
Fate: As Gilgamesh

Alternative Title: Gilgamesh, The Star of Genesis that Illuminates Humanity. An empty soul without a name, which had reached the end of its life, lamented and awakened the all-seeing observer. With the intervention of the all-seeing observer, the empty soul that had reached the end of its life returned to the world as the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh. The golden king who watches over everything, marking the era of humanity. Witness the unexpected changes brought forth by this nameless empty soul within the vessel of the mightiest hero, and become a star that illuminates humanity with its uniqueness. ---This is not a story of the nameless soul manipulating a vessel to become his own, this is a story of the nameless soul's journey of self-discovery and seeing the world through the eyes of the King of Heroes and making his own mark on the world, not as King of Heroes Gilgamesh, but as..... *** You can indulge in more than 10 chapters ahead of the regular schedule by visiting our Patreon page and subscribing. Feel free to explore our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/KangTL Your support will enhance our productivity in creating more captivating and wonderful works. *** [TL] - Ryūga Fudagiri

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"--To wake up from slumber and find out that Berserker Rider had committed suicide. I thought her will was strong. Falling behind like this..."

Jeanne murmured. It was her personal feelings upon witnessing Berserker's disappearance.

"Her reason and madness were in conflict, and it ended up being incomplete. Yes, that's probably it. Having such strong self-discipline can also be a double-edged sword. --However, she fought with all her might. But... That golden figure... We must not let our guard down."

"Oh Jeanne... Has that golden figure been forgotten?"

"There's no way it could be forgotten! I'll crush it this time! I'll take 'him' down! The newly summoned Servants as well."

She wrapped herself in her flag and fur.

"Contact Berserker Assassin too, Berserker Ber... Ugh, it's such a hassle!"

Jeanne tapped her foot impatiently. It seems her boiling anger hasn't subsided yet.

"Knight of the Lake, Lancelot! Executioner, Charles-Henri Sanson!"

A knight adorned in black armor and a young man in a long coat.



"I'll prepare Wyverns, follow after me. Go berserk as you wish, and slaughter them all."

"I leave it to you. The duty of beheading the queen is most suited for an executioner."

"Especially, we're counting on you, Lancelot. --Make sure, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely kill that golden figure!"


"Jeanne, feel free to act as you wish! Betraying you, France, the world, even God! Repay mockery with vengeance, burn and destroy in your wrath!"

"Yes, of course. --Hey, Gilles."

Jeanne murmured softly.

"Which one do you think is the real one, there or here?"

"It's obvious. You, who rose up with indignation against betrayal, with hatred against contempt, with accusations against God's mockery, you are none other than Jeanne! Jeanne d'Arc!"

Passionately exclaimed Gilles.

"You, who rose up with ordinary emotions, exercising ordinary rights. Because you were destroyed, you shall destroy... There's nothing impure in that. You are the righteous Jeanne d'Arc."

"I see. Gilles. You have always been there to help me."

"Yes, that's why..."

"'To be comforted by one's foster parent.'"


Stiffened Gilles, and then, Jeanne. Both of them, like machines that had frozen.

"... Did I say something? Somehow, that bothersome gaudy golden one crossed my mind."

"No, no. I wouldn't playfully say something to mislead you."

"I see. Then, I'm off."

"Please, be yourself, Jeanne..."

Soaring, the Dragon Witch Jeanne d'Arc.

"――So you've noticed, King of Heroes... To my wish, to the heart of Jeanne d'Arc's essence――!"

The voice, as if squeezed out by Gilles, resounded through the castle halls.


"'Sob, ugh... sob...'"

On the morning of departure, while replenishing the ether of the Vimana, Jeanne contacted.

"What a bother. If you're begging, do it somewhere else."

"'Saint Martha... Saint Martha...'"

Martha――Is it about yesterday's Berserker Rider?

Following her advice, the group solidified their plan to head towards the town of Lyon. They were searching for the dragon slayer.

"Even saints can't necessarily fulfill their duties. Servants are like that."

"'Yes... but it's sad... if we had talked together, her and I, with our fists, then maybe we would have understood each other... Reality is harsh, unlike stories...'"


"What are you reading?"

"'Modern novels and things called manga a little! Shonen Jump! Light novels, you know! It's weird... I thought we could fully reconcile, but...'"

"You've ventured into modern culture. Keep it in moderation. Your soul will rot."

"'I'm fine! I have self-control! Alright, if that's how it is, then I will take on Saint Martha's will!'"

"Oh, really? Let's hear it. How do you plan to inherit that mighty arm?"

"'When you return, would you set up a boxing gym for me? I'll use my strength for special training! It was an eye-opener. Prayer... is actually fists!'"

――Is she planning to master it, prayer?

"I see. You've come to that. Well, if the urge strikes, I'll think about it... Ah, by the way, it's common for modern priests to enjoy Eight Extremities Fist, isn't it?"

"'W-What? I didn't know... the knowledge wasn't there when I was summoned...'"

"I say it, so it must be true. Also, for the sake of self-discipline, I heard that they eat super spicy mapo tofu three times a day?"

"'I-I didn't know... the King of Heroes truly is knowledgeable! I'll ask Emiya to make some for me right away!'"

The communication ends with a snap.

"That should keep her quiet for a while."

――What kind of beings are modern priests?

"Gil! Everyone is aboard the Vimana!"

The Master's voice can be heard. It's time to depart.

"Alright――Activate anti-gravity device! Raise the throne!"

Following the command, the Vimana begins to soar. Spreading its wings, its majestic form resembles that of a golden eagle.

"We'll head to Lyon after gathering information! Did we forget anything? Alright, let's go! The sky is also part of my garden, remember that overcoming it is an easy task――!!"

――Saint Martha. The fist-wielding saint who clashed with Jeanne.

With your guidance in our hearts, we will move forward.

Please, may we meet in a different way next time.

"King of Heroes."

During departure, Jeanne calls out.

"What is it, everyone seems to have similar expressions."

"It's not something major... I just..."


"If I have the chance, I'd like to experience love. A wonderful love that burns into my existence."

Jeanne's face is radiant. It seems that her doubts have disappeared after the battle with Martha.

"I won't let anyone call me a flag-bearer who knows nothing about love anymore!"

...So she was concerned... I have done something unwarranted.

"Whether there's a man who can follow a fortress woman like you, I don't know. But first, you should start with reading and writing. There's a huge difference between a love letter and a worm's trail."

"W-What? I understand! What kind of insult is that from you?"

"Those who enjoy pleasure should be able to accurately pierce the heart!――That's enough talking, let's go! Take off, Vimana!"

――Love, huh.

Yes, I'm sure she'll find it. Even though she's strong, Jeanne is still a girl.

I hope she encounters a wonderful person who can stand by her strong soul.

Even for a Servant, I'm sure that much is allowed... that's what I wish for.


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