! Excalibur!!"

Then the two moves and collide to create a shock wave, Excalibur like a cannon to destroy the enemy and Bellerophon like an arrow ready to go through all to destroy the enemy, and then Saber is gradually lost weak and Rider used that opportunity to aim for a one-hit kill.

"You lose Saber, and you'll all die! And I'll go to the Master's place to deal with the rest."

"You can't do it!!"

Saber tried to squeeze more mana to repel her, for a moment a strange and powerful mana was activated in her body and it was infused with the Noble Phantasm, and Excalibur was instantly boosted to repel and swallow it. she.

"Are not!!."

Then her whole body was destroyed in Excalibur's energy, and then Saber collapsed.

"So I'll disappear, now I don't have any mana left in my body."

The group of them ran to Saber's place.

"Are you okay Saber?"

"no I'm fine, it's just that I'm about to disappear because I've run out of mana."


They pondered for a moment in preparation for Saber's imminent disappearance, then they realized.

"you haven't disappeared yet?"

Before Acher's words, everyone noticed and wondered.

"I don't know either, why I haven't disappeared and wait a minute my body is slowly regaining mana, what is this?."

Saber was surprised by her current situation and wondered, while Shirou and Rin were glad that she didn't disappear.

"It's okay! as long as you're okay it's fine."

"That's right, but now is not the time for us to hurry and save Ilyasviel and Sakura."

Then they ran to where the two of them were and as soon as they got there, at the same time a stream of water rushed towards them.

"What! Why is there a flood of water here? Everyone be careful!"

Back a while ago, our side was still fighting him, we teamed up to fight Jeanne creating a shield and burning effect on him, and Artoria and I dealing damage to him and the whole thing. The mechanical dragon's support it constantly harasses him, making him very upset and then he realizes that Rider is dead.

"Looks like Rider has been defeated."

"Oh is that so? Looks like you're going to follow her too t-."

I immediately became tired, like a car running out of gas.

"What the hell? Why does my body feel like it just lost a large amount of mana?"

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Hey don't get caught by anything in the meantime!."

The two of them immediately asked me in panic.

"I'm fine, just a little tired."

I reassured them that I was not seriously hurt, when he suddenly walked over.

"Well, playtime is over, I'll be serious now."

"What are you still not serious about?"

Artoria became surprised by his words, and then a purple aura appeared.

"you only fight with my water type power, now the main stage is also electric type."

A figure clad in purple armor, with an eye like a pearl in front and a cloak as purple as the universe, appeared behind him.

"That is..?"

"This is my Stand, don't you think it's pretty?."

"It's normal, nothing special."

"Is that so? Then I'll show you, Tatsunami."

His Stand immediately raised his hands and appeared from the water out of nowhere with a huge amount of water.

"Oh no! Let's run! Dragranzer!!"

The dragon flew up to us and turned into a motorbike and the three of us got on it and ran.

"Hurry up Master or we'll be swallowed by the living!!"

"I know, don't say it anymore."

But we didn't make it in time and got carried away by the live, our whole bodies were submerged in the water including the dragon and then we drifted to Angra Manyu, and Rin and Shirou's group as well.

"Cough cough, I choked, everyone okay?"

I just stood up and asked them.

"It's okay, just choking."



There was a round of applause and he appeared out of the air and landed near us.

"Congratulations! Looks like you're still alive? Even if I want to kill them all at once, it's okay right now Angra Manyu is about to be born, and the other two will be hers alone. ."


Angra Manyu began to change from the inside, but the mist of darkness began to spread and was moving towards Ilya and Sakura.

"It's not over! Hurry up and save the rescuers quickly or they'll-!."

When everyone was about to walk towards the other two, he appeared in front of us, and stopped us.

"You think you can ruin my plans?"


Everyone wants to be defeated and fight his council and save them, and I immediately had an idea.

"Shirou, Rin or you, hurry up and save Ilya and Sakura with this mechanical dragon! We'll hold him back!"

They seemed to have understood my plan, immediately they went to the dragon and I commanded to take them there, and when it was small and the two of them left, he immediately sensed it. The road was blocked by us.

"We won't let you do whatever you want."

"Is that so? Well it's just a side quest I want to do anyway, and those two can't do anything."

"Are you sure?"

"Certainly, by the way, I will also say that my powers come from the Stand power which carries the elements of water and electricity, I can create and manipulate them at will and my Stand can also fight but only for a short period of time. 5m range, but it's that it can control the speed of water and electricity, for long-range combat, and you can also use the ability without summoning Stand."

After listening to him, I wondered in my heart, where did he say his abilities, strengths and weaknesses like that? And while I was guessing, Jeanne asked for me.

"What's wrong with you telling us all? Do you have a plan?"

He smiled and answered that question.

"Simply, because I made a contract for myself that if I reveal the information, it will increase my strength."

"What do you say?"

Without giving us time to react, he quickly ran behind us, when we just found out, he was electrocuted with a water slash that flew away.

"He's so fast! It turns out his words weren't lies."

"He has become stronger."

Acher and Saber began to realize that the situation was worse than before, but it was too late that he continued to attack the group with tremendous speed that made everyone miserable.

"What? Do you think you can defeat me?"

"Damn it! Don't think that just because you've gotten a little stronger, you've raised your voice?"

Acher looked annoyed at his complacency.


He turns towards Rin and Shirou, and his Stand appears raising his hand to create 10 waterbirds.

"I want to increase the difficulty a bit, I will send these 10 birds to attack the other two, to see if they can survive?"

"Bad guy!."

He immediately ordered them to fly to the two, while the two of them were riding the dragon when they heard strange noises and saw 10 birds flying.

"What? Those waterfowl could not be him?"

Shirou made a surprised expression, while Rin looked worriedly at the two of them sitting on the dragon preparing to fight.

"Rin be careful not to fall over there!"

"I know, I won't fail without you telling me."

When the bird machine flew to where Shirou steered the dragon to dodge their jets, Rin used her sword to shoot energy beams at them, but they were too strong to dodge it, and at the same time misted the shadow. The darkness is getting closer to Ilya and Sakura.

"Looks like it's going to be interesting, how long can they hold out? Let's move on, shall we?"

He slowly stepped forward brimming with confidence.

"I have no choice but to use it."

"Isn't using it your Noble Phantasm, Acher?"

"You can call it a Noble Phantasm, even if you want to help them, if I don't defeat him then I won't be able to do anything."

"So if there's a way, just do it."

Saber encouraged Acher to use his Noble Phantasm, and he showed a curious expression.

"Oh, do you have something to defeat me? Telling you now there is no way you can defeat me, other than that Hyper Mutenki armor, but during the war you haven't been able to use it until now. 10% of its power."

It seems that my armor is something very strong so he seems to be cautious, but he said I can't use it so he wasn't too worried, and Acher ignored his words and immediately mantra.

"You'll regret it, you bastard."

To Be continued.