
Portable Grail, Oh My!

After explaining that Saber Lily is not the same saber Muramasa has in his life, My servant and I walked to our mansion, where EMIYA began to cook us dinner. As the food arrives, we then began to discuss our next activity.

"Alright Then! What should we do next? Caster, is there anything you want to add to our activity?"

"Um, master, you said something about saving Valerie, right?"

Oh, right, I almost forgot about it.

"Yes, Almost forget about it."

"Then how about we go to Romania and take her with us?"

"That is a good idea, but I don't know where is their castle."

"I know the location."

"Good, then tomorrow morning, we will go to Romania."

"En, and we can also prevent Rizevim from taking the second Grail."

"Un Un, Good Job Caster"


Asia looks embarrassed because of my compliment.

"Wait, wait... Master, can you explain your plan to us who don't know what happen?"

Cuchulain, who confused by my plan and Asia explanation, asked me.

"Well, we need to rescue a Dhampir Princess from her older brother."

"Wait. What?"

"Yes, Valerie Tepes is a Dhampir Princess that born from Pureblood Vampire Father and Human Mother."

"And? why we need to rescue her?"

"Well, because she has Holy grail inside her body."


"Yes, and that Grail also the key for the bad guy to free the beast of the apocalypse, which we must prevent from happening."

"I see."

After explaining the plan, Me, Asia, and Lily walked to our room, but before we go to bed, I take a card from my phone and give it to Asia, who confused at the card.

"Master, what is this?"

"Ahhh, that is a Ley Line that you can use to help your Magic."

"What? Ley Line?"

"Yes, a 3★ Craft Essence when I summon Muramasa."

"Um... Then can I use this card to power up the Bounded Field around the mansion?"

"Yeah, Feel Free to use it. I still have two more of those"

I walk inside my bedroom, leaving Asia in her shocked state.


The next morning, I could feel the magic around the house has become denser than yesterday.

'I guess Asia use it that night.'

After waking up, I walk toward the dining room. I saw EMIYA already cooking some food with Lily helping him with the table.

"Good Morning, Fujimura"

"Morning Lily, Is Asia waking up yet?"

"No, stay up late last night. She said she was working on our bounded field with something you give to her"

"Ahh, I see. No wonder then."

"What is it?"


"What is it?"

"Nothing much, just a Ley Line."

"Wait. Seriously?"


"No wonder magic around the mansion is different from before."

As Lily and I have a pleasant conversation, Chuculain and Asia walk toward the dining room and sit on the chair, waiting for the food to arrive.

"Good morning Cuchulain Asia. How are you?."

"Little sleepy, but I'm good."

"Yeah, we stay a little late last night to help the little lass to upgrade our Bounded Field" Cuchulain agrees with Asia as he explains their sleepiness.

"I see then good work."

"Um, Thank you, master."

The next person coming to the dining room is Muramasa, who sits next to Cuchulain.

"Good Morning"

"Good morning Muramasa, How are you?"

"I'm good. Master, can I use the basement for my Workshop?"


"Thank you."

As the food arrived, we then began to eat and have a nice morning together, increasing the bond with my servant. Last night before going to sleep, I realized that bond not only increased by doing some battle together but also doing daily life together.

After finished, eat the food that EMIYA makes (which is still awesome). My servant and I then walked to the courtyard, where Asia is already preparing the Magic Circle for us to go to the Tepes Castle. Not all of us able to go. Muramasa says that he doesn't want to go with us, saying that he is only a Blacksmith.

I walked toward the magic Circle with Asia and Lily. While Cuchulain, Emiya, Hassan, George, and Heracles go into their spiritual form.



"Then, 1, 2, and 3."

The magic Circle glows a little, and a second later, we not on the mansion anymore but inside a dark forest as the sun not yet rising.

"Valerie should be on the top of the tower in the west of the castle."

"I see, Assassin, please scout the Castle and see the tower if there any person inside of it. The person we need to rescue is a young woman with short blonde hair and red eyes. Her ages are 19 or 20 years old."

"Understood, Lord Mage"

Hassan of the cursed arm then disappear from my sight, and after a minute passed, Assasin said from their mental link.

'Lord Mage, The person that we need to rescue, is inside the Tower, but many guards are blocking the door to the room.'

'I see, is there any other person inside the room except the target?'

'Yes, Inside the room are a man with white hair and wearing armor. He also has a disturbing aura around him.'

'Shit, Assasin, you need to stay there, and if the man does something to Valerie distract him or take Valerie with you. The man is bad news.'


'Good, we will be going inside now.'

'Yes, Lord Mage'

I look at my servant, who materializes from their spiritual form and says.

"Alright guys, look like we can't do a sneaky mission. Rizevim already inside the tower, so we need to hurry up."

I take the Jeweled Sword and say.

"Berserker, you are in the front with Cuchulain, George, and Lily, Archer behind them and shoot every Vampire you see while Asia, and I will be in the back. GO"

We began to run toward the Castle. As we are nearing the Castle, The bounded field around it began to activate, but Archer already destroyed the barrier with Ruler Breaker that he throws at the barrier.

We continue to run toward the tower. I can see Berserker destroying anyone on his path while Lily kills the Vampire that successfully gets away from the Berserker attack. I then see Cuchulain killing the Vampire that coming from their right side while George is killing the one that was coming from the left side. EMIYA, who already has a bow on his hand and shooting the magic-user that too far from us.

Even though with my servant in the front, Asia and I are busy as well dealing with the one that is successfully getting aways. I began to swing the Jeweled Sword that releasing a beam of light that cut all the vampires coming toward Asia and Me.

'Lord Mage, the man is ordering the guard to help the Vampire. They are Devils.'

'I see, Is Valerie still safe?'


'Then continue to guard Valerie, If the Rizevim does something to Valerie, take her and get out of there.'

'Understood, Lord Mage'

We continue to fight our way to the tower and after 5 minutes of fighting. We can go to the third floor where we can go to the main tower where Valerie locked. As we run toward the tower, I hear calling for me once more.

'Lord Mage, The man, wants to take the Grail from the Target, so I run toward your location.'

'I see, is the Man following you?'

'Yes, he and his guard following me. Your order Lord Mage?'

'Bring Valerie to my location, and We will fight them here.'

'Understood Lord Mage'

I then ordered my servant to stop and wait for Assasin to come to us and ready to fight. A few seconds later, I can see Assassin with Valerie, who fainted on his arm, and people behind him followed him. The people behind him are The Leader of the Old Maou Faction. All of them. Rizevim Lucifer, Katerea Leviathan, Creuserey Asmodeus, Shalba Beelzebub, and Euclid Lucifuge.

After Assassin successfully arrive at my location, he then put down Valerie near Asia, who quickly checks Valerie if there any injuries or something wrong. Rizevim, who arrived in front of us with his fellow Devil look at us and said.

"Well Well, there is a lost lamb in here."

Rizevim says it with a creepy voice that makes me shiver a little.

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