
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · Fantasy
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300 Chs

Chapter 13 Slap Xiong Rou in the face

Mother actually came to protect them.

  Mother really came to protect them.

  Bei Ji looked at Si Yan who was confronting Xiong Rou, and felt like he was dreaming.

  Mother really changed, and mother became better.

  But the three brothers didn't believe it, what should he do?

  Bei Ji looked at Si Yan nervously and said, "Mother."

  Bei Ji's mother made Dong Chi and Nan Mo frown together.

  A female who sold them and didn't want them anymore is not worthy of being their mother!

  Si Yan's cold eyes smiled the moment she saw Bei Ji.

  "Little ghosts, mother will take you back later."

  The four cubs looked at Si Yan with different expressions. Bei Ji was very worried, and finally said, "Mother... don't go, it's dangerous... We are used to being beaten, we are fine."

  Si Yan frowned unhappily.

  How can someone say that he is used to being beaten? !

  This person is still his cub! !

  Damn, a little angry.

  Xiong Rou smiled a little strangely and said to Si Yan: "Don't you listen to your snake cubs? Maybe it would be better to sell them to me."

  Si Yan smiled gently at Bei Ji, turned around and followed Xiong Rou, but as soon as she turned her head, her face turned cold.

  She lowered her head slightly. There are some things that are better if the cubs can't see.

  She glanced at Xiong Rou coldly.

  Xiong Rou suddenly felt her blood run cold, and she even felt that Si Yan was very scary.

  She shuddered uncontrollably.

  It must be an illusion, such a skinny little female, what's so scary about it.

  Xiong Rou took Si Yan into the cave, and three males followed them in.

  Xiong Rou moved her chubby body, found a huge stone bench and sat down. This sitting made a lot of noise, and Si Yan raised her eyelids.

  Xiong Rou looked at Si Yan and said cheerfully: "In the beast world, strong females like me are beautiful and popular. Si Yan, you are so thin and ugly, and no one wants you. You and the unwanted snake beastman are really a perfect match."

  Si Yan raised her eyelids indifferently, and saw Xiong Rou's males looking for something under the rocks. She walked over and walked slowly in the cave.

  Xiong Rou bullied her cubs like this, how could she not ask for some compensation?

  The most valuable thing in the beast world is salt. Xiong Rou's salt is already very well hidden, but Si Yan still easily found the location of the salt. She went over without leaving a trace, quietly opened the space, and put a large bag of salt in!

  Xiong Rou was full of fat, and she was too lazy to move her chubby body after sitting down. Not long after, a male shouted loudly: "Madam, the slave contract was found!"

  Xiong Rou: "Show it to me!"

  The male handed the slave contract to Xiong Rou, and Xiong Rou laughed: "Si Yan, take a closer look, this is the slave certificate you wrote with your own hands to sell your cub to me as a slave!"

  Si Yan immediately closed the space. She turned around and saw the wooden board in Xiong Rou's hand and said in a relaxed tone: "Let me take a look."

  Xiong Rou: "Show it to her."

  Si Yan took the wooden sign. The few words engraved on the wooden sign were clearly not the words of the end of the world, but the strange thing was that she could understand it.

  It was indeed the contract of sale of Dong Chi and Nan Mo.

  Si Yan frowned. What kind of madness was her previous life to sell her cub so cruelly?

  The two males supported Xiong Rou, and Xiong Rou stood up: "Si Yan, your cub is my slave! This will never change in your life, and you can't deny it!"

  Si Yan stared at the wooden sign, with green lingering between her fingers. She frowned and was very focused. "That's not necessarily true."

  "What are you doing?!" Xiong Rou suddenly felt something was wrong. She waved her hand, "Don't show it to her. Go and get the slave contract back!"

  Just as Xiong Rou's male was close to Si Yan, Si Yan suddenly looked up: "Xiong Rou, can't you read?"

  "What?" Xiong Rou was puzzled.

  Si Yan picked up the wooden sign and shook it: "This is not a slave contract, this is a work contract."

  "This is impossible!!!" Xiong Rou moved her huge body in front of Si Yan and personally snatched the wooden sign from Si Yan!

  She stared at the wooden sign with her eyes fixed. Si Yan walked to her side and said with a smile: "There are your handprints and my handprints on it. Xiong Rou, you can't deny it."

  Si Yan smiled faintly and circled around Xiong Rou: "I only agreed to lend Dong Chi and Nan Mo to you for ten days to earn two pieces of animal skin. But you let them work for you for several months without paying them back. Xiong Rou, shouldn't you compensate me!!"

  Si Yan is good at wood. When she just took the wooden sign, she used her wood ability to slightly change a few words on the wooden sign. Just a few words, but the meaning expressed is completely different!

  Xiong Rou's mind was in a mess: "Impossible, how could this be possible, this is clearly a slave contract..."

  Si Yan: "Take a good look first."

  Xiong Rou looked at Si Yan, then at the wooden sign, and immediately shouted: "I know, it's you who is playing tricks, isn't it!"

  Si Yan looked at her leisurely: "I'm just a little female, how capable can I be to tamper with the wooden sign?"

  Xiong Rou shouted: "Si Yan, it's you, it must be you, it must be you!!"

  As she said, Xiong Rou picked up the wooden sign and was about to destroy it!

  Si Yan said with a cold face: "Xiong Rou, this is the work contract we signed. If you destroy it, then you will have no evidence to let my two cubs work."

  Xiong Rou was so angry: "Si Yan!! You! You!!"

  She was so angry that she crushed the wooden sign directly.

  Si Yan looked at the wooden sign with pity. The wooden sign was glowing with a little vitality because of the wood power she injected. If Xiong Rou didn't destroy it, maybe a green bud would emerge.

  It's better to destroy it, destroy the body and destroy the traces!

  Bei Ji was blocked by Xiong Rou's males. Hearing the noise inside, he nervously shouted: "Mother!! Mother!!!"

  Si Yan heard the noise outside and felt that she had not given that kid meat in vain these days.

  Xiong Rou looked at Si Yan viciously: "Si Yan, you teased me, I will kill you!! Quick, kill her, kill her for me!"

  Si Yan stepped back a few steps and touched her waist.

  She had never fought with the males in the beast world, not to mention that Xiong Rou had more than a dozen males, so she could not be careless.

  However, at this moment, an old and heavy voice suddenly rang out.

  "What are you doing?"

  Si Yan turned around and saw the village chief and the witch doctor standing at the entrance of the cave.

  Xiong Rou's expression was exaggerated: "Village Chief, Village Chief! Si Yan, Si Yan is a monster, she is a monster! I am doing this for the good of the village, I am doing this for the village!!"

  The village chief's deep eyes moved away from Xiong Rou and looked at Si Yan: "Si Yan, what are you doing?"

  Si Yan smiled calmly and walked towards the village chief: "Village Chief, Xiong Rou and I signed a work contract for Dong Chi and Nan Mo before, but Xiong Rou called a deer a horse, saying that it was a slave contract, and wanted to take my cub away with two animal skins. I am asking her to return my cub now, but she refuses to pay, and she wants her male to kill me. Village Chief, you also know that there are no males around me, and I am easy to bully."

  Si Yan also admired her ability to confuse right and wrong.

  Xiong Rou was so angry that she gritted her teeth and couldn't breathe smoothly, "You, you! Si Yan, you!!" She wanted to refute, but couldn't speak.

  The village chief stared at her for a long time, and finally asked Xiong Rou: "Xiong Rou, why don't you return Si Yan's cubs to Si Yan?"

  Xiong Rou felt very aggrieved, and the big fat bear felt a little sick when he felt aggrieved. She said: "Village chief, Si Yan has taken two of my animal skins, and these two cubs are my slaves! I don't want to return them! What Si Yan and I signed was a slave contract, not a work contract."

  The village chief said: "But Xiong Rou, Dong Chi and Nan Mo are cubs after all."

  Xiong Rou said anxiously: "But they are snake orc cubs. Village chief, you know that my first favorite partner was killed by a snake orc!"

  The village chief saw the malice in Xiong Rou's eyes, and he sighed: "Xiong Rou, your partner's affairs have nothing to do with these two cubs. Our tribe still advocates that the female mother raise the cubs. In any case, you should return the cubs to her."

  "Village chief!"

  "Xiong Rou!"

  Xiong Rou gritted her teeth and just let go: "Then, then..."

  At this moment, suddenly one of Xiong Rou's males shouted loudly: "Female master, we, our salt is gone!!!"