
Fantasy Merchants Life

Liam was chosen as a participant for the worthiness test. Thrown into test world 278 with nothing, what will happen.

Mikazu · Fantasy
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6 Chs

FML Explanations

I'm just going to add stuff here if it needs explaining

Do be warned, I'm mostly just letting my adhd lead the novel.

I'll add it here, yes the name Fantasy Merchants life is called that cause I wanted to abbreviate to FML, and no I'm not changing it, but if there's stuff you wish to see in the novel than please let me know, I'll see where I can fit it in.

Any thing in "here" is spoken aloud, and anything in 'here' are Liam's thoughts. (or thoughts of other characters, I don't really plan to do that though)

This story will have a focus on being a merchant and a lot of different styles of being a merchant. If you do find any plot holes please to let me know, I'll try to see if I can patch it up

Now onto the tags

tags being used

Action & Adventure- Yes, mc is going to be kicking names and taking ass.

WeakToStrong- well yeah, mc is weak at start and strong later.

Magic- its fantasy so yeah

Isekai- this one I'm not to sure about, mc did travel to a new world so should be a tag, right?

Superpowers- this may be removed later, cause I may need the space for something else and its pretty much Magic, but Magic is a cooler tag

R-18- yes, this does have sexual innuendos, and will include the naughty where I see fit. If you feel like I'm going over board or there just isn't need somewhere than please let me know. If you think that its to mild or that it doesn't need this tag, also please let me know, thanks

Dark- yet Again, no clue, but I'm going to put it there until someone tells me if my novel is to mild to have this tag

tags not being used

tragedy-its pretty much just dark, if it should be there than please let me know

romance- can be added if someone says it should, but not really going to have much of it

comedy- did you laugh, if so thank you, but I don't have any confidence in myself so I wont add it (it is supposed to be comedic so if its not, sorry)

system- yes and no, can go either later on, I'll get to it when when the time comes

mystery- I mean, its supposed to, but I don't know if it would be good enough to have this as a tag

cultivation- will be used somewhat at places but don't feel like it will be important enough for a tag

overpowered- maybe, don't know, I'll get to that when the time comes

SliceOfLife- I mean, it is a merchants life, so I feel like it could be used but don't really know so I won't use it for now

tags that wont be used

haram- yeah no

villain- I don't think mc is. Is he?