
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · Fantasy
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300 Chs

Chapter 14 I dreamed that my mother treated us well

 In the animal world, salt is an extremely scarce but necessary material.

  Males can meet their salt needs by drinking blood. But females and newborn cubs need to eat salt directly.

  Xiong Rou needs to eat a lot of salt herself, and now there are a few cubs, so even more salt is needed.

  It was not easy to save some salt, but it was all gone in the blink of an eye. This was a huge blow to the family in this cave!

  Xiong Rou almost immediately glared at Si Yan: "Thief!! Village chief, she is a thief!! She stole the salt from my family, and her whole family are thieves!!"


  Si Yan thought to herself.

  I thought everyone's attention was on her, and this wave should be done secretly, but I didn't expect that it was still discovered.

  But it doesn't matter. In this world, no one knows the existence of "space".

  Si Yan sneered: "Xiong Rou, you need evidence to accuse someone, otherwise you are slandering. What's more, why do you think it wasn't your own male who stole it?"

  "Si Yan!" Xiong Rou became an irritable fat bear, "I tell you, my males are absolutely loyal to me, and none of them can betray me."

  "That's not necessarily true. After all, you have too many males, and you haven't given birth to cubs for all of them. Maybe they are not convinced." Si Yan said with a smile. Xiong

  Rou was so angry that veins on her forehead bulged. She turned to the village chief and said, "Village chief, search her body. My salt must be on her body!!"

  "Why should I search for you?!" Si Yan tilted her head and smiled at her.

  The four cubs looked at Si Yan. Bei Ji's heart and eyes were full of Si Yan. Seeing Si Yan confronting Xiong Rou, he was very anxious.

  He wanted to rush up to protect her, but Xi Qing held him back.

  Xiong Rou said angrily: "Si Yan, it's obviously you who stole my salt, so you feel guilty, so you don't dare to let us search!!"

  "Hahaha, okay." Si Yan paused, and looked at her with a pair of clear eyes, which made people feel inexplicably afraid. "I can let people search, but what if it's not on me?"

  Si Yan turned to the village chief and said: "Village chief, people who slander others in the tribe need to be punished, otherwise, will the tribe allow anyone to throw dirty water on others in the future?!"

  The village chief asked Si Yan: "Si Yan, what do you mean?"

  Si Yan said: "If I don't have Xiong Rou's salt, I ask Xiong Rou to compensate me with two animal skins and apologize to me!"

  "Si Yan, you are dreaming!" Xiong Rou said angrily.

  Si Yan crossed her arms and looked at her calmly: "You dare not."

  "You!" Xiong Rou was so angry that her face turned red. She said: "Okay, come if you want. It was you who stole my salt, the salt must be on you!"

  As she said, she was about to approach Si Yan.

  Si Yan immediately retreated.

  "Si Yan, you are really guilty!" Xiong Rou's eyes lit up and she was proud.

  Si Yan said: "Why should I feel guilty? I feel sick to be searched by a fat female like you."

  After that, Si Yan looked at the witch doctor Mei Wen with a smile: "Master witch doctor, you have a high credibility. Please search me, so that Xiong Rou can be convinced."

  Xiong Rou glared at him fiercely, and then turned to look at Mei Wen.

  The witch doctor Mei Wen nodded: "Let me do it."

  Xiong Rou couldn't search herself, and she was a little unconvinced, and her fat face swelled up.

  Mei Wen took Si Yan to the side to search, and sure enough, nothing was found.

  Xiong Rou's eyes widened: "This, this is impossible!"

  The thing is in her space. Which orc here knows what space is? Which orc can open Si Yan's space? !

  Of course, nothing can be found.

  Si Yan smiled and said, "Xiong Rou, why don't you check your own male. Maybe it was your own male who did it. Hey, I'm reminding you with good intentions, why don't you believe it?"

  "Si Yan!!" Xiong Rou said regardless, "You did it, it must be you, it's you who did it, right!!!"

  Si Yan raised two fingers: "You lost the bet. Two animal skins. Do I choose or do you give them yourself? There are so many males in your Xiong Rou family, you can't have used a few animal skins!"

  The village chief and Mei Wen looked at Xiong Rou together, as if they were both wondering if Xiong Rou would cheat.

  Xiong Rou gritted her teeth: "Si Yan, don't go too far, can I afford two animal skins?!"

  Si Yan smiled slightly.

  Not long after, Xiong Rou stared at her male fiercely and gave the animal skins to Si Yan. When she saw Si Yan go out, she watched her walk towards the snake cubs.

  "Si Yan, I know it was you who did it! Just wait, I will definitely find evidence!"

  Si Yan waved lazily.

  Seeing Si Yan leaving with four cubs, Xiong Rou, who had lost her slaves and salt, was filled with resentment.

  The witch doctor stepped forward and said to Si Yan: "Si Yan, your cubs are all injured. Three of them are slightly less injured, but Dong Chi is seriously injured, especially Dong Chi. His arm was broken and he didn't rest well. I guess his arm won't heal well. His leg was also broken during the fight just now. I can't help you much. Here is the witch medicine. Take it."

  The witch doctor sighed. With broken arms and legs, this orc cub is probably really useless.

  Si Yan's face became much colder.

  "Thank you, witch doctor. These two animal skins I got from Xiong Rou are for you to exchange for medicine to treat the cubs."

  The witch doctor sighed and said: "Si Yan, you didn't know how to be a female before. Now that you have brought them back, take good care of the cubs and don't abandon them again. Alas."

  "Well, I won't abandon them. I will protect them well." Si Yan promised.

  Mei Wen smiled and said, "In this case, the trip of the village chief and I is not in vain."

  Si Yan thanked them again and again, and then came to the four cubs.

  This was also the first time she looked at her other two cubs carefully.

  Although Dong Chi was young, he could vaguely recognize some of his future handsomeness, with beautiful wheat-colored skin and long snow-white hair.

  Nan Mo looked a bit oriental, with black hair, black eyelashes and eyes, fair skin, and a bit rigid and indifferent.

  However, Si Yan felt that Nan Mo's personality seemed to be more introverted, and he seemed to be avoiding her.

  "Can you stand up?" Si Yan asked.

  Several cubs looked at her cautiously and vigilantly. The atmosphere was solemn and awkward for a while.

  Xi Qing broke this strange atmosphere and asked, "Can we go back?"

  Si Yan nodded: "Yes."

  Xi Qing suddenly frowned and asked, "You brought us back from Xiong Rou. You did it. How did you do it?"

  She watched the whole thing, but she didn't understand it at all.

  Could it be that the one before was really not a slave contract?

  Si Yan sighed and said helplessly: "It's enough if I can take you away from that damn place."

  Stealing salt from other people's homes, tampering with other people's slave contracts, confusing right and wrong.

  In short, she didn't do a single good thing.

  Si Yan looked up at the sky. Will these snake cubs become villains in the future because they have perfectly inherited her genes? Can they

  still be supported correctly?

  Bei Ji looked at her and asked: "Mom, are you okay? What are you thinking about?"

  Si Yan came back to her senses and said: "Nothing. Let's go."

  The cubs helped each other to stand up. Dong Chi was so painful that his face turned pale and sweaty.

  Si Yan squatted down slowly, and the little female picked up Dong Chi horizontally. She squatted down again and said to Nan Mo: "Come on my back."

  Dong Chi, who was held by Si Yan, and Nan Mo, who was struggling to walk, were stunned.

  After coming to his senses, Dong Chi struggled desperately and said viciously: "I don't want you to hug me, bad female, let me go!!"

  Si Yan refused to let go: "Be good, don't make trouble!"

  "Bad female, bad female!" Dong Chi opened his mouth and bit her.

  He didn't get hurt at all in the fight with Xiong Rou, but as soon as it was over, he was bitten by his own cubs with two rows of teeth marks!

  Si Yan was furious and slapped his butt hard. "Little ghost, I told you to be good, didn't you hear me! Do you understand?"

  Dong Chi was furious, and his blood attacked his heart for a while. As a result, he just stood up and fell down softly.

  He was so seriously injured that he fainted directly. Si

  Yan had a terrible headache.

  Sure enough, Xiong Rou was not the most difficult to deal with. The most difficult ones were the cubs at home.

  Si Yan wanted to carry Nan Mo on his back. Nan Mo's little face was so cautious that he immediately stretched out his hands to Bei Ji and Xi Qing and refused Si Yan's help.

  Si Yan didn't care. It takes time to conquer the cubs, and she can understand why they are resentful of her now.

  After she carried Dong Chi back to the cave, Si Yan re-examined the wounds of the four cubs. Sure enough, Dong Chi's injury was the most serious, followed by Nan Mo, and Xi Qing and Bei Ji were all external injuries. They

  were obviously the cubs of the original body, but Si Yan felt like they were her own flesh and blood. Seeing them injured, her heart also ached.

  Nan Mo, Xi Qing and Bei Ji's injuries were easier to deal with. Si Yan directly applied the witch doctor's external medicine to them. She carried Dong Chi to the bed, applied the medicine to Dong Chi, found a wooden board clamp, tied Dong Chi's leg bones with straw ropes, and then let Nan Mo lie on the straw bed, boiled the medicine and fed him.

  Xi Qing and Bei Ji squatted in the corner.

  Bei Ji looked at his gentle mother busying around, and looked at the three brothers in the cave. His heart gradually warmed up, and he had never felt like a dream before.

  There was light in his eyes, and he whispered to Xiqing: "Third brother, my dream seems to have come true."

  Xiqing's eyes were dark, and he didn't speak.

  Beiji whispered: "I dreamed that mother treated us well, I dreamed that mother took my elder brother and second brother back, I dreamed that we were spoiled in mother's arms..."

  Beiji's voice became smaller and smaller, and he couldn't say any more.

  Xiqing didn't say that it was not only Beiji who had dreamed of it, but he had also dreamed of it. The snake beastman cubs were not welcome, and even the mothers didn't love them. But the beast god gave the snake beastman cubs a natural dependence on the mothers.

  They were too dependent on the mothers and too eager for the warm embrace of the mothers, so they were so disappointed and angry.

  Xiqing: "I won't forgive her." Xiqing

  said this again, but it was much softer than before.

  Nanmo's internal injuries were more serious. Si Yan boiled hot water to wipe Nanmo's body, and then started to take care of Dongchi's affairs.

  Dongchi's leg bone was broken and he was sweating in pain. Si Yan kept wiping his sweat.

  "It hurts, it hurts so much..." Little Dongchi's lips were pale.

  Si Yan gritted her teeth.

  Dongchi's condition would definitely not work if he just relied on himself to recover. It seemed that she had to use her own supernatural power.

  Wood-related supernatural power has a certain degree of healing ability.

  Si Yan immediately said, "Xiqing, go and close the curtain."

  Xiqing quickly closed the curtain without saying a word.

  With the cover of the straw curtain, Si Yan was no longer shy. She gently placed her hands on Dongchi's broken leg bone, and the green wood-related supernatural power was released.

  The wood-related supernatural power has the function of recovery, and is recovering Dongchi's leg bone injury bit by bit.

  The three cubs on the side looked at Si Yan without blinking.

  It was not the first time that Xiqing and Beiji saw Si Yan using the wood-related supernatural power, but this was the first time that Nanmo saw it, and Nanmo had a strange expression.

  Bad female, is she actually a priest?

  Xiqing and Beiji's expressions were not much better.

  On the one hand, they were worried about Dongchi, and on the other hand, they were very confused.

  How did mother use this green light for plants on her eldest brother?

  Will this work?

  After Si Yan's treatment, Dong Chi seemed to feel much better, and his breathing became a little smoother. Then Si Yan began to observe his arm.

  "How many days has your arm been broken?" Si Yan asked softly.

  Dong Chi had woken up when Si Yan was treating his leg bones. He closed his eyes and pursed his lips. The corners of his pale lips trembled slightly, as if he was holding his breath.

  "Bei Ji!" Si Yan asked the four cubs directly.

  Bei Ji quickly replied: "Mom, big brother's arm has been broken for 15 days."

  "15 days?" 15 days has already started to grow. But Dong Chi's hand bones are not fixed and are crooked.

  He is only five years old, just a five-year-old snake cub. Why does he have to endure so much pain?