

Someone suffered a mental breakdown and did many heinous things before killing himself, unless he imagined that his other life would be just a new life with some additions.

The_High_Father · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

chapter 15

"Kid, don't be arrogant, you don't stand any chance in front of me," Gilgamesh said when he heard my words. "And also, why do you care about some unimportant humans?"

"Because you will kill them, they are innocent"

"I will not deny that I might kill them if they intercept my words, but ..." Gilgamesh said while smiling, "Do you think you can really stop me?"

At the moment I was firing at me a golden spear, perhaps at Mach 1, he might have underestimated me so he didn't fire his weapons at full speed.

And this works perfectly for me, although I am a child but I am physically strong, and with the help of reinforcement magecraft and eye of the mind that gives me a futuristic vision of his movements, I can avoid his attacks despite its high speed.

"Not bad, kid, but you are barely up to the level of the other mongrels," Gilgamesh said while three weapons appeared behind me and released them close to me, I tilted my body in such a way that I would cross between the weapons without touching me.


"kirei, since this is our farewell, I want you to know that you did well as an apprentice, for this, I have a gift for you." Tokiomi Tohsaka said while sitting in the sofa, he was smiling, while talking to his temporary student, the son of the church judge Risei Kutomeni, kirei Kutomeni.

Tokiomi carried a box and passed it towards Kerry who was sitting in the sofa in front of him, kirei opened the box and saw a long decorated dagger.

"This is ..." Kerry said confusedly.

"Sword of Azuth, given that you were trained in the arts of the Tohsaka family, I decided to give it to you, it is a special sword."

"I see, then, thank you, Tokiomi-sensei!" kirei said while accepting the gift.

"Since your role in this war is over, suppose you return to the church?"

"It seems to be true," kirei said without showing any feelings on his face. "By the way, where is archer?"

"Earlier, a visitor came up with important information about caster's location, I sent him to kill him," Tokiomi answered as he stood up and started leaving.

Halfway to the door, he turned again toward kirei and said before he turned again, "By the way, communicates Risei my regards."

"Of course," kirei said, with a sadistic smile on his face, and he carried an Azuth sword, approached Tokiomi silently, and stabbed his back.


I dodged the sword that was hardly hitting me while I started panting, it was this twelfth round, this idiot continues to lay down his arms on me.

Initially he was throwing it at the speed of sound only, but it started to increase its speed gradually, and now maybe he is throwing weapons at the speed of Mach 2, and the only reason I can continue currently is the increase in the strength of reinforcement and the mysterious effect of the original that makes me ignore fatigue.

On the other hand, due to my misuse of reinforcement in addition to having to preserve media in its physical form and provide it with adequate manpower to wash the brains of civilians, in addition to defending it.

I'm tired, and I hardly have any remaining mana, maybe I will die here, in fact, Gilgamesh could have killed me from the start but decided to play with me, he must be enjoying this, watching me suffer, if I could just get close enough to him he would have been dead long ago .

"do you see? mongrel, you will die here because of your stupidity," Gilgamesh said arrogantly when he saw that I'm tired.

"Oh? Why don't you go down here to see who will die because of his stupidity?" I told him provocatively when I saw an opportunity.

"You want me, the king of heroes, to share the same earth with you?" Gilgamesh frowned.

"Have you heard me, you stupid bitch !! Or are you so afraid?"

"You ..." he said angrily while veins appeared in his pill but he jumped to the ground "Since you want death to this degree, do not blame me."

He pulled a thin sword out of his store and began moving towards me with a cool expression on his face, seeing this, I cunningly smiled and used a knight of owner on my dagger which gave him a dark appearance, and he temporarily became a noble phantasm able to harm the servants.

I used some of my remaining magical energy to reinforce the reinforcement magecraft again and rushed to Gilgamesh who was not aware of the danger he was in.

I was aiming to cut a death line in his neck, which would cause him to die in one fell swoop, when my dagger was about to touch him. He seemed to feel the danger so he avoided my attack, though, my knife still had cut the death line in his left shoulder armor, causing In destroying it.

Gilgamesh was surprised and quickly turned back "this ..."

