
Fantasy Merchants Life

Liam was chosen as a participant for the worthiness test. Thrown into test world 278 with nothing, what will happen.

Mikazu · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Fantasy Merchant Life

On a small hill lying under a big tree, Liam stared at the clouds floating above. Nothing but grass as far as the eye can see, the feeling of the wind gently breezing on his skin. Dressed in what looks to be a simple white tunic, with matching pants. The only color Liam had on him was his black boots. 

"I wish I had a mirror with me, I probably look stupid right now." Liam laughed at how ridiculous the plain white outfit made him feel. He used to be called cute more often than not whenever someone was talking about him. He could wear almost anything and people thought it was adorable, but he never liked it. 'If anything, I'm just a bit feminine that's all. I will grow out of it when I'm older.' was what Liam always thought even though he was going to celebrate his 18th birthday today.

"Why is there a tree here anyway, and how did it get here?" Liam questioned as he sat up to look around, "I mean, there isn't another tree in sight." The leaves started shaking as a cool breeze hit them.

Liam was on a walk home from school taking the usual shortcuts, cutting between buildings just to get there faster. He was excited because it was his 18th birthday. but just as he took a left turn into an alleyway he saw a person dressed in an all-black suit with a full black face mask standing in front of him. "Congratulations Liam, you have been chosen to participate in the worthiness test. I know you will be confused but please stay focused once inside." The mysterious man talked with a somewhat deep monotone voice.

Liam, caught off guard took a few steps back when he saw the man thinking he was getting robbed. "Wait I don't!" Before he could even finish what he was going to say, the man took a step forward and grabbed Liam's arm.

Liam couldn't react at all to what was happening when he suddenly saw a door appear next to him, just as the door opened he was pulled into the door by the mysterious man. He felt powerless against him. 

The lack of any sort of strength training made Liam quite weak but this was different, he completely lost control of his body. No matter what he tried to do, his body wouldn't react.

On entering the door the world around Liam turned dark, he had his eyes closed but not of his own violation. He started walking forward like a puppet. Able to feel the clothes rustling on his skin, the hard floor with each step he took, but unable to control his body. 'I don't remember my skin being this sensitive.' Liam thought to himself. The thought didn't last though, as a cold breeze suddenly hit Liam.

'Wai- what, where did my clothes go, why am I naked? What's going on!' Liam tried to shout but he couldn't open his mouth.

"Don't worry, we're just collecting data and changing you into Test World 278's local clothing so you can better fit in" the mysterious man in all black from earlier said still with the same deep monotone voice.

'Collecting data is already worrying' Liam tried retorting but was still unable to speak, he couldn't open his eyes either but he could hear what sounded like machines beeping away around him.

"Now I will give you the basic rundown of how Test World 278 is going to work."

'Is there really 277 other Test Worlds' Liam thought to himself.

"No, there is a lot more but most of them can't sustain humans." The man answered Liam's thought. "There are one"

'No wait, hang on, you can hear me.' Liam cut the man off. 'How does this make sense, how can you hear my thoughts? What's going on?'

"If you have any questions, please ask after I'm done explaining." The man talked in the same monotone voice but it felt lighter for some reason.

Liam continued to listen to the man talk. "As I was saying, there are one hundred thousand humans, including you, who will be entering Test World 278. There will be no set goal in Test World 278, just live however you want to." The man explained the basics such as how 278 is like earth but set in medieval times, and some other changes. "That should just about cover it. Do remember that death is permanent and if you fail the worthiness test you will be sent back to earth with your memories erased. Any questions?"

'What do you mean death is permanent'

"Just that, if you die for whatever reason, you will not be allowed back"

'Is a Test World that dangerous? Also, how would I fail the worthiness test, you said there was no goal.' while Liam was thinking about his questions, the sounds of the beeps started intensifying.

"After a year, the god of worthy will determine that. sorry but times up, I wish you the best, goodbye for now." after the mysterious man finished speaking, silence took over the room. 

'No wait, I still have more questions, like how could you hear my thoughts.' Liam wanted to ask more but before he knew it the sound of tree leaves blowing above him woke him up.

Slowly opening his eyes he sees a beautiful blue sky with white clouds that look like cotton candy floating above, green leaves falling off the tree.

Thank you for reading chapter one, please let me know if there is anything I can do better. Also, chapters may be daily, may be every other day idk, depending on how much people want to read this

Mikazucreators' thoughts