
First Day 9

Around her neck she wore a purple belted choker, and around her eyes, some kind of blindfold. 'A seal of some kind for a Noble Phantasm?' you concluded almost instantly, filing that away for now.

After all, there was no way this was anything but a servant of legend. Who else but one of the greatest legends of history themselves could block one of your mighty punches, even if you hadn't been reinforcing yourself?

A whistle of appreciation left your lips, before they turned up into a smirk, "Well hello there, beautiful," you greeted her, "I didn't know Sakura had a dominatrix on hand, and what lovely hair you have. I'd love to know what kind of conditioner you use."

"The blood of a great many human men." the purple haired servant replied, her own lips twisting up into a mocking smirk of her own.

"That so? Guess it's not really my kind of product." you shrugged. She hadn't denied she was Sakura's servant.

Besides, unless it was truly useless humans, it would be such a waste.

When she didn't reply, you took the time to flood your eyes with your prana and get a look at her basic abilities. A basic spell that any master with a command seal gained access to.

[Strength: B]

[Endurance: D]

[Agility: A]

[Mana: B]

[Luck: E]

Hmm, not bad at all. From what the old pervert had explained to you, starting from the lowest rank of E, each rank was worth multiples of ten times of the peak human ability in those ranges. Peak human being the strongest normal humans could become back during the Age of Gods when humanity was it its very strongest.

So that would make her what, forty times as strong as a peak human from the Age of Gods and fifty times as fast? With forty times as much mana capacity as peak human magus of that time when even magic and its users were of much greater capacity in comparison to the modern age?

'I wonder how I measure up to these?' you mused internally. Probably at least B-rank in everything, at the very least.

You shook your head, "So, why did you stop me?" you asked, "You were clearly watching us for a time, so you must know of what we spoke and what I intend to do? I figured I'd give her a nice little surprise and let her wake up to having lost all those nasty little worms that troubles her so much."

"And how did you come to that conclusion?" the servant let go of your hand, placing her hands on her lovely hips, "I could just as easily be trying to take you off guard."

You rolled your eyes, "If that was the case, you would have slit my throat when I was balls deep in the lovely Sakura here," you replied, gesturing to the comatose girl laying on the couch, "But considering you didn't go for such a prime target, that means your aims aren't aggressive towards me or Sakura at least, and I can't feel any murderous intent from you either."

If she had shown bloodlust towards Sakura, you'd have snapped this servants neck already.

"Well, despite that hedonistic attitude of yours, you're not a fool," the servant snorted, "Yes, I am Rider and Sakura is my master." she confirmed.

"Like I thought," you shrugged your shoulders, "So? Why were you stopping me from taking her then? This is for her benefit."

"So you say," she shrugged, "But words are just that, words. I will cater to my master and carry her, and I will keep an eye on you and what you intend to do. Should you be lying, you won't even have the time to scream before you die."

You snorted and rolled your eyes, "I'll just start the screaming early then," you retorted, before shrugging uncaringly, "Not as if I have any need to lie either, but whatever helps you sleep at night Rider, and it'll save me having to carry her on my back and drive at the same time."

Rider cocked her head to the side at your words, her lips twisting up into an almost facsimile of a smile, before fading away as if it were never there to begin with an instant later. "Very well." she nodded, and stepped passed you to heft Sakura up into her arms in a princess carry as easily as you could, no strain at all.

You beckoned her to follow you with a jerk off your chin, opening the door to the karaoke booth and stepping out, Rider carrying Sakura following behind you.

As you stepped out, you noticed the door to Shinji's booth was still closed. "What of Shinji?" Rider asked, noting your attention on the door as the door you your previous booth closed behind her.

"Well, he seems to be having fun, there's no need to disrupt him," you shrugged, making your way down the hall to where you entered the building. As you did, you pulled your phone from your pocket, "I'll just text him and tell him I was having too much fun with Sakura so we moved the party back at my place. I'll reward him later."

How you weren't sure. Maybe you could enhance him like one of your boys? Sure, he'd never measure up to you, but you could easily make him superhuman compared to normal humans, and he would be a decent lackey.

"Or you could not," Rider pointed out, walking behind you, "He hardly deserves a reward for what he's done, the piece of slime that he is."

"Hmm," you hummed in interest as you deployed a quick bout of hypnosis to stop the guy at the front desk from asking any questions, though even that wasn't enough to stop him from gaping open mouthed in lustful awe at Rider, "And what exactly has he done?" you asked

"You don't need to ask, Sakura already told you," Rider snorted at you, "He has raped her on many an occasion. But beyond that he berated her, put her down at every opportunity and beat her for his own miniscule satisfaction and to soothe his jealous ego of not being born one of you magi."

"Spellcaster," you corrected her idly, you didn't give a crap about being a proper magi like the old pervert and other magi family, "And is that so?" your own lips twisted into a frown.

It seemed the tragedy of your woman's life was worse than you thought. Before, hearing about it hadn't phased you. But now that she had become yours?

A festering heat of blackness squirmed within your guts and the temptation to call Shinji out and crush his head under your palm like a grape flared almost painfully, before you quashed it.

It wasn't after all, like you were any better of a person than Shinji. You were worse even. You hypnotised people into being loyal to you and ended the lives of enemies without hesitation, cutting off all of their potential and growth, snuffing the light of their souls out with nary a regret.

"You did come at an opportune time I suppose if anything else, if you speak the truth of your intentions," Rider sneered lightly, "With how this Grail War has become, with the idiot and that old worms plans, we'd have been dead within days."

If you want to see stuff a little bit early, feel free to check my pa--treon. You can find the link in any of my story descriptions.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts