
Fate/Hallowed Spring

A fanfiction of Fate Series... In 2042 disasters after disasters struck earth, it is said that the world is ending within a year or earlier. But, humanity wanted to live. And so they were given a chance, a prophecy came from the church. A Holy Grail...No. A Greater Grail is the prize... But there is something wrong.... In this series different heroic spirits from different countries will be shown...

GrayWB018 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 41: Let the battle commence

Date: 21st of May 2042|7:30 PM

Location: Lumeria, Ybalish

*Kusanagi Ken's Perspective*

"Ken!" Haruka called out to me and suddenly hugged me in the back

"Ca-calm down"

"Hehe! No can do" she rubbed her cheeks to my back like a purring kitten

After the talk earlier, I went to the backyard and sat down, looking at the glamorous night sky, the myriads of stars in the skies, and the bright moon gracing us with its presence. I stared at the sky for a few minutes now to prepare myself for the upcoming battle. I was busy calming myself but Haruka behind won't stop.

"He-hey Haruka? Can you stop?" I asked politely…

She stopped but with his hands still wrapped around me. I can feel her warmth and her breath at this distance… Now… I need to calm myself down for a different reason….

"Hey… Ken" she called out to me with a worried voice…. I can feel her forehead leaning in my back. "Are you nervous?" she asked

I closed my eyes. I can hear the sound of the whistling winds it calms my mind when I stay like this… "I am…" I replied

"I see…" she stopped "Do you want to run away?"

"What?" I opened my eyes in surprise. I want to turn around and talk to her but

"Just stay put…" she replied as she kept her arms around me. I can't turn around because she was using force.


"Please…" she pleaded with a soft voice… The one thing, I don't think Haruka will ever do in her life…

Haruka is strong… She is shy, sometimes an airhead, or maybe the energetic kind… But she was never this timid. She is prideful on her strength, she believes in hard work pays off, and she never in her life will she ever give up on something… Not once in her life… She have ever give up… So… Why? Why? Why do you want to run away???

"Ha—" as I was about to call out to her name I can feel her arms losing strength

"Let's run away…" she pleaded once again

I see… even when she smile… even when she is prideful… Haruka is strong no doubt… But… she felt hopeless for the first time…


I called out to her with a strong tone…

I held her hand

"Are you sure you want to run away?" I asked holding her two hands around my waist…

She gave no reply and kept her silence. Along in this gentle breeze. Her warmth alone is enough for me to stay… She was silent for a few minutes, but she suddenly tightened her grip… "Don't wanna…" She whispered

"I don't want to run… I don't want to… I… I!!!" she yelled and tightened her grip once more… and suddenly loosen it "But… If we don't… Ken will die! Ken will!" she yelled again "You… you might die…" she cried

I can't see her face right now but I can hear her sobbing behind me, she tried hard not to cry but in the end her emotions gave her a run.

I once again looked at the bright night sky. One we can never ever see again in a city that is filled with lights… I held her hand once more.

"I don't want to die, Haruka… And I also don't want you to die or get hurt" I replied

"Hm" she nodded and replied while buried in my back

"But if we don't fight now. Lein and the others will have a hard time… If they lose… It will also be the end of us"

"Hm… I know"

"You know? If I can… I would be the one who have the powers of Susanoo-sama"

"You can't your too weak" she replied still with her snuffing nose.

That is an offensive reply but I will let her just this once "That hurts… but what can I do… I am your master designated by the holy grail" I looked at the back of my right hand with the command seals. "All I can do is support you with what I have. Use my command spells if need be… And leave the rest of the fighting to you" I replied "I feel weak"

"You are weak…hehe"

This girl…

"But you are not totally weak… Ken" she giggle a little

"What's with that?"

She hugged tighter but rather than the hug with pain and sorrow earlier… This time it was tight but with warmth and gentleness… It was like she was holding something she was afraid to lose…

"You are also strong, Ken… You are lazy, timid, an introvert…"

What's with those rude remarks!?!?

"But you are also strong, courageous, brave, and…"


"The only one who stayed with me…" she replied "You were always there for me, always by my side, always supporting me, you were never afraid of me, you are the only one…who stayed beside me"

"I see… what's their to be afraid of you? You are cute and shy. You are great at house chores and a great cook…" I praised her with all my might "With all of that adding together, even your swordsmanship skills are really amazing…"

"Your praising me too much" she laughed

"I am just stating the facts" I replied

"Hmm… I see" she replied and silence returned

Agh… What now? I have no topics left…

"Hey, Ken" she called out to me

"What?" I replied

"The moon is beautiful isn't it?"

I looked at the moon in response

"It is" I replied

She retreated her arms back and smacked me in the back


"Ken you huge huge idiot!!! BLEH" she teased

"And here I am motivating someone who would smack me in the back" I replied while trying to mend my pain

"It is because you are an idiot! Hmph!"

I just sighed in pain

"And I was brave enough too *mumble*" she whispered

"I can't hear you?"

"Nothing" she replied "Let's go back!" she shouted

"Ow ow… wait a minute" I stood up to follow her

When she opened the door she took a glance at me "Thanks Ken!" she said with a big smile on her face and left me in the back

"Atleast I got a thanks" I sighed again

"I would've done the same if I were her"

"WOAH!" I immediately looked at the source of the voice and it was in the second floor windows


"Bingo! It is I Lein!" he clapped at his own joked

"So what is your business?" I asked

"Nothing much? I just saw a spectacular scene in the backyard so I just took a quick peek" he smiled

"You look like you enjoyed yourself"

"Oh you won't believe that I did" he laughed

"I see"

"Well that's enough fun and games. Head inside we are about to depart! LET'S GO TEAM EAST!!!" he shouted in excitement and left the windows

I sighed once again after he left "I am not that dense you know…" After all that hassle I went back inside

—————————Chapter END————————