
Fate’s Play

" Quinn " his melodic voice called out to me . I knew it in an instant that it was him cause my heart skipped a beat. My body usually responds to him but not this time, not until he gives me some valid reasons. I gave him my silent treatment by ignoring his tempting voice and started walking away. "Why are you here?" he insisted me with an authoritative tone. "Quinn , talk to me !" "Why?" I bursted out unable to tolerate my anger . The temperature changed as I smirked at myself knowing the reason. "Why are you doing this to me ?" His beautiful face was scrunched up in confusion. "Why are you disappearing on me? Yesterday, you magically vanished within a second " I paused for a while and then continued. "Don't even try to make an excuse for that. It's humanly impossible. This is not the first ti-" " I'm a spirit" he replied casually. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What will you do when your walls of truth breaks down as lies? What happens when you don't know the real you? What happens when your past becomes your future? Will you try to fight it or will you accept it as your fate? Let's see what decision Quinn Merida Luke takes in this story....

Vini_Robin · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Who the hell is he?

The next classes went very dull. The teachers decided to torture me, even though they didn't know me, by making me to introduce myself in front of everyone. I had to tell everyone my name, where I came from and why I was here. I kinda felt sorry for the people who were in the same class as mine for they had to hear me repeat it. But still, I couldn't stop thinking about the boy I had caught staring at me. There was something about the encounter which unnerved me. By now, it was lunch time and I had never been so glad to eat food. So I pushed those thoughts away and headed to the cafeteria with Felix as he showed me the way. Yeah guys, he stuck to me like a glue and never left my side. "Okay Felix, see you after lunch!" I said, desperately trying to leave him. Bravo!! It was successful and I marched to the lunch room. I accidentally bumped into someone and that someone being Vanessa - the baddest girl in high school and most of them call her as the 'Queen V' and her friends as her butlers.

            "What the hell!" She screeched as her tray which consisted of a fruit salad had made a mess on her ugly short dress. "I'm sorry Vanessa, I didn't mean to do it" I apologized. "Look who decided to show up after five years guys!" She told her friends and laughed viciously towards me. I quickly became angry which resulted in the increase in temperature in cafeteria. "Well look who hasn't even changed being a drama queen" I forced a laugh but still the anger was boiling in my veins and now the whole cafeteria was seeing this. "Don't worry loser, I'll come up with a new plan to make you more embarrassed so that you'll run away from this city again like a coward" That's it..... My patience level was drained by her incredible speech. "Enough Vanessa!" I shouted, making the hall even more hotter. I punched her nose and slapped her hard that my hand was printed on her cheeks. Then giving her no time to recover, I punched her stomach and dashed her food tray while people were trying to push me away from her.

                 But as my imagination ran out, Vanessa stood before me, her hands on her hips, without a single drop of blood on her face and the episode which had happened here was merely my imagination. "Can we forget the past and act like mature persons?" I asked her by masking my anger but the latter didn't happen. "No way coward, nice try. See ya later in another prank show" she said as she walked away. Since I was raging in anger, I wasn't too surprised to hear a mighty big thunder clap which made the crowd around me to gasp in terror. Yep, I know why they were surprised, cause it was way too windy and chill in the month of September and they are witnessing a hot climate which caused a thunder clap. "Calm down..... Calm down please" my mind started chanting but it went in vain. "Hey Merida, we both share the same lunch period girl!" said the most favorite voice of mine. "Hey Katie" I smiled as my anger slowly faded away. "Dude, I don't know why suddenly it became hot in here. So care to join me in library?" "Is there an air conditioner in library?" I chuckled. "Yeah! That's the reason Merida. Let's go" she said and pulled me to the library.

                 That's when someone crossed my mind. "Shoot, I totally forgot about that!" I thought. "Katie, Nina is waiting for me in the cafeteria, girl. So I need to go there so-" I was cut mid sentence by Katie saying, "No problemo! You sit here probably Vanessa will be there to mock you. So I'll go there and bring her here. Is it okay for you?" She asked me. I was overwhelmed. "Oh my God! What am I ever going to do without you?" I exclaimed. "I'll take that as a yes" she said when we stood before the library door. "Come fast" I said as I opened the door. It was so silent that I could hear my breathing sound and my footsteps. "Hi" came the sweet, melodic tenor voice beside me. "It was him!" my mind screamed. The boy from the park and from the hallway were same. I turned to him and raised my eyebrows. Up close, his skin almost seemed to glow up in a strange, nearly translucent manner. I was so surprised that my awesome eyes found them only now and not at our previous encounter. "Hey" I said masking the nervousness behind my voice. The mystery boy's mouth quirked up in a smile and his eyes scanned my face. "You okay?" "Yeah" I said as my face flamed red with embarrassment.

                  "What the heck is wrong with me. Why the hell am I not able to speak in full sentence?" I asked myself which resulted in panic mode, in the inside. "Then meet in you in there" he said walking towards the table on my opposite. "Umm sure" I replied like an idiot. When I followed him, something else caught my attention. "Part time job as an assistant. Benefit : you'll be able to read books in your spare time :)" Books are my best companion except Text books of course! I love books which were written by Agatha Christie, Robin Cook, Dan Brown, John Green, Stephenie Meyer and etc. That board ignited the fire in me, so I headed towards the desk of the librarian. "Could I join here for part time job?" I asked her by giving her my puppy dog eyes. Her face showed amusement, "Yeah sure sweetie. No one has signed in for ages" she said. She handed me a clipboard from the desk and continued, "Fill this form and give it to me tomorrow, okay?" "Okay ma'am" I beamed. "Your name dear?" She asked and I replied, "It's Quinn, Ma'am" "See you later, Quinn" she said as I walked away.

                       I turned to my right, to only see empty tables and not him. So I ended up in the corner table and started eating. "Where is this Katie? She's been missing for the past 10 minutes!" I muttered. Just then my mind reminded me about the boy. "Did the mystery boy change his mind on meeting me?" I thought. "Of course, I'm being weird" I thought which put a small smile on my face. "Why are you here?" the lyrical voice asked, causing me to jump from my chair. "What!?" I was startled. I know and I'm so sure that he hadn't been sitting there a moment ago, "Where'd you come from? I didn't even see you walk up or sit down for the matter" I asked him. "I'd been sitting here for a little while and you'd been blind not to notice me. Maybe I was so still like Drax or something" he chuckled and then repeated, "Why are you here?" I squinted at him, trying to judge if he was joking, but he wasn't.

"I joined this school. Additionally, I do know you weren't there a moment ago" I insisted. "If you say so" he shrugged flashing his teeth at me with a grin, "Nice to meet you," he smiled and continued, "Again" "Dude, why are you messing with me?" I exclaimed, too agitated to ask his name. "How exactly am I messing with you?" he eyed me speculatively forming a crease on his forehead. I stared at him frustratedly as I noticed the temperature in the room change slightly. I closed my mouth shut. "If I'm bothering you so much then, maybe I should just go" he said, shrugging his shoulder, his green eyes boring into me. I sighed and broke eye contact with him and looked away. "No, it's okay. You can stay. I'm sor-" I stopped in mid word when I felt myself drawn to look at him once more.

But to my amusement he was gone again. "Seriously?" I muttered loudly. "Maybe, he is a Ninja or something" my mind concluded. He better be it or he is done with me!


A/N :

           so, now what are your assumptions on the mystery guy?

                  hope everyone is enjoying my book...

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                   love y'all!!