
Fate/Hallowed Spring

A fanfiction of Fate Series... In 2042 disasters after disasters struck earth, it is said that the world is ending within a year or earlier. But, humanity wanted to live. And so they were given a chance, a prophecy came from the church. A Holy Grail...No. A Greater Grail is the prize... But there is something wrong.... In this series different heroic spirits from different countries will be shown...

GrayWB018 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 43: Castle Raid

Date: 21st of May 2042|8:20 PM

Location: Lumeria, Ybalish

*Kusanagi Ken's Perspective*

*Bang* Explosions keep coming all around us

*Huff huff* "We've been fighting for a few minutes now" I shouted

"We are only fighting for 5 minutes now!" Lein shouted while casting spells launching fireballs and lightning bolts to the large hounds in front of the way

"Is this really an infiltration???" Lupin shouted

"I will open up a path! Leave this place to us! Assassin. Find the enemy and eliminate them immediately" Lein shouted "CHIEF!"

"RAHHHH!!!!" Chief shouted and swung his sword vertically opening up a path.

"I wish you all goodluck" Lupin bowed and vanished

"That's fast" Li Jing commented

"As expected of an assassin with EX Presence Concealment"

"Now what do we do with this swarm of monsters!!!" I asked Lein

"Hold on for now! we are waiting for someone" He replied

"Backup?" Li Jing asked

"An enemy"

"I thought our primary mission is to infiltrate! 'INFILTRATE!!!' Not a distraction!"

"Ah! My bad I forgot to tell you" Lein teased


"He is a lost cause" Archer added

"Well, it seems we don't have to wait for too long anymore" he grinned

"What do you mean?"

The ground started to shake. The giants started to retreat for a bit. And the dark skies started to lit up. It was as if the skies are burning.

"Just what in the…" I looked up at the sky and found a flaming giant…

"Now everyone…. Meet Saber of West" Lein smiled

"THAT'S SABER OF WEST!!!" we shouted

"He is" Lein nodded his head calmly

"H-how are we even gonna beat that thing" Li Jing looked at the giant

He was tall… Taller than any mountains I have seen in my life. A giant humanoid creature that is on fire… He is as bright as the sun…

"Haruka will be fighting that thing?" I asked

"Nah! Sorry we are going to steal your spotlight" Lein shouted "Chief!!!"

Chief stood his ground and waved his sword while laughing "WAHAHAHAHA HERE WE GO, MY COMRADES, THIS IS MY HOMELAND, MY KINGDOM, MY EVERYTHING!!!"


Waters gushed out of the ground destroying the terrain completely

"This is a…" Li Jing commented while the ground changed

"A reality marble" Archer added

A reality marble changes the space itself unlike bounded fields. Just like what Hansel and Gretel used to fight Caster of East.

After a few seconds, the field transformed into a completely different landscape. In Berserker's reality marble, it looks like we are on an island coast, the sandy landscape near the seas and the forest behind us… and a…

"Still that Saber is something else" Lein commented looking at the giant standing in the middle of the seas with his head above the clouds…

"It seems like another visitor has arrived, Lein" Chief glared at the troops in the coast. They arrived with 5 large boats armed with cannons and guarded by armed troops wearing silver armor… They carry muskets and bows, the ground troops are equipped with spears and wears heavy armor. And another man who wears different armor…

"That's a surprise…Chief" Lein laughed nervously

Chief looks like he was about to burst from his anger "Yea…"

The one in armor shouted from coast. "I have returned!" he shouted

Chief took the front and stood by with his tower shield. "How did you get here?" he asked calmly…


Chief's face turned red from rage "YOU DARE TO RETURN TO YOUR DEATHBED!!!" he shouted with anger. His voice was enough to shake the land and the sea itself. "THIS TIME! THIS TIME!!! I WILL BE THE ONE TO CUT THAT HEAD OF YOURS!!!" he pointed his blade again.

"I HAVE MY ARMY NOW! YOU WILL NOT WIN!!!" The man shouted

"Care to explain why they have a grudge?" Archer asked

"Haha" Lein laughed nervously "That man over there presumably he is a Rider… He is the very man… who was the cause of the Philippines being oppressed for nearly 400 years… the Portuguese explorer who named the Philippines in honor of the King of Spain. Ferdinand Magellan, the first explorer to ever circumnavigate the world and proved that it is not flat as some philosopher's say haha"

"MAGELLAN!!!!" Berserker shouted. With his roar warriors of different build came out of there hiding from the forest. They are all carrying different primitive weapons. A bamboo spear, a sword, bow, and the likes…

"There is no way to stop, Chief now" Lein commented

"What do we do???" Li Jing asked

"Chief will surely target, Magellan… so we will be attacking Saber of West this time"

"You want us to fight that giant!!!"

"If possible yes… but I only want Saber and Archer to buy time as much as possible"

"We don't know how long we can do so" Haruka replied

"Well let's do this" Lein recommended

After explaining…

"Are you nuts!" Li Jing shouted

"Oh it looks like the war started" Lein diverted his attention to the attacking troops of Chief against the properly formed array of firing squads in the coast… They kept charging with their wooden tower shields. Even if they did get shot they stood up again and again like zombies..


"In Chief's Noble Phantasm every warrior that he summoned has a {Battle Continuation C} and with Chief's personal skill… They will be nigh-immortal unless they are turned to ashes…"

"They are crazy.."

"That is why, finish off Magellan and his crew… Then we will be able to fight against Saber of West" Lein suggested

"But you will be buying us time right???" Li Jing shouted

"Don't worry, I won't die that easily" he laughed

The ground shook as the giant took his first step. Balls of flames were summoned like meteors coming down the land. It landed on the ground with explosions… And giants of around 20 foot tall arise from the debris.

"Now more enemies!!!"

"Then I leave this place to you everyone!" Lein made a salutations and flew off like it was a normal thing with magic

"Damn! He can fly??"

"I expect nothing less from my Teacher" Li Jing boasted

"Let's do our job here and help Berserker"

"ROGER!!!" Everyone replied

———————Chapter END————————

HAIII everyone! Woww late release haha I have no excuse but I will keep updating it! This series is not finished yet HAHAHAH anyways enjoy reading!!!

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