
45Chapter 45 Defeating the Grandmaster with One Hand

"This is a deal between me and him. Since I agreed, I must fulfill it." Old Man Wu said lightly, and he was naturally referring to Qin Ye.

"What kind of deal? You can make a deal with our Great Qin. If a small sect like Qingfeng Sect can get it, I, the Great Qin, can do the same."

Yanglinghou continued to win over.

"The deal has been reached. It's too late to say anything now. I'm not the kind of person to go back on my word. Besides, you can't give me what I want."

Old Man Wu shook his head. If Da Qin really had an antidote, he would have gone to the Da Qin royal family long ago and would not have waited so many years.

"So, your Excellency must be against our Great Qin?"

Yanglinghou's face suddenly darkened and he said in a gloomy voice.

"I only want your head. If you insist on saying that, I'm not afraid."

Old Man Wu chuckled lightly. With his peak master strength, what would happen even if he offended the Great Qin royal family? Not to mention that the Great Qin royal family couldn't keep him, even if he had the strength to deal with him, he could become a supreme elder in any sect. Would the Great Qin royal family dare to come?

Marquis Yangling knew that the grandmaster in front of him had to take action today, but he firmly believed that he had the ability to fight with him!

Furthermore, what Old Man Wu said just now was too unscrupulous. Although most masters are not very fond of the Great Qin royal family, he is definitely the first person who dares to be so unscrupulous and ignore the Great Qin royal family.

He believed that today's conversation would soon reach King Qin's ears.

"In that case, let's use force to determine the winner."

Yanglinghou has been fighting for many years and has never been afraid of anyone. Even if the opponent is a master, he dares to fight.

Immediately, a powerful aura erupted directly from Yanglinghou.

This momentum was more violent and powerful than the momentum that had erupted from the previous generals. The generals around Yanglinghou were the first to be affected, and their expressions changed drastically. They immediately used their skills to resist the momentum, but were still knocked back several miles away.

Grandmaster realm——

The aura that Yanglinghou burst out revealed that he was at the Grand Master level.

"Second-level Grandmaster, not bad. It's a pity that he offended people he shouldn't have offended."

Old Man Wu shook his head slightly as he sensed the realm of Marquis Yangling.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to kill Marquis Yangling. After all, Marquis Yangling was still very important to the Qin Dynasty. A grandmaster was very powerful and could intimidate foreign countries and suppress the sect internally.

It's a pity that he offended Mr. Qin. Old Man Wu believed that even if he didn't kill Yanglinghou, Yanglinghou would not survive.

"Kill my son and humiliate my royal family. Even if you are a master, you will die!"...

Now that the talks have collapsed, Marquis Yangling has no scruples and can only fight to the death.


As soon as he finished speaking, Marquis Yangling took action, flying into the air, bursting with momentum, and slashed down with his sword.


When the sword was slashed out, the color of the world seemed to change. Even though the sword was directed at Old Man Wu, the soldiers on the ground felt that they were in a violent storm and could die at any time. They were all covered in cold sweat.

The soldiers quickly retreated. They could feel that if they did not retreat, they might die.

This is a battle between masters and strong men, and no one knows whether the aftermath of the fierce battle will affect them.

"This sword is pretty good, but it still lacks a bit of heat."

Old Man Wu nodded and commented.

Marquis Yangling was so angry that he would not hold back, and used all his strength to strike down this sword.

However, Old Man Wu always kept a smile on his face and did not show any signs of panic. He directly stretched out his hand to stop Yanglinghou's sword.


Marquis Yangling was furious. He knew very well how powerful his full blow was. The opponent now only used his bare hands to intercept, and simply ignored him.


When the sword fell, Old Man Wu's hand was unharmed, but Marquis Yangling's full blow did not even scratch Old Man Wu's skin.


All the soldiers who had been watching the battle took a breath. They knew very well how powerful Yanglinghou was. Now Yanglinghou's full blow failed to hurt the opponent at all. This is enough to show that the opponent's master is very powerful.

Marquis Yangling's expression changed drastically, he looked at Old Man Wu solemnly, and asked, "Aren't you a junior grandmaster?"

He was confident that if the opponent was a junior grandmaster, he would never have received that blow so easily. The only truth is that the opponent was not a junior grandmaster.

"Did I say that I was a junior grandmaster?"

Old Man Wu looked at Marquis Yangling in front of him, with a mocking smile on his lips.

"Impossible! You are so powerful, why do you want to take orders from a Xiantian realm boy?"

Yanglinghou asked without giving up, maybe he wanted to know what the deal between Old Man Wu and Qin Ye was.

"You don't need to know this."

Before he finished speaking, Old Man Wu disappeared on the spot. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Yanglinghou and struck Yanglinghou in the chest with his palm.


This palm hit Yanglinghou's chest, instantly sending Yanglinghou flying ten feet away and hitting the ground heavily, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Marquis Yangling struggled to get up, his eyes filled with disbelief. He didn't expect that this old man Wu could be so arrogant. He was at the second level of a grandmaster, but he didn't even take one of the opponent's moves.

"You are pretty good among junior grandmasters. It's a pity that you met me."

Old man Wu shook his head and said.

As he spoke, he thrust out his right hand and turned his claws to grab Marquis Yangling.

The power of this claw is enough to destroy a city.

Yanglinghou quickly raised his arms to resist the blow.

But he couldn't stop it at all. His arms were torn apart instantly and were bloody and bloody.

"you lose."

Old man Wu said with an indifferent expression.

Yanglinghou struggled to get up and looked at the old man Wu in front of him.

"Ah! I don't accept it! Why did you, a powerful master, obey Qin Ye's orders? If it weren't for you, I would definitely kill Qin Ye's son and avenge my son!"

Yanglinghou said bitterly.

"Even I'm not completely sure, and it's even less possible for you."

Old man Wu shook his head and laughed. When he saw Qin Ye just now, he wanted to explore Qin Ye's strength, but his spiritual thoughts fell into the sea and were swallowed up instantly. He was also warned.

Thinking of the scene at that time, he still has heart palpitations.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! He's so young, it's impossible!"

Yanglinghou Zhuangru shouted wildly.

"Okay, it's time for me to complete my mission."

As he said that, Old Man Wu was about to kill Yanglinghou on the spot. Yanglinghou's expression changed drastically, but he was seriously injured and had no power to fight back, so he could only wait to die.

"Your Excellency, please wait!"

At this moment, an old and deep voice suddenly sounded in the field.

Immediately afterwards, a grand master's aura that was far superior to Yanglinghou's aura rushed towards him, overwhelming the battlefield.

It is obvious that the owner of this voice is also a strong master, and he is not weaker than Yanglinghou.

"Who are you?"

Old man Wu looked into the distance because he knew that the other party was not here.

"Yangling Marquis has been fighting for the country for many years and has made great achievements. Qingzhou still needs him to guard it. If he dies, the barbarians in the north are likely to invade the border again. Then all life will be devastated, and the people of Qingzhou will suffer."

The old voice did not say who he was, but gave the reason why Marquis Yangling could not die yet.