
Farm of the Dead

Skeletons filled the warehouse with tomatoes and potatoes, death knights milked cows, vampires gnawed on watermelons, succubi were busy in the kitchen, and the Lich King was quietly licking ice cream...

Daoist4SQVL9 · Fantasy
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121 Chs

Threat from the Templars

After a dazzling burst of golden light, Yang Tian finally completed his buffs.

Among these buffs, recognizable even by Ye Sangeng, were blessings such as Angelic Blessing, Dawn Blessing, and Guardian's Bestowal, accompanied by the purportedly strongest defense, the Holy Light Sanctuary. At this moment, Yang Tian's defensive capabilities had reached the level of a formidable fortress.

However, he still seemed uneasy. In the end, he even applied a basic Healing Blessing to himself before daring to approach the birdcage.

Yang Wei and Chen Yue imitated him, playing with the light effects with a series of clanging sounds. However, it was evident that their buffs were significantly fewer than Yang Tian's.

"You, come over and stand behind me," Yang Tian beckoned to Weng Ling.

However, Weng Ling turned her head and ignored him.

"Humph, ignorant!"

After saying that, Yang Tian pressed his left hand directly on the birdcage's wall. A golden light suddenly illuminated, but it radiated from outside the cage towards the inside. The black cat, originally in slumber, slowly opened its eyes under the golden light.


Suddenly, Ye Sangeng felt his heart beat violently, and then it stopped altogether. A sharp pain swept over him, and with a thump, he crouched down, drenched in sweat, clutching his chest.

This sensation...

It was exactly the same as the oppressive force that forced him to return when he tried to escape the stone wall!

"Is... is it this cat?"

Struggling to lift his eyes, Ye Sangeng found Weng Ling also clutching her chest, but not as painfully as him. Red Maple had collapsed in the distance, life or death uncertain.

"Tell me, is the undead here?" Yang Tian seemed to be struggling, lowering his head and gritting his teeth while questioning the black cat.

The black cat lazily scanned everyone present, then suddenly, as if discovering something interesting, moved towards the edge of the birdcage.

However, with a few loud explosions, the golden light suddenly burst into even greater brightness, forcing everyone present to involuntarily close their eyes.


Ye Sangeng.

At the moment when the black cat's gaze swept towards him, he involuntarily met eyes with the cat, and then he found himself unable to control his body!

Or rather, his body had truly turned into lifeless matter. His heart no longer beat, fresh blood stagnated in his veins, and even his brain seemed on the verge of entering a blank state.

"No... I won't...!"

Just as Ye Sangeng's consciousness was about to sink, he let out a final desperate shout. It seemed in response to him, the undead imprint on his heart suddenly shook, and then his heart slowly began to beat again, faster and faster:

Thud, thud,

Thud, thud,

Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud!

Blood started to circulate rapidly, recklessly racing through resilient veins, like a runaway wild horse. Ye Sangeng suddenly felt warmth spreading through his limbs and a fine layer of sweat breaking out on his skin.


The boiling sensation of the blood made Ye Sangeng unconsciously moan, but that was not the key point. Regaining his senses, he noticed the black cat's eyes filled with surprise, excitement, and a hint of...


Afterward, the black fur swayed its tail, reclining back to the center of the cage, closing its eyes. The dreadful pressure instantly dissipated.

Thud thud, two sounds. Yang Wei and Chen Yue collapsed on the ground, as if drained of energy. Yang Tian, however, showed no abnormalities, just a sudden fierce glare at Ye Sangeng and drawing his sword with a clank.

"What do you want?!" Weng Ling, sensing trouble, shouted.

Yang Tian smirked, looking at her, "I, a dignified Temple Knight, brought two Paladins to this remote village. What do you think I came here for?"

Weng Ling seemed to have realized something, her face changing, "Undead aura?"

"Yes! Exactly, the undead aura!" Yang Tian pointed his sword at Ye Sangeng.

"A week ago, I received a notification from the surveillance in the Lorand territory about the presence of undead aura. That's why I hurried here with my team. Just now, this... thing's actions were clear. This man is highly suspicious, and I have the right to execute him immediately!"

Ye Sangeng's eyebrows twitched.

A week ago?

Wasn't that when he just revived?

Right, after his resurrection, the system disguised him after waiting for a while. It must have been during that brief period that his undead aura was detected.

Combining their appearances, skills, and the title of Temple Knight, it seemed these people were sent by the Holy Silver Church to eliminate him!

"You say he's undead?" Weng Ling frowned, looking at Ye Sangeng.

"No! Impossible! He endured the Holy Light Storm just now, but you can see he's perfectly fine! He cannot be undead!"

Yang Tian sneered, "That's what you say, but I won't let go of anyone with suspicions!"

"Wait!" Ye Sangeng raised his hand.

"I know you're unwilling, but sorry, for the safety of the entire world, you better hit the road!" Yang Tian, impatient to hear the dying man's last words, interrupted.

"Tell me, does that cat look towards the misty forest behind me?!" Ye Sangeng quickly pointed behind him, explaining.


Weng Ling, hesitating about whether to give Yang Tian a backflip, suddenly froze.

"Yes! The cat just looked in this direction. Moreover, there have been many strange incidents in the misty forest. I suspect it's the undead causing trouble inside! And he is innocent; you can't kill an innocent person!"

Weng Ling quickly explained the peculiarities in the misty forest to Yang Tian, who furrowed his brows.

"Misty Forest?"

"Yes! The undead must be hiding inside to conceal their aura. So, you brought this cat here to assist in tracking, right?"

Weng Ling nodded towards the black cat. The Church would only allow bringing it out to assist in investigating possible undead hiding their aura if at least one Temple Knight closely guarded it.

Yang Tian nodded, but the sword was still not sheathed.

"But his suspicion cannot be cleared. So..."

"I'll vouch for him!" Weng Ling suddenly shouted.

"He is a citizen of my Lorand City, and as the Lord of Lorand, I have the right to protect him! If you insist on being stubborn, that's challenging my authority as a Lord. I will challenge you to an Honor Duel! Have you considered that?!"

An Honor Duel, the highest-level supreme duel on the Holy Stone Continent, is a deadly battle fought for honor!

Once the duel begins, only one person lives, one dies, or both meet their demise!

Moreover, no individual or race can interfere in an Honor Duel; otherwise, they'll forever carry the shame of interfering with the righteous, sung about by bards worldwide.

Even a king or queen is no exception!

Yang Tian, seeing Weng Ling so resolute, protecting that kid even if it meant challenging him to an Honor Duel, couldn't help but feel enraged.

But he also knew Weng Ling's character

 and the lengths she would go to. After standing still for a while, he sighed deeply, sheathing his sword with a harsh clang.

"You're lucky!"

Yang Tian gave Ye Sangeng a fierce look, then turned away towards the edge of the forest.

"However, the forest you're guarding..."

"I won't be polite!"