
Farm of the Dead

Skeletons filled the warehouse with tomatoes and potatoes, death knights milked cows, vampires gnawed on watermelons, succubi were busy in the kitchen, and the Lich King was quietly licking ice cream...

Daoist4SQVL9 · Fantasy
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121 Chs

Mermaid oil (please vote for recommendation)

You're welcome.

What does it mean?

In the dead of night, Ye Sangeng found it challenging to comprehend what Yang Tian was saying until he saw Yang Wei bring over two cans from the horse's back.

"Mermaid oil? What do you want to do with such a sinister thing?" Weng Ling asked anxiously.

Yang Tian turned around, shrugged his shoulders, and replied, "Of course, I'm here to help you!"

"You already issued some extermination order. Don't worry; there won't be any more goblins bothering you shortly."

"You want to burn the forest?!" Weng Ling's face changed dramatically. She was about to rush forward to snatch the oil, but Yang Tian, with a casual wave of his left hand, summoned a light prison that suddenly descended from the sky, trapping Weng Ling.

"Light Prison? Bastard, let me out! You can't burn this forest!" Weng Ling hammered the light barrier with her fists, cursing in pain.

However, the recent battle had depleted a significant amount of her energy. Combined with the absence of weapons, mere barehanded attacks were insufficient to break through the barrier.

"What can't be burned? Goblins, these filthy creatures, don't deserve to live in this world, especially if there's an undead hiding among them. I don't have the time to search slowly!"

"Yang Wei, Chen Yue, take action!"

Yang Tian waved his hand, and Yang Wei had already placed the two cans of mermaid oil on the ground.

Mermaid oil, derived from mermaids, mystical beings with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish. Extracting fat from them and refining it into oil, even a small amount could burn for a long time.

However, due to their humanoid appearance and the ability to communicate with humans, killing mermaids for oil was unacceptable to many. Nevertheless, mermaid oil was highly sought after among the nobility, leading to adventurers engaging in this trade.

Observing the two cans of mermaid oil brought by Yang Tian, it meant that at least a thousand mermaids had met an untimely demise.

"No! You can't burn it! What about the people of Lorand Territory? Their hope is here! Bastard! You're doing this deliberately!"

Weng Ling suddenly realized why Yang Tian carried so much mermaid oil with him. It was just an excuse to burn the forest.

Even though there were numerous goblins in the forest, she believed she could eliminate them sooner or later. For this purpose, she had even sold her silver armor, keeping only the armguards and leggings.

She believed that once Lorand Forest regained peace, the population lost in Lorand Territory would return. But if Lorand Forest was destroyed, how many people could this barren land support? Two hundred, or three hundred?

Yang Tian was forcing her to give up on Lorand Territory!

Thinking of this, Weng Ling's anger flared, pounding the light prison, and remarkably, it started showing signs of instability.

Seeing this, Yang Tian casually gestured, and the light prison's walls instantly thickened.

"Revitalize Lorand Territory? Hmph! Your talents could be used in more useful places, but you insist on wasting time in this remote domain! I hope today's fire makes you realize that your dreams should wake up!"

Yang Tian snorted, nodded at Yang Wei, and Yang Wei, understanding the signal, raised both palms. The oil from the two large jars was lifted into the air, forming a thin strip of oil that hung in the air.

With a snap, Yang Wei clapped his hands together. The oil strip exploded into numerous oil droplets, creating a massive yellow mist.

"Chen Yue, ignite it!"

Yang Tian grinned, paying no attention to Weng Ling relentlessly pounding the light barrier, with bloodstains now visible on her hands.


As the fireball created by Chen Yue flew into the oil mist, Weng Ling felt a sense of despair.

With a loud explosion, the oil mist ignited. Yang Wei then waved his hands towards the direction of the forest like a duck flapping its wings. The flames, like demonic claws, surged forward.

A tiny drop of mermaid oil could burn for three days and nights. With the vast amount of mermaid oil mist, the flames quickly covered the front trees, forming an extensive fire, accompanied by the rising black smoke. The popping and crackling of flames were audible, and along with Yang Wei's powerful wind magic, the fire rapidly spread deep into the forest, becoming uncontrollable.

The originally ignited area was only five to six hundred meters, but soon, the outer perimeter of the forest, nearly two thousand meters wide, was set ablaze. Subsequently, the entire forest turned into a fiery hell.

In the roaring fire, the pitiful cries of goblins could be faintly heard, but it didn't take long before only the sound of trees collapsing and roaring thunder remained.

"Yang Tian!"

Seeing this irreparable scene, Weng Ling, with gritted silver teeth, had a faint trace of blood at the corner of her mouth.

"I will never forgive you in my lifetime!"

Yang Tian shrugged, his face illuminated by the red glow.

"Do as you wish, as long as you don't forget who raised you!"

Weng Ling's eyes suddenly dimmed, and she fell silent.

Night Three, naturally, didn't dare to confront these three individuals. He couldn't defeat any of them, and his survival was reliant on Weng Ling's face and perseverance.

All he could do was move Wrought Iron and the others away from the fire and place them in a slightly cooler area.

This massive fire continued until the latter half of the night, dyeing half the sky red. Almost all the residents of Lorand Territory came out and stood on the tall city walls, watching. Some daring ones even sneaked to the stone wall edge to observe discreetly. Many emaciated old men, witnessing this scene, shed silent tears, and their clothes were soaked with them.

"Lorand Territory, it's over..."

The sudden appearance of goblins had directly caused the collapse of Lorand Territory's pillar industry. The lords died one after another, and just as Lorand Territory was on the brink of decline, a wealthy female lord arrived.

With ambitious yet amiable charisma, she personally visited each household, persuading the citizens to give her some time. She even released a public announcement, investing her own funds to attract adventurers to clear the goblins in Lorand Forest. This brought a renewed sense of hope.

However, with this great fire, everything was lost.

"Sorry, as a ranger, I didn't fulfill my duties."

Night Three walked to Weng Ling, who had been staring blankly at the scene, and softly spoke as he observed her side profile.

After the fire diminished slightly, Yang Tian, accompanied by Yang Wei and Chen Yue, couldn't wait any longer. They walked into the still-smoldering fire, donning protective shields, and entered the mysterious Misty Forest.

To eliminate an undead creature, the merit was enough to justify taking such a risk. Moreover, as a powerful Temple Knight, he considered all evil beings as illusions, fearless.

As for matters of love and emotions, those would naturally come after achieving fame and success.

"It's alright; it's not your fault."

Weng Ling looked at the ashes flying in the fire's aftermath, but from the corner of her eye

, she noticed Night Three extending a hand towards her.

"Hmm?" Weng Ling looked at Night Three with some curiosity.

"I didn't guard the forest well. I'm not comfortable taking this money. It's for you!"

After speaking, Night Three cautiously opened his palm, revealing seven silver coins inside...