
First Day 5

While a frown appeared on your face at her words, you used her distraction as a chance to use Structural Analysis on her. And there, the worms were there still, but yes, on her right hand you could feel them. Command Seals.

You thought it before, and it came to mind again. Sakura Matou really wasn't magus material. If it was just potential for magical ability, then she would be top grade. But the mentality? It was all wrong.

You thought on what you knew of her body, what was inside of it. 'Is it not just family magic then?' you wondered. You wouldn't put it past any magi, especially one who'd lived to the age of Zouken Matou, to force his family members into baring the rumoured Crest Worms.

You know really, you aren't a good guy. You're a terrible person actually, you know that and you embrace it. But one thing you really did hate, was wasted potential. You hated the thought of something that would become great in the future in your hands being cut short. It was probably some sappy trauma from what happened to you as a kid and because of your dual origin and element.

You reached up and grasped her chin, gently turning her head to make her look you in the eyes again, "Is this about the worms?" you asked bluntly, stroking your thumb across her cheek.

She stared, confused for a moment before her eyes widened. Shock, fear, humiliation, loneliness, sadness, more and more crappy emotions that her face flew through in the span of a few seconds, "...You're a magus." Sakura whispered.

"Spellcaster actually," you pointed out for the second time today, "A pretty damn strong one, but I just don't care much for the whole magi mindset crap, apparently unlike your grandfather huh?"

Sakura looked down in shame, "...You know about the worms huh?" she muttered listlessly.

"Yeah, I've known about them since the first day I met you, all I had to do was bump into you and I could get an in-depth look into your body," you shrugged, "Really, I only came to school at all in the first place to keep an eye on you guys families and scope you out a bit to make sure you didn't catch on to me."

"I see." she replied lightly, and that was all as her body began to tremble lightly.

She yelped when you grasped her by the hips and lifted her around to plop her on your lap, forcing her to straddle you. "C'mon, what's the problem?" you smiled at her, "Things were pleasant a second ago, let's get back to that."

She looked up into your eyes and you noticed tears budding in the corner of her own, "..I-I didn't want anyone to find out about them, about how disgusting I am inside."

Her little pity party was cut off by a surprised little gasp coming from her plump pink lips when you slid your hands down her hips and took a pair of handfuls of her full ass cheeks, "Trust me," you smirked, "They're hardly a deal breaker when it's a girl as fine as you. I've seen far more disgusting things than a few worms inside you." Really, the human body itself on the inside us utterly disgusting. You knew the human better than anyone else, you'd had an in-depth view of how everything worked after all. A few worms hanging around, did not measure up.

She gave you a surprised look, her face flushing once more.

"By the sound of it, these worms weren't really a consensual thing huh?" you asked, giving her lovely ass a squeeze, "And here I thought it when I found out that you're impressive willing to go that far."

"..No...they weren't." she admitted truthfully, looking a bit dazed all things considered. Did you really turn her world view upside down that much? "Grandfather made me take them in years ago."

"What a cunt," you snorted, nodding to yourself, "Want me to get rid of them for you?" you asked. Really, most of them would be easy to get rid of with your body modification magic. The problem would be getting that big fucker out of her heart. But, as long as there was enough fuel, or energy in her body, and eating a big ass amount of food would help with that, you could it.

And this might actually be better. Sakura was the master, Zouken Matou was not. You could skip the middleman right here and get this beauty indebted to you and take her and her servant for yourself.

Sakura regained her coherence and her eyes filled with fear, "No, you can't!" she blurted out, shaking her head rapidly, her lovely plum hail whipping back and forth, "You can't go against grandfather! Even if you are a magus or a spellcaster you'll die!"

You couldn't help it, you burst out laughing. You, die? You killed by some old worm? The thought of it was hilarious! Sakura just stared at you in bemused shock as your laugher echoed off of the sound proof walls. It took a good thirty seconds before you managed to calm yourself, "Oh..that was a good one," you gave another little chuckle, "Me, getting killed by some old fossil that relies in worms for his magic, that's just great"

"S-Sota-san?" Sakura stuttered your name out.

"Sakura, trust me, your grandfathers magic is utterly useless against me," you told her, and stood up easily carrying her with you in one hand, the older voluptuous girl wrapping her legs around your waist on instinct, "Watch." you told her and easily balancing her, you reached down and grabbed the couch you were just sitting on at the base with one hand and hoisted it into the air as if it were a feather.

"...Oh my.." Sakura's eyes progressively widened as she watched you, "...How are you doing this, some kind of Reinforcement?" she asked.

"Body Modification actually," you replied, easily setting it down, "Everything about my body as been enhanced over and over for years. I could even fight a servant if I wanted, Zouken Matou, you can trust me on this, is nothing compared to a servant." you told her, taking your seat again with her in your lap once more and casually filling your palms with her lovely rear end for a second time.

Sakura once again just stared at you. Her face though, told you all you needed to know as her expressions cycled through disbelief, to blatant hesitance, to reluctant hope as she bit her lip, "..Can you really beat grandfather?" she asked, "..Uncle Kariya tried to go against him and he got killed."

"Sorry to hear that," you apologised for her, even if you didn't really mean it, this Kariya person didn't mean anything to you, "But, and I'll repeat myself here. Zouken Matou is absolute trash compared to me, I could crush him as easily as a fly." the hell is some bug magus gonna do against you? Send a swarm of bugs after you? One click of your fingers and you can produce a spark of flame and with a thought, turn it into an inferno.

Your double origin and element impacts your talent when it comes to the normal elements quite majorly, But, it made up for it massively, to the point where you could easily outperform someone who actually had a proper alignment towards a normal element, especially when partnered with your absurd maximum prana output.

"..I don't get it," Sakura said, shaking her head in disbelief, "Why did you want to meet with me? Why are you bringing all this up? What do you want out of all this?"

If you want to see stuff a little bit early, feel free to check my pa--treon. You can find the link in any of my story descriptions.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts