
Fate/Hallowed Spring

A fanfiction of Fate Series... In 2042 disasters after disasters struck earth, it is said that the world is ending within a year or earlier. But, humanity wanted to live. And so they were given a chance, a prophecy came from the church. A Holy Grail...No. A Greater Grail is the prize... But there is something wrong.... In this series different heroic spirits from different countries will be shown...

GrayWB018 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 25.5: A Priest and A Demon(Servants)

Date: 18th of May 1742| 9:40 PM

Location: Corway, Ybalish

*Caster's Perspective*

I just kept burning undeads and zombies. What a quite life. The flames crackling is really a music to my ears.

I sighed "What a boring war"

"I see you are bored, huh?" A man said

I turned around and saw a golden haired man riding a pure white horse.

"A knight in shining armor? I guess not"

"Just for a simple Caster I was sent here. Tch what a drag" he went down his horse holding his spear.

"For a simple Caster?" that annoyed me a bit

He sighed again "I am pretty sure you can do this on your own"

A surprise attack was launched, it was a lightning bolt that was aimed at me. But magic of that level cannot touch me.

"We can't do that Rider!!" a child voice came out it was a shout full of energy, like a child full of pride

"Tr-tru we can't do it on our own" another child came but this time his voice was low.

The 2 children finally came into view.

"We are here because our master sent us" a girl with platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes that was just like a fairytale princess came into view. She was full of pride and was like a princess with charisma.

"Ca-can I go home?" the other one the boy, has light brown hair and blue eyes, he is really timid clinging to the girl while carrying a large backpack bigger than him and it is full of books and scrolls.

"You should really man up!!!" the girl shouted

"I I can't sister!!!"

"Did I came here as a babysitter?" the man with golden hair sighed

"Three servants? Quite a welcome I have here"

"Shut up!!!" lightning came striking at her shout. I did not bother to evade because I am confident in my defense.

"Tch. A barrier"

"Si-sister we should run away"

"We won't brother!!!"

"Oh will you 2 please shut up!!!"

"Why don't you kill him then?"

"Tch. Then don't get in my way." Rider rode the horse. Wings sprout out, giving it an ability to fly.

"A Pegasus?"

"You should watch out Caster" Rider warned me. After the warning, he vanished and moved at a fast speed.

*KACHING* The sound of my barrier blocking something. I turned around and found arrow heads falling in the ground.

"A rider that can use bows?" and with this speed, how was he able to hit me? He was moving around 120 km/h while moving around the battlefield.

"THUNDER!!!" the girl shouted

A large thunder bolt was blocked by my barrier.

"Barraging me until my barrier gave in."

What a simple yet annoying tactics, Nevertheless, I am indeed in a pinch. I can try and lower my barrier and counter but the moment I lower my barrier Rider will be able to hit me. If I attacked while my barrier is up I would consume 3 times more mana.

"Just die already!!!" Rider shouted still shooting countless arrows.

"I am already tired of dying" I replied sighing

I was left with no choice so I just produced flames and surrounded the whole battle field with it.

The horse neighed at the sight of flames "Tch" With the flames around Rider's movements became limited.

"WIND!!!" a slash of wind hit my barrier again

"You are really annoying me" I redirected my fire at them

"CANDY!!!" the girl chanted

"WHAT?!?!" I was surprised with her chant.

The fire that was directed at them turned into another direction and entered a pot that came out of nowhere. After my flames entered the pot it came out as a candy…

It mysteriously… became a candy?

"My… flames?" I was dumbfounded of the scenario I just witnessed.

I was still stunned but Rider gave me no time to think. He kept shooting his arrows behind me.

"Tch, this is really not great!" I tried and contacted Master.


(What is it?)

(Oh. So you are still alive Master?) I jokingly said

(Why does it feel like you want me dead?)

(I thought of no such things, Master)

(So? What is it?)

(I was left facing with 3 servants here)

(3? That's awfully many for you) Now it feels like he is getting his revenge for my joke earlier.

(It is giving me a hard time) I replied while still being attacked from both sides

(You need help?)

(If it is possible) Even though it will be better to just use a command spell.


Now the connection was cut. I sighed thinking of what should I do.

"Don't blame me for this." I raised my two hands and produced more flames than usual and black lightning came out of the flames.

I burned the ground first but Rider flew above it and kept shooting his arrows. While the Casters created a ice pillar to block my flame. But my flames slowly melted the ice and the ground.

"We are just wasting mana here!" The girl shouted at Rider


"We will be using our Noble Phantasm RIDER!!!"

"TCH! GOT IT!!!"

I should use this chance to escape while they are preparing for it.

"Brother prepare our Noble Phantasm"

"O-ok!!!" the boy laid down the big bag he was carrying a sigh of relief can be seen in his face.

{Oh Forest of Misery} the two held hands. A magic circle started to light up in their feet it was a bright green color.

{Let the forest be our path}

"I should use this chance to—"

*CHING* another arrow was blocked by my barrier.

"You can't escape while I am here!!!" he rushed forward thrusting his spear.

"I should remove you first then" I wield my flames and threw it at him.

With his speed he easily dodged my flames. And got closer to me in an instant

"TCH!!" I blocked the spear thanks to my barrier, I landed a counter attack using a gun from my waist but he was still able to dodge it at this range.

"YOU HAVE A GUN!??!" He created some distance between us

I am more comfortable at using my flames but with this range. I decided to fight with blades. I drew out my sword and revolver.

"I am not used to this but I have no choice left"

"A caster that can use guns and swords? Just what the hell are you?!?!?" He dashed again thrusting his spear.

"An irregularity" I said aiming my revolver at him. I shot once *BANG* but he blocked it with his spear.

"That's no use!!!" he shouted still keeping his momentum. I shot twice and thrice but he also dodged it easily.


"As if it will be that easily" I laid down my gun. A confusion in his face can be seen but all of a sudden. Instead of running still keeping his momentum he redirected his course and flew.

"So you were able to sense that" I said smiling at him


The bullets I shot earlier were not just random shots. Those bullets will continue to follow the target unless they are destroyed and the moment they hit the target they will explode.

He shot the bullets following him with his arrows.

"You are pretty accurate with the bow." I praised him while reloading my gun.

"You looking down on me you punk?" he started shooting arrows again.

Wait… Why is the ground softer? I looked at the ground and noticed that it became a…brownie? What? I was once again dumbfounded. I can't seem to process what is happening now.

But a voice can be heard echoing. With it the surrounding slowly turned into sweets? The rocks became a candy, the trees became gummies, the houses became Gingerbread.

"Now I am really curious…" just who are this kids?

{Become the wonderful land we wish for} the girl chanted

{And never let us be hungry again} the boy followed

I decided to take aim at them and shoot but arrows came flying hitting my bullets.


"Now this is interesting" another voice popped out of nowhere

Then a barrage of explosions came in and hitting the 2 kids who was chanting. But the girl reacted in time.

"Barrier!!!" the girl chanted protecting them from the bombardments.

The barrage of bombs continued lasting for a few minutes. I was left with no choice but to cast a barrier to protect myself.

Explosions after explosions can be heard.

After a while of bombardment the entire landscape changed. It was full of holes and cracks.

"I am here at the orders of my Master. Rider of the East at your service" A man wearing what looks like a transparent top hat? but what caught my attention is his… Turtle like armor? No it is not really like a turtle but it looks like one.

"Tch a backup?" the girl shouted in disappointment

"W-we should retreat sister!!!"



The two kids drew out a scroll from their bags and opened it.

"We shall meet again" the girl cited.

The scroll opened up a portal and the 2 of them jumped on it disappearing. While Rider of the West on the other hand also vanished.

"Well thankfully, they retreated." The Rider of East told me

"I want to say my gratitude if I were not bombard by countless cannon balls"

"WAHAHA I do apologize for that, but you were able to come out unscathed so let bygones be bygones"

I don't want to argue anymore so I just let the topic be. But another surprising thing came in the sky was unusual so I took a quick peek and saw a meteor falling in the sky.

"What a surprise" Me and Rider immediately rushed to find our Master.

After arriving we were planning on how or rather what to do to the meteor but a girl named Erisviel solved our problems.

————Chapter End——————

Rider is wearing a transparent top hat or Gat in Korean it is traditionally worn by men during the Joseon Period. It can be commonly seen in medieval age of Korean movies and/or novels. Please do search it if you don't know what it is.

Another noticeable thing is the turtle armor(Not Terraria based) this might confuse some readers. It specifically mean not a real turtle armor but an armor that looks like turtle spots.

Hello!!! I finally released at a right time HAHA. Anyways, you might notice that I released a .5 chapter even though I released the epilogue. It is not an error or late release. It is just like a follow up story for the chapter. And thank you all for reading even with my wrong grammars. Enjoy!

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