"I see ..." he smiled as he inserted his sword as well as the other weapons into the Babylon Gate again while placing another shoulder armor "Mystical eyes, interesting, in my time only the gods have something like that, and judging the effect of your eyes on my arm armor, I suppose They are not weak"

I kept silent on me while he was talking, damn it, how could I not have hit him, had he given me time before to distribute my points the result would have been different, I do not want death, I will not die.

While I was thinking about a solution, he took out a bow and an arrow and fired at me, this bow is very fast and that through the eye of the mind I assume that it will strike my heart directly and kill me, the arrow was very fast and I may not be able to avoid it, especially in my case Weak now, however, I tilted my body slightly so that the arrow did not hit my heart, but it still penetrated one of my lungs and came out of my back.

"* Cough ** cough *" I coughed up blood while I ignored the pain coming from my wound and bleeding, I don't know how Shirou managed to defeat him, that's just nonsense.

"Really interesting!" Gilgamesh said as he approached me and carried me from my neck.

Although he choked me a little, I barely cared, and my vision began to fog and I was about to lose consciousness ... ... no! I cannot surrender now, I have to stay determined!

I pulled my hand over the dagger and reactivated my mystic eyes of death perception and tried to stab death lines in his head, but I was very slow and he grabbed my hand.

"I like that, kid," he said to me with a smile, "What do you think of a bargain? You beg me to let you become my follower and I'll consider not killing you."

I looked at him angrily, I wanted to insult him, even if that meant my death, I would not beg someone else, especially him, and of course I wouldn't become a follower of him, but the fatigue and blood loss began to overcome me and I started struggling to stay awake.

Mana shots were fired towards Gilgamesh from the side, possibly because of his clairvoyant as he avoided them, however he was hit afterwards when he turned away from me.

Medea quickly approached me and grabbed me and started running in the opposite direction while at the same time she started healing my injuries.

However, she also summoned a number of dragon tooth warriors to slow Gilgamesh.

"Stay with me, Victor, please, don't close your eyes," she said to me kindly, but I feel as if she is begging me.

I brought back some focus to my eyes, just to see that she was looking at me with begging in her eyes, I don't know why, but I suddenly felt the urge to rest her "I'm fine, Medea"

"You are not like that, Victor, you are suffering from exhaustion in prana and there is a hole in your chest, and you are tired for a long time and yet you kept fighting, why didn't you use the trogos necklace to escape?"

"Don't be stupid." I said to her quietly while I let her heal me. She must be using her own magical energy now. "if I escape he would have killed you, you are his target from the beginning"

I picked up the necklace from my neck and put it on her, "Hey, can you teleport us both using it?"

She looked at me with guilt in her eye, "Victor, this necklace is for saving only one person, not two."

"Jump to the side!" I told her quickly and it seemed that she understood me, and in the place where we were he was hit with a golden sword.

At a distance, Archer, Gilgamesh, was following us, why not just leave us?

"Medea, use the necklace to return to Ryoudou," I said to her quietly.

"No, Victor, what about you? You are still a child, I cannot allow your death here!" She said to me as her speed increased again, at this rate she would quickly drain her strength and fade away.

No, I cannot allow this.

"Caster, don't force me to use the command seal!"

She looked at me for a moment, usually when I address her sharply, she does not disobey me, but now she only smiles at me.

"Victor, you know, you are a cruel, serious, and ruthless child ... Nevertheless, you are not evil, you are so good, that you preferred to spend a command seal in contemplation that a few people are not harmed because of lancer and berserker, and that you asked me to save Other people while you know it's possible to lose if we did that, then instead of saving yourself you chose to guard my back, I ... "

"Caster, do you dare disobey me?" I told her sharply again, why don't she just listen to me.

As long as she returns to the Ryoudou temple she can keep herself from being scattered, while I can pull out something to make sure I won't die, maybe I can escape if I'm lucky.

"Victor, you may not have noticed this, but you are the most important person to me, you are the one who summoned me and the only person I know of this era, and you are also my master, spoiled child." She told me while you put me on the ground and turned around and formed a magic shield to stop Gilgamesh weapons, in normal cases they could not do that, especially since Gilgamesh began to use their maximum speed, but her shield was able to stop them, this is evidence that she uses a very large amount of mana.

I removed the glove from my left hand, "Caster! Using this command seal, I order you ..."

Before I could complete my words she threw the trogos necklace towards me, the moment that the necklace touched my clothes I was taken from the area.