
What does he want?

At about some minutes to five, Axel's friends stood up and looked Diane's way and waved at her before leaving. He walked them to the door and came back to his seat, bringing out his laptop to start typing. Sales had began to slow and Diane watched him discreetly from where she sat. His brows were scrunched in concentration. His back was hunched and taut showing difficulty from sitting in a chair for too long. He looked like a man who belonged in a plush chair reserved for CEO's not the stiff wooden chairs that they had in the restaurant. She could literally see the outline of his abs underneath the sweatshirt he wore. It wasn't bulky or anything, it looked comfortable and his eyes gosh he had really nice eyes, that made her want to lose herself in them. His hair was cut low but could still be held onto and she wouldn't mind exploring those lips only if she was two younger.Life had dealt with her and she wasn't going to fall into the same trap again. Her ex, Bryan was so nice and innocent till she moved in and saw him for he really was.

A loud obnoxious laughter broke her out of her train of thoughts as she turned to see the culprit. Of course it was Maxine Mrs B's only daughter who was studying overseas. She always pranced about with her tail in the air. Today she was with her boy toy, Max and he was opening the door, smiling and nodding in acquiesce to whatever she said like a lovesick puppy. He was a wimp and a gold digger in Diane's opinion and she was sure that everyone thought that too. As they walked in, the restaurant became quiet. Diane took in her dress which couldn't pass for a dress with heels that were high as skyscrapers. How she managed to walk in those contraptions always amazed her. Didn't she care that she might fall? Diane grimaced as she pictured the scenario. "Hi everyone!" Maxine greeted in that nasal voice of hers, looking at Ashley "Where's my mom?" Mrs B came rushing out of her office to do some damage control. If there was anything Maxine couldn't be faulted about was how she loved her mom."Hi mom!" She said kissing her on both cheeks before hugging her tightly. Max waved from behind Maxine. Mrs B blushed and nodded in Mr Axel's direction whose head was still buried in his laptop. Maxine followed her line of vision before shaping her mouth into an "O". She catwalked to where Mr Axel was seated with a practiced smile on her face leaving Max standing idly. When she got there, she stretched her hand "Hi, my name is Maxine Bradford, you can call me Max for short not that I look like a man or anything and I've heard a lot about you, I'm pleased to meet you" giving a nervous laugh. Mr Axel took good two minutes before he lifted up his eyes and took her hand giving her a polite smile. "My name is Axel Wood" focusing on his laptop, signalling the end of the discussion. Everyone watched the exchange knowing that Maxine hated being ignored. Maxine brought out a seat scraping loudly on the floor to get his attention which worked. Axel looked up again and Diane could see the tick in his brow and caught his exasperated look before he schooled his features into a bored one and she smiled. She continued talking loudly about how she's the top in her class in culinary school, Ashley snickered, they all knew she couldn't cook to save her life unless making tea was considered cooking. Axel continued making hmm sounds at intervals, clicking away on his laptop. Maxine would have to be blind to be oblivious to his lack of enthusiasm as she rattled on and on. She even talked about how she wanted to take the reins from her mother after her final year and hinted at being ready to settle down.

Maxine cracked a joke which he didn't respond to and tried to touch him to get him to join in the laughter and he jerked away from her "I don't appreciate people touching me" he said with all traces of politeness gone. She made a pout but wiped it off when she saw his stoic expression. That was when Maxine got it that he didn't want to talk. She stood up and wiped an imaginary dust off her butt, glancing around to see who saw the exchange and bade him goodbye giving him a sickly smile while walking to her mom's office.

My phone dinged and I opened my message app to see my chat with Ashley

Ashley: Did you see the way he brushed her off? It was so cool

Diane: I think she was just being friendly

Ashley: Oh please, flirting gone wrong, but can you see the guy? He's so handsome, do you think he has a girlfriend? He can be attracted to me right?

Diane: He's alright, why does his relationship status bother you. You're an amazing girl but I don't think we should dwell on that now.

Ashley: He's more than alright and you know it. I think he likes you. He has been watching you keenly since you served them. You both will make cute babies.

Diane: What gave you such idea? He's like up there and I'm down here

Ashley: Any sensible man will see the beauty in you and never let you go. You like him too, don't deny it and don't think I've not noticed the way you couldn't keep your eyes when you thought no one was watching. Axel and Diane kissing on a tree.....

Diane: I don't think we should be discussing about this. Mrs B could fire us.

Ashley: Alright alright, I'll stop only because you're not ready to admit it.

Diane sighed and put the phone back in her pocket.