
Fantasy May Cry: The Red Demon

A young man dies, and an unknown entity offers him a second chance at life in a magical world, granting him a new body with limitless potential. However, this world holds many surprises, and the path ahead is filled with challenges. As the young man embraces his new identity as the Red Demon, he soon discovers that life is not without its trials. --- N/A As always, nothing belongs to me, DMC and other things do not belong to me AT ALL, only my OCs, nothing else, now enjoy the story! ORIGINAL WORLD/AU

tyronxxz · Video Games
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23 Chs

son of sparda...

I sprinted across the flying platforms, cutting down dozens of demons. I ducked just in time to avoid a large scythe. I quickly beheaded the demon and vanished into nothingness. I swiftly dodged an attack from a demon larger than me, who wielded a massive hammer with nails on it. I swiftly stabbed its head, and the demons roared and charged towards me with incredible speed.

"COME ON!! COME HERE!! DAMN RATS!" I screamed, running towards them. I leaped like a rocket, gripping my sword tightly, and cut down dozens of demons. They disappeared into nothingness, and I smiled, jumping towards another platform. But something unexpected happened. A black being, resembling a shadow, emerged from the floor of the platform. It had a sword identical to mine, and even shared my shape.

"Doppelganger?" I said with a smile. My doppelganger smiled and vanished like a blur. Suddenly, my sword disappeared. "But what the fuck?!" I ducked in time to avoid a slash that shattered the air, and a massive sonic boom echoed behind me. I backed away from the doppelganger and said, "Damn, so melee, huh?"

Dozens of weapons appeared to my left and right, and unintelligible words in an ancient language materialized in the air.

"Heir of Sparda...fight against yourself, defeat yourself, and discover your true potential." I murmured the words that floated in the air. I sighed and grabbed two axes that were on my left and right side. I sighed and said, "Then...fighting myself, huh...a copy of myself..."

I smiled and said, "Then come!!" My clone smiled and charged towards me with a big grin. I narrowly dodged the sword, and hit his chest with my ax, but the clone quickly defended himself and placed his sword on his chest. The clone flew away, and I thought he was going to leave the platform and fall to the sand. Instead, he collided with a large dome that blocked access to the outside of the platform.

"Is this serious?" I said with an awkward smile. The clone appeared in front of me and kicked me in the chest. I flew away and fell to the ground, but quickly jumped up. The clone saw me and gave me a mocking smile. I looked at him, and my anger grew. "Damn, I know why I make people angry...damn, I even get angry at myself...well..."

I squeezed the axes in my hands and shouted, "Then...COME DANCE, DAMN CLONE!!" I leaped like a rocket towards the clone, arriving in front of him in the blink of an eye. I threw the axes at him quickly, but he dodged them. I wrapped my body in demonic energy, and I clenched my fist, hitting him in the face. He flew away, and I activated the triple dash, approaching quickly. I clenched my fists and began to punch him non-stop. "ORA ORA ORA ORA!!" I screamed as I punched his face repeatedly.

I squeezed my leg and hit his chest hard, unleashing a massive sonic explosion that tore through the air and shattered the ground. The clone exploded into a black substance, and I fell to the ground on my feet, saying, "Okay, I'm done with this test. Give me my loot!"

{You have passed the first trial!

Remaining trials: 2!}

The dome around the platform disappeared quickly, and I thought, "Good! Time to make this quick! I'm going to kick those damn demons' asses!!"

I grabbed the sword from the ground that the clone had dropped and ran quickly across the platforms, destroying the demons that were on the floating platforms quickly. But suddenly, the platform where I was began to shake non-stop. I looked up at the sky and saw a point that was getting bigger and bigger. Oh damn...

"HEIR OF SPARDA!!!" a massive, deafening scream made me give a nervous smile. A huge demon with crimson wings, a massive body 10 feet tall, enormous muscles, and goat horns, plus a face that looked quite imposing, emerged. His teeth protruded from his mouth, and I thought, "Damn it..."

I pointed my sword at the big demon and said, "You're the first boss, right?"


I smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but...I need to get a lot stronger, you know?"

The big giant demon roared and charged towards me, and I thought, "Shit, he's fast!!"

I flew off the platform and crashed into another floating platform, quickly jumping up and looking at the demon running towards me. I covered my body in demonic energy and screamed, "THEN COME AND TRY TO TAKE MY POWER!! ASSHOLE!!"

My sword, filled with demonic energy, collided with his fist, tearing the air and shattering the platform below us. We began to plummet towards the ground, and I gripped my sword tightly, filling it as much as I could with demonic energy. I even saw how the sword began to crack.

"YOU'RE GOING TO SWALLOW THIS!!" I screamed angrily and slashed his chest hard.

A great crimson light blinded me, and suddenly I felt like we were falling towards the sandy ground. I flew out and crashed into the sand, "damn... how I hate sand..." I mumbled, getting up in pain. I moved my arm, and it was in good condition. I looked at my sword and sighed, noticing several cracks on it. I think I imbued a lot of demonic energy...

I looked in front of me and saw the big demon from before, lying in the sand. I saw a large amount of blood coming out of the demon, damn... it seems I killed it...

Although...I don't think I could have killed him so easily...how strange...

Wait...I looked at my hand and noticed how my demonic energy seemed to have increased, huh?

"When I increase my energy...? ah, maybe when I complete the Trial...?" I murmured curiously.

I sighed and looked at the platforms in the sky, I need to continue with this...

I infused my legs with demonic energy and jumped into the air, looking at the platform where I was before and using Sky Star to get there quickly. My feet touched the crimson magic circle with intricate drawings that I didn't understand, and I jumped like a rocket at maximum speed. I heard the air explode, and in seconds, I reached my destination. I fell on the floor of the platform and said, "Ready, mission accomplished, time to continue with this."

I looked around, but I didn't see demons, how strange...

Suddenly, I felt a sense of danger, and I quickly walked away. I saw a being that seemed to be made of shadows, with a white mask and black eyes and mouth. His long, grotesque arms held something similar to large scissors, death scissors....

The lower demon flew towards me quickly, and I dodged his big scissors and cut his mask with one cut. The demon quickly died, but suddenly, dozens more death scissors appeared. I sighed and said, "Well, it looks like there's going to be a big party. Did someone bring the drinks?"

The demons flew towards me quickly, and I jumped into the air, dodging the scissors. I grabbed my sword tightly and quickly cut the masks of some death scissors, but some were able to dodge my attacks. I fell to the ground and watched with a smile as the lesser demons flew towards me. Suddenly, a system screen appeared in front of me.

{A true heir has to resist any type of attack, show your resistance, show your bravery, show your power}


Suddenly, I couldn't move, but what the--

I felt like the minor demons were piercing me with their scissors, shit...

Blood splashed on the ground, and suddenly, more minor demons appeared, but these with scythes, wearing torn and dirty tunics. They attacked me and pierced me with their scythes, and a little blood came out of my mouth, damn... I think they stabbed some organs...


Even more demons appeared, piercing me with their weapons, shit... I couldn't move, I gritted my teeth, these bastards...

Suddenly, the demons disappeared, and blood came out quickly from the wounds that covered almost my entire body. My clothes...

Suddenly, I started to heal incredibly fast, and the pain disappeared right away, damn... that was faster than I thought...

{You have passed the second trial!

Remaining trials: 1! }

I sighed and looked at a few platforms until I reached the platform with the bright red necklace. I ran towards the other platforms quickly, and there were no kind of demons, they were empty, good, much better!

While I was running, I watched as the sand on the ground began to move erratically, and suddenly, the sand on the ground rose to the heavens. I watched as the demon that I "killed" before came back to life, what the hell!?! It was not dead???

I quickly ran faster through the platforms, let's go!! It's near!!

But the demon quickly jumped to the platform where I was, this son of...

"SPARDA!! GIVE ME YOUR BLOOD!! GIVE ME YOUR POWER!!" The demon screamed, and a fierce wind appeared. I covered myself with my hand from the wind and shouted, "HEY GIANT!! CAN YOU SHUT UP FOR ONCE?!"

The demon looked at me and roared, damn...I hope my sword doesn't break again. I looked at the sword, and there were several cracks on it.

{Last trial:

Defeat the inner demon}

Inner demon?

Suddenly, several platforms began to join the one I was on, making a huge platform as big as a football field. So, this is the final boss, right?

I squeezed the sword and said, "Well, I think I already passed the tutorial a while ago, time to beat the final boss..."

The demon roared and ran towards me with great speed. I ran towards him and used demonic energy on my sword, dodging the demon's fist and cutting his leg. A large cut appeared on his leg, and blood splashed on the ground in spurts. The demon roared in pain.

I quickly walked away and saw, to my surprise, how a crimson fire began to erupt from the demon's leg. The demon roared at the sky, and a great call of fire reached the heavens. The demon's body was engulfed in a crimson fire, damn it...

The demon shouted at me, "SON OF SPARDA!! COME HERE!! TRY MY GREAT POWER!!"

I sighed and said, "It looks like I'll have to do this quickly..."

I used Sky Star, squeezing my legs with all my strength in the crimson circle, and flew like a rocket towards the demon. I arrived in a blink in front of him and imbued a large amount of demonic energy into my sword. I squeezed the hilt tightly and gritted my teeth, quickly cutting the fire demon's face. I watched as the demon's fire was cut, and suddenly I was sent flying when the demon hit me with his fist. Shit... I fell to the ground and jumped up, touching my face and feeling like some bones were broken, damn...

