
Fate’s Play

" Quinn " his melodic voice called out to me . I knew it in an instant that it was him cause my heart skipped a beat. My body usually responds to him but not this time, not until he gives me some valid reasons. I gave him my silent treatment by ignoring his tempting voice and started walking away. "Why are you here?" he insisted me with an authoritative tone. "Quinn , talk to me !" "Why?" I bursted out unable to tolerate my anger . The temperature changed as I smirked at myself knowing the reason. "Why are you doing this to me ?" His beautiful face was scrunched up in confusion. "Why are you disappearing on me? Yesterday, you magically vanished within a second " I paused for a while and then continued. "Don't even try to make an excuse for that. It's humanly impossible. This is not the first ti-" " I'm a spirit" he replied casually. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What will you do when your walls of truth breaks down as lies? What happens when you don't know the real you? What happens when your past becomes your future? Will you try to fight it or will you accept it as your fate? Let's see what decision Quinn Merida Luke takes in this story....

Vini_Robin · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Unexpected mystery

To my surprise, my very next period was Art. The presentation got over after the bell. Miss Victoria dismissed the class by not forgetting to remind me about the presentation, I had to do after two days. I sighed. Who would get an assignment on the very first day? Oh, you don't know, it's me..... you silly girl. I should have expected it. It's all my fate and I didn't understand a single letter in it. That boy ran up to me as I was leaving the room. "Umm, hi?" I tried to make a conversation. "This clearly shows that you totally forgot about me" he chuckled. But his lilac blue eyes were serious. "Excuse me?" I said, totally confused. "I'm Felix, by the way" he reached out his hand, for me to shake. By now, we stopped walking.

                   "I'm Quinn" I smiled and shook his hand. His warm hand made my own feel cold. "Do you remember the guy, who delivered groceries yesterday..." he trailed off. "Oh shoot!" I thought. My realization slapped me so hard. "I'm terribly sorry Felix. I forgot" I smiled sheepishly as I could feel the hotness creep through my cheeks. "I forgot to mention that Nora has asked me to accompany you to your next class" "Oh okay" I didn't expect it. Maybe hatred was evident in my face. "Can you give me your schedule?" he asked me. I handed him my schedule and his lilac blue eyes grew in happiness. "What is it?" I asked him as my eyes copied his. "Well, it looks like we have five same classes!" Okay.... that, was weird. Why is he so happy that I'm in his class? "Wow" I said as I faked a smile and he totally bought it. "I'm heading to art class and it turns out that you have it too. So I'll walk you to class" he offered me. "No, umm, I want to use the restroom. Sorry!" I apologized. "Do you know where the restroom is?" "You're an idiot, Quinn!" My mind scolded me. "Nope" "Take a left down the corridor and then you'll find it. I'll wait for you here" "Thanks Felix" I said as I started to walk away. "Be here in 5 minutes" "Done" with that I walked away.

               My phone buzzed when I walked down the corridor. It was a message from dad. "Honey, we won't be back till 8 cause i have an meeting to attend. Your mother will accompany me so you'll be on your own. Take care and behave.. Love you kiddo xoxo" The whole house is mine now!!! I walked in delight as a girl who walked past me, told me to close my bag. As I was closing my bag and took a turn on the left at the same time; I am good at multitasking guys, so don't judge me! My mind alarmed me to take a glance at the corridor. "Speak of the devil" I thought when I collided into someone. His perfectly groomed, jet black hair seemed to shimmer in streaks of blue and his soft green eyes stared into mine, giving me a sense of déjà vu. I stared right back at him, cause my words failed to spill out from my mouth.

               I was startled when the bell rang and I blinked. When I opened my eyes not even a second later, the gorgeous guy was gone leaving me to stand in the empty hallway with my mouth slightly open and speechless. I glanced at my right and left but poof! He was gone... Just like that and how is that possible? Now I can't use the restroom cause the warning bell has rung. I stood up, dusting my butt and took a sprint to reach Felix. He looked at his watch and was tapping his foot because his back was facing me. "Hey Felix" I huffed out without breath. "Do not come after bell cause we'll get detention. Since you're new, they'll excuse you" he instructed me. "Gotcha" I said as we entered the art room. "Are you new here, sweetie?" The teacher asked me. "Yes ma'am" I answered her. "You're Felix isn't it?" "Yes" he said and I butted in. "Ma'am, the principal appointed him to show me, my classes for today" I said politely. "Good, Felix you can take your place" she said for which he replied an "Okay ma'am" "So class, draw what comes to your mind first" she instructed and turned up to me and said, "I'm Josephine, your art teacher. What about you?" "I'm Quinn Ma'am" I replied. "Okay Quinn, then start drawing up. I want to see how good you are with the soft pastels" "Okay ma'am" I said and took my seat next to a girl who was so engrossed in her work.

            I just wanted to make a conversation with her but my fate didn't allow that. Sadly, I sat, taking the provided canvas, I started to think what to draw. His intriguing green eyes popped in my mind and so I ended up drawing it. "This looks marvelous Quinn! It looks real" exclaimed the blonde girl who sat next to me. Yes the one and only girl who I wanted to talk to and the only one, who started a conversation with me. "Yours looks pleasant to my eyes" I said as she drew a waterfall. "So, what's your name?" I asked her cause she turned her attention to me. "I'm Nina, I was in your history class too" "Wow that's great!" I said as surprised as I could be cause I failed to notice her in my previous class. "Are you from Alaska or.." I trailed of because she had an accent in her voice. "You guessed it right, I'm not from Alaska. I'm from London" I prompted her again, "The reason?" "I don't wanna say. Please don't mistake me" she replied with remorseful face. "Oh it's okay" I said. "Thanks for understanding me. Many don't understand why. Do you want to accompany me for lunch?" She asked me with big smile. "Sure! Do you mind if I call my friend too?" I asked. "Sure no problem" she smiled as the bell rang. "Bye Nina" I called out, "See you later" came the reply.

                     "Ahem" someone cleared their throat. Yep and you guessed it right. "What is it Felix?" I asked him by trying my best to cover the sarcasm in my voice. It's only been a day and he started to pester me! "You left me all alone" "What!?!" I thought. "You don't have any friends" I felt so guilty. "No no.... it's not like that. I wanted to sit with you but you sat with the freak up in the front" When he mentioned that particular word, something sparked within me cause I was sensitive to it and didn't want others to get affected by that too. "She, is not a freak. Remember this, I can make my own decisions plus," I stopped and stared straight into his eyes and continued, "She is my friend. I don't like people who talk behind others back" I said as 'calmly' as ever. "Woah calm down fire!" He chuckled.

                    Well I defined calmness as my level but it doesn't mean that others should also follow mine, right? "I clearly don't like the pet name you have given me" I stated. "Okay Ms. Quinn, can we head to our next classroom?" He offered. "Yes please" I said as a smile threatened to spill on my face.


A/N :

             what do you think about mystery guy? wanna know about him?  then you have to wait cause it's a surprise!!!

              anyhow, coming back, do you all love my book? feedback please!!!

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             wishing you all a great day!