
Fate as an Alchemist

FMA Alchemy in Nasuverse. Mc is one year younger than Waver Velvet and will participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War. There are elements from Kara no Kyoukai, especially during volume 1 and 3, but not much and everything is explained. The mc is both an alchemist and a magus so don't expect him to be a hero. All the FMA alchemies are based on the 2009 anime. Ignore any knowledge or info you may have on the 2003 one.

Vitamin_F · Anime & Comics
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97 Chs

Chaos of the battlefield

On the ceiling of the mansion's entrance stood Archer, his golden armour reflecting the light of the moon as he looked down upon the entrance.

Black mist began gathering on the entrance of the mansion, making him frown.

"You mongrel..." muttered Archer, looking at Berserker as the servant roared. "I am benevolent enough to come and personally wait for my treasures to be delivered to me, and you dare come to interrupt my reunion?!" he said loudly as golden portals appeared behind him.

Countless weapons began flying in Berserker's direction as the black servant dodged or broke them.

From the sidelines, Kariya looked at the destruction caused by the battle between his servant and Archer while coughing heavily.

"Hurry up and defeat him, Berserker." he muttered between coughs.

Kariya had spent the last days in terrible pain as the worms slowly ate his body, however he wasn't planning on giving up. Assassin, Rider and Saber were all defeated, which left just two other masters in this war, the blonde kid and Tokiomi.

Raising his eyes, he focused on the windows of the mansion. "I am coming for you, Tokiomi." he said as he slowly began to walk, ignoring the clash between the servants near him.

"Excuse me, sir." said a voice from the side, making his instincts flare up as he instinctively took a step back and looked in its direction.

"Who are you?" asked Kariya confused. In front of him stood a relatively old man with the appearance of a butler. Tokiomi didn't have a butler, so it was undoubtedly strange seeing someone like this here, especially because there were two heroic spirits fighting in the background.

"Ah of course, where are my manners?" asked rhetorically the man. "Feel free to call me Giorno." he said calmly with a small smile before his expression turned serious. "I have been sent to keep you here, after all my master would like it if you don't interrupt his plans."

Kariya narrowed his eyes for a moment and looked around. There was no one in the surroundings other than Archer and Berserker. "Get out of the way." he said.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." replied Giorno, blocking Kariya's way into the house.

Kariya, who wanted to take advantage of Archer being too busy with Berserker to kill the defenceless Tokiomi, couldn't help but curse at his luck to encounter an opponent right now. "I don't know who you are or what you actually want, but I can't waste my time with you." muttered Kariya while raising his arm.

Giorno stared as Kariya as the man raised his arm with a bit of effort, exhaustion evident in his face. Countless bugs flew from under his sleeve and went in Giorno's direction, however before they could touch him, Giorno's skin gained a metallic colour, nullifying the insects' attacks.

"W-What?" muttered Kariya in slight disbelief. Before he continued, he noticed the sounds of the battle between Archer and Berserker had ceased.

Turning his head, Kariya saw Saber standing in front of Berserker, blocking Berserker's swords with her own... Saber! wasn't she supposed to be dead?

Nearby stood Dio, Lancer at his side, as they both stared at Archer.

'Wasn't she defeated already?!' thought Kariya as he stared in disbelief at Saber, who had drastically changed her appearance.

Unconsciously, he stopped focusing his attention on the butler and instead kept looking at Dio, who was looking at Archer with a smile.

"You have finally come to deliver my treasures." said Archer with a commanding tone, turning what should have been a question into a fact while maintaining an amused smirk.

"I understand why you say all the treasures of this world belong to you." said Dio, looking at Archer from the ground. "After all, if I am not mistaken, every single treasure in this world was collected by you at some point. They all come from your treasury and thus technically belong to you." he continued, slowly walking forward with Saber at his side. "But that leaves me with a question..."

"It's good that you understand it." said Archer before raising an eyebrow at Dio's words. "Very well, I will allow you to ask your question."

"If my rings aren't already in your treasury, how do they belong to you?" asked Dio.

Archer's eyebrow twitched for a second. "For a treasure to exist is enough proof that it is mine." replied the golden servant, still looking down on everything from the top of the house. "Now, give them to me. I will ignore the disrespect of not handing them over assuming it is out of pure admiration."

"I will unfortunately have to decline." said Dio, shaking his head. "After all just like when hunting, the chase is half of the fun right?"

Archer smiled at Dio's words before he began laughing. "I was right... you are indeed amusing!" exclaimed the king of heroes as several golden portals appeared behind him. "Very well then, continue to entertain me!"

Around them black shadows formed and dozens of Assassins appeared alongside Kirei, who walked calmly out of the house.

Archer turned around to look at Kirei annoyed. "What is the meaning of this, Kirei?!" he asked, clearly not pleased by the interruption.

"Oh, don't mind him your grace." said Dio with a smile before turning to Diarmuid and nodding.

Diarmuid nodded back and launched himself at the Assassins as he began tearing them apart with his lances.

Dio looked at Kirei from the corner of his eye and smiled before focusing back on the king of heroes.

"Now, there will be no more interruptions." said Dio calmly.

Archer looked at the surroundings and saw that Saber was fighting Berserker, Lancer was fighting Assassin and Kirei, Berserker's master was slightly far away throwing bugs at an old man, the only one missing was Caster, however he didn't care about her at all.

Looking back down at Dio, Archer smiled amused. "You took quite a lot of care while preparing the stage huh?"

Dio looked back with a smile before replying. "Well of course I did. I am challenging the king of heroes after all, anything short of a perfect stage would be disappointing, and what better stage that in the middle of a chaotic battle with some of the greatest heroes the world has ever seen?"

Archer continued to look at Dio amused as the smile on his face grew. "Good..." he muttered, however his smile disappeared in an instant as he looked at Dio with contempt. "However, are you saying that you wish to challenge me all by yourself?"

"Indeed." replied Dio, staring at the king of heroes above with a slightly defiant gaze. "Who knows, perhaps I will be an opponent worth remembering."

Archer stared silently at the master below, his serious expression revealing nothing.

Dio likewise maintained the silence, the environment now only filled with the sounds of clashes between other servants around them.

A smirk appeared on the face of the king of heroes as he looked down on the slightly defiant look Dio had. "The two mongrels who called themselves kings in my presence fell at your hands." he said calmly, his tone filled with contempt for Saber and Rider. "And in turn it was you who reached me... very well then, this king will accept your challenge and drive you to despair as you see the difference in power before I finally take what is mine."

Countless golden portals appeared around Archer, all pointed directly at Dio.

"Let's start then." muttered Dio, raising his hands and pointing them in Archer's direction as the gloves on his hands sparked.




Author note:

I understand you might be thinking Dio is an idiot for fighting Gilgamesh alone, well he isn't. There is an actual reason for why he is doing this which will be revealed later in their actual fight.