

Description The Great War of the Holy Grail, it was a war fought by 14 servants. Another servant was called to this battle, and he will be the one to speak of. What will become of the war and what changes this heroic spirit will bring. That’s what this story is about. Warning This is fiction as you could understand from Fate/Apocrypha. This is my first work, and yet, I ask you to judge strictly. So I can fix all the flaws, the mistakes and the history. I also want to note that English, my third language, and I still learn it ;), in writing, I have a lot of help of an interpreter. So if there are mistakes, feel free to say it. I hope you appreciate this fiction as it deserves (if even it is full sh*t). Everyone, enough words, just enjoy this fantasy.

eternalStudent · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 13: Great Holy Grail War(5)

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is a huge inverted castle that floats in the sky. Its mere sight makes whoever sees it marvel at this creation, as well as fear before it, if you are an enemy to its master. And now, he does the unthinkable, namely taking the great Grail, a daring plan on the part of the red faction that was truly unexpected. At this moment, all the servants of both factions, headed for the gardens.

Only, in one of the battlefields, no one was going to leave...or rather, they couldn't... The two servants, of the lancer class united against the young man that stood before them. They were of opposing factions, but they knew that if they didn't unite, they would both die...

Ciel stood with his arm outstretched, gathering magical energy in front of his palm...

"My blood is boiling, with hatred in me,

I am a hero. I am a martyr. I am God!

I have only walked the path of hope,

Through the pain, I kept going,

And at the end of my path, I created..."

"Infinite World of Despair."

Chanting a song of magic, a glowing orb formed in front of his palm, which enveloped a large area in a blinding light. Lancers, eyes closed on that bright glow. And when they opened their eyes... They were in a different place.

Before them, the view was divine. The sun was shining brightly over their heads, birds were singing, soothing the mind, with pleasant chirping to their ears. The earth was filled, with different colors... Karna, for the first time in a long time, felt... Relaxed. The landscape was so beautiful that it soothed the very soul...

Karna, lowered himself down, and with his hand took one flower... Picking the flower that was growing on the ground, his nose caught the beautiful scent of the flower, from that wonderful scent, he involuntarily raised his head up, where he saw the captivating blue sky...

...But, it didn't last long... Suddenly all the flowers were blown away by the wind that blew across the field, lifting them up like a hurricane, the flower petals on which the sun shone were like a high work of art... And slowly dropping to the ground, they began to fade... All the flowers faded, the sky was colored red with blood, and the sun became black as coal, and it was like blood poured out.

- It's an interesting world, don't you think... - Ciel spoke, so that both Lancers, turned their attention to him, - this world... a world of utter despair, is my marble reality.

- I see... You're not a hero, you're just an evil spirit, - Vlad said, pointing his spear at him.

Behind Ciel, hovering spirits that were black as tar. They whispered something to him that was impossible to make out. His cold eyes stared at the Lancers as if they were suicide bombers...

- How ironic... To hear that from a foul creature like you, - Ciel replied with a smirk, - You think you're a hero... but are you really, would you look under your feet?

After Ciel's words, they looked down, what they saw surprised them... The whole ground was filled with bones and skulls of people with drops of blood still on them. But what surprised Vlad even more was that his feet were gripped by black as coal, bony spirits. Vlad slashed at them with his spear, but when they disappeared, they reappeared, and grabbed him, but now, not just his legs, but his whole body...

- I'm not surprised, - Ciel said with a chuckle, - you were a tyrant after all... How many people you drove to despair that so many gathered.

His words made Karna, turn his attention to Vlad... What he saw was shocking, a huge number of souls gathered around him. It was as if they were trying to drag him into the depths of hell, but the Black Lancer, cut them open with his spear and his stakes...

- If you think that's enough to stop me, you're wrong, barbarian! - shouted Vlad in anger.

- Of course not, it's not enough, - Ciel continued, drawing his sword, - you see, they were only necessary to keep you here...

Karna, sensed the danger, and immediately prepared for his attack...

- I think it's time to use the second phantasm... - there was a smile on his face,

"Where there is light, there is darkness."

From his chanting, black magical circles appeared on his right hand, which filled his entire arm... Black magical energy flowed, into his sword like miasmas. Releasing a black and red glow that reached the heavens.

Both servants of the lancer class, felt threatened by this phantasm, and decided to use their own.

"There is no more weakness on the battlefield.

My father, I beg your forgiveness,

for the first and last time."

