Hmph, so he was a little stronger than you thought! No matter!
Berserker dragged you up out of the crater he'd created with your body, hand still wrapped around your face.
You scoffed and clicked your fingers, "Ignite!" you commanded, flipping your magic circuits on and conjuring a small ball of flame on your fingertip, "Grow!"
That little fireball, little more than a candle exploded into gargantuan proportions, spreading upwards like a massive pillar of flame and compelety stunned the giant.
You used the chance to pull away from him and jump back and watch the show as the giant pillar of flame shot up and pierced the clouds.
And for good measure, you clicked your fingers again, "Spark!" you commanded, and an electrical charge buzzed around your fingers, "Grow!" you commanded again and thrust forward.
That small electrical charge, erupted from your hand in the form of a massive bolt of lightning that slammed through the pillar of flame and electrified the entire pillar of flame.
"Hmph, a bit stronger than I thought, but nothing I can't handle," you snorted, dusting yourself off, getting rid of the debris littering your clothing due to your impromptu meeting with the ground, "As I thought, even servants aren't that impressive compared to me."
…"Holy shit…" Rin gaped at you, and you couldn't help but puff your chest out in pride.
There was nothing quite like showing off your overwhelming awesomeness in front of a hot girl.
"Oh my, you're really strong onii-chan!" Illyasviel chirped, idly leaning back and forth on her feet with a smile on her face, "I didn't think it was possible for human magi to get this strong."
"Spellcaster," you corrected on reflex before frowning, wait, "….I just roasted your servant, why are you so relaxed?"
"No you didn't." she corrected you with a giggle.
And then to your horror, Berserker strolled out of the towering electrified flame pillar, completely fine, not a mark on him.
"How!?" you demanded, "I'm not some novice, I know this isn't normal!"
Sure, servants were whispered about as unbeatable figures. But, it wasn't like they were unkillable, and it wasn't like they couldn't be damaged. Weaklings that could never compare to you had harmed them in the past!
"Oh no, you're really impressive onii-chan, don't feel so down," Illyasviel giggled again, "If it was a normal run of the mill servant, they'd have a tough time shaking that attack off, but my Herakles is the strongest servant."
…So it wasn't that you were actually far weaker than you thought, it was just that the son of Zeus was far more impressive than you gave him credit for.
"My Herakles can't be harmed by anything that isn't a top of the line A-rank attack thanks to his noble phantasm," Illyasviel hummed, "And that's A-rank servant by the way, not some rinky dinky A-rank mortal attack."
Tch, you clicked your tongue, 'So that's it, a fucking Noble Phantasm.' you spat mentally.
As you had thought before, Noble Phantasms were the true threat of a servant. If it wasn't for that, you could take him.
Well whatever, you could take him regardless, the cute little fairy loli made a mistake in telling you his weakness!
You reached up to your neck where a chain necklace hung, and from it, a miniature katana.
With a tug, the chain broke and came free, "Grow." you commanded, and the miniature katana grew back to its normal height.
Your Mystic Code, one that had been infused with your blood to make it receptive to your prana and stored a ton of prana through the diamond enhanced blade just like jewel craft.
Berserker who had just been staring at you, perked up and became alert at the sight of your weapon.
Heh, he must have sensed the threat it presented.
"Let's see how you deal with this!" you growled and thrust your sword at him, point first, "Extend!" you commanded, and the blade glowed brightly.
Then the blade itself extended massively towards him at blinding speeds and slammed into Berserker's chest, lifting him up off of his feet and carrying him through the air.
Herakles slammed into and through multiple trees before you cancelled the effect of your spell, returning your blade to normal.
Now, with some distance, you reinforced yourself and your blade to the limit and leapt through the air after him.
You found him a moment later, no worse for wear and pushing himself up out of a smashed tree as casually as if it were an armchair.
"Die!" you commanded as you came down like a meteor and slashed at his neck.
He didn't even try to dodge and you gaped as your blade did not puncture his skin, but grinded across it like metal, creating sparks!
His skin was even tougher than yours!
A massive fist lashed out at blinding speeds and you just managed managed to bring your blade up to block it.
Even then, the shock from the blow reverberated through it and shook your entire skeleton, before the sheer force behind it blasted you back.
And slammed you through multiple trees in return.
There was a booming noise and then as you lay there in the remains of a tree yourself, Herakles appeared in the air above you, hefting a massive stone blade and aiming to chop you in half with it.
Fuck this!
You slammed your hand into the ground beside you, "Grow!" you commanded the earth itself and the ground erupted into a massive earthen spike that shot up and slammed into-
Or not, because he swiped his massive stone blade through it and shattered the stone as if it were paper mache!
Then before you could do anything, a pair of massive feet slammed into your stomach as he dropped the rest if the way and you folded around his feet like a pretzel.
You choked, blood and spittle flying out of your mouth and into the air.
…You'd never been manhandled like this in your life! How humiliating! And just because of some cheaty nonsense he had because of some stories told about his life or whatever it was that made Noble Phantasms!
So this was what servants were. What absolutely monstrous beings, even able to overpower the great you!
If you want to see stuff a little bit early, feel free to check my pa--treon. You can find the link in any of my story descriptions.