"End it all, Vasavi... Shakti!"

Pointing his spear at Ciel, Karna sang.

"Come, you savages who trample my territory!

The time has come to punish you!

I will turn my compassion and anger into red-hot stakes!"

"And stab you all! Kazıklı Bey!"

A multitude of stakes flew toward, Ciel. He watched as two noble phantasms flew in his direction...

"CHAOS!" - Shouting at the top of his throat. He swung his sword in their direction...


Inside the hanging gardens, now watching the battle, were three persons... A woman with black as tar hair, and long pointed ears, like the elves, Semiramis. A man dressed in exquisite medieval clothing, a caster of the reds, aka William Shakespeare. And also a man dressed as a priest, Kotomine Shiro... They were all watching the fight between, the three servants who remained on the battlefield.

- Are you sure it's worth watching their fight now, when the other servants are about to come to us? - Semiramis asked her master.

- I wonder what he will do, in such a situation, - Shiro said with an apologetic smile, - I just think we will soon find out who he is...

His eyes stared at one servant on the battlefield, his cold calculating eyes studying him... In the midst of the battle, this servant had only one thing left, to use his phantasm, and he was waiting for this very moment... And, it was not long in coming. He used it... He created a marble of reality...

- Here-now... - said Shiro in a surprised voice, - So that's who you are, Ciel... I guess you and I were destined to meet in this war...

He closed his eyes, a smile on his face, as if he had seen someone like him... Semiramis, could not understand why he was so cheerful...

- Did you recognize his true name?

- Yes...

- Then I think it's time for you to get ready, don't you? - With a charming smirk the queen of Assyria spoke.

Shiro nodded in agreement, and was on his way to pick up the command spells, the masters of the red faction. As he quickly sensed something amiss, quickly turning back to the screen, he said

- Assassin let, the lancer master, use his command spell to, enhance the lancer, and move it, to the hanging gardens! - Shiro's voice, was alarmed...

Semiramis, quickly realized from her master's voice that something serious was going on, and quickly made him use two whole command spells... She looked at her master puzzled, trying to understand what had caused him to be so confused.

- Looks like we underestimated him... - he stared at the screen, the marble of reality disintegrating and only one persona emerging from it.

Ciel stood on the battlefield, Karna's phantasm, hitting him hard. Burns on his body, all of his armor protecting his torso burned away... Several cuts on his body, from which blood oozed, were slowly healing. He was able to fight off two noble phantasms, alone...

Everyone in the, throne room, stood and stared in amazement, this servant, was able to survive, the blow of two phantasms. They were heroic spirits that could destroy countries, but even for them, to be able to fight off two phantasm of high rank, was a difficult task...

Karna, appeared in the throne room, he was covered in blood, and looked as if he had been riddled... Had he not been strengthened with a command spell, he might have died there...

- What kind of heroic spirit is he? - The assassin questioned.

- I don't know... but one thing's for sure, he's one of the strongest, if not the strongest servant, in this war. - answered Shakespeare, - Ha ha, how interesting, the strongest servant of the black faction, died, but now we have another, strong enemy!

Rejoiced Shakespeare, seeming to find more material, for his works .

- ...what? - Shiro whispered in surprise.

Semiramis followed his gaze to see what surprised him. Ciel's whole body was covered in tattoos... crosses, angel wings... And one that stood out from the rest, on his right chest was a tattoo of a dark angel, his head was hooded, and his face was white, like a bright light. Also, an inscription on the inside of his right hand that read "Executor."


Ciel stood, with cold eyes that seemed to stare off into the distance. He didn't move, it was as if he wasn't even breathing...

- Mom, are you all right? - said the girl, quietly grasping his clothes...

Jack's words, as if waking Ciel, and he turned to her, and with a smile said...

- Are you okay? - Jack nodded sadly, in response, - You did well, well done. As you can see the black lancer, I killed it myself, so our plans were not affected in any way.

Ciel immediately realized that she felt guilty about not being able to kill Master Vlad. And decided to console her, because even if she couldn't kill him, she had killed three other masters.

- I think it's time we paid a visit to the reds, don't you...

Hello to all dear readers.

I wanted to tell you that starting next week, I'm going to have an overbooked schedule for at least four months, so I apologize that I won't be able to post chapters as often as I used to. But, that doesn't mean I'm dropping this fic, I'll try to put out at least two chapters a week.

Once again, I apologize, but that's just the way it is.

Thank you for your attention.


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