"This guy is very tough..." I murmured with a smile. The demon covered his injured eye with a hand and roared in pain, "SPARDA!!!" His shout made the air break, and huge cracks appeared on the ground, great...

"COME AND TRY TO HIT ME, CHEAP GODZILLA!!" I screamed with a big smile, feeling how my demonic energy was increasing rapidly. The demon roared and pulled his hand out of his face, his eye shattered, and blood ran down non-stop from his face. A large vertical cut was on his face.

The demon ran like a blur towards me, and I ran towards him with a big smile, my sword full of demonic energy. I dodged the punches that the giant sent me with great agility, using dashes without stopping. This guy is very fast, I have to be careful. I walked away quickly and said, "Ah, come on, friend! Are you a turtle or what?"

The demon roared at me, and suddenly I saw how a huge amount of demonic energy gathered in his mouth. Is this bastard a tailed beast or what the hell?!

A large ball of demonic energy formed in his mouth, and the demon roared, directing a crimson laser at me. I quickly jumped and dodged the laser, HOLY SHIT!! I CANNOT RESIST THAT!

I looked behind me and said, "Damn..." A huge explosion, similar to a nuclear bomb, was seen in the distance. The shock wave reached here, and a huge pillar of crimson energy went beyond the heavens, holy...

I covered myself with my arms, don't fuck with me!! Isn't this a damn test to have all my powers!?! How the hell do I resist an attack comparable to a nuclear bomb!?!

"SPARDA!!! BEHIND MY POWER!!" the demon roared and ran towards me. "Yes, yes, do you want the talk no jutsu or not?"

I quickly dodged his punch and imbued my sword with demonic energy, raising my sword and shouting, "VERTICAL ATTACK NO JUTSU!!" I quickly cut his arm with all my strength, my sword getting stuck, but I used my energy in my arms, roaring and managing to cut his arm. The demon moved away and roared in pain when he lost his arm. I put the sword on my shoulder and said with a smirk, "Round 2?"

The demon roared and ran towards me, and I smiled, running towards him too. I gripped my sword tightly, please don't break, please don't break, please don't break, please don't break!

I jumped towards the demon and used all my demonic energy in this attack, my sword seeming to shine like a beacon in the night. My sword looked like a sword of crimson fire. "TRY THIS!!" I screamed and hit his head with my sword, my sword getting stuck in his forehead. But I exerted much more force, the demon roaring in pain, "DON'T SCREAM LIKE A GIRL!! ARE YOU NOT A DEMON!?! HOLD IT ON!!"

"AAHHHHHHHHHH!!" I screamed with fury, feeling my sword begin to go down his forehead. My roar seemed to become demonic, and I suddenly cut the entire head of the demon vertically. A huge cut cut the entire platform behind the demon, an enormous amount of demonic energy making a massive cut in the ground. I fell to the ground and watched as the sword in my hand literally turned to dust.

The demon fell to the ground, cut vertically in half, the blood coming out without stopping. I looked at the blue sky and muttered, "Haha... I won..."

My body hurt, my whole body feeling like it was made of lead. I got up, but my body felt incredibly heavy. So this is what it feels like to not have demonic energy, huh...?



I smiled and walked towards the platform ahead, the large crimson crystal in the center of the platform. I approached and said, "Well... finally..."

The glass floated towards my hand, and I grabbed it, saying, "Now what...?"

Suddenly, the crystal exploded into pieces, and an absurd amount of demonic energy appeared, going to the sky. The amount was immeasurable, as if it were infinite. A pillar of crimson energy reached the sky.

Suddenly, the large amount of demonic energy moved and went towards me, oh shit!!

I covered myself, and suddenly, an immeasurable amount of energy went through me. I gritted my teeth, feeling as if my body was being burned alive. I couldn't help but roar in pain, but I still covered myself with my arms. Suddenly, I saw with shocked eyes how my arm began to change, as if black and crimson scales were emerging. I clenched my fist and endured the absurd amount of energy.

{Absorb your inheritance or else you will die!!}

I looked at the screen and hesitated... shit...

Well... I stopped covering myself and opened my arms, hoping I wouldn't die. I felt my body burning as if I were being burned alive, but I still resisted and gritted my teeth. "AHHHHHHH!!" I screamed in pain, but I didn't move. Suddenly, something appeared.

{Accepted inheritance...

Welcome, Son of Sparda}



Suddenly, everything became dark.


{Third person POV}

Caeris looked at Dante, impaled on the wall, and said, "Master, is it safe to leave him there? He used something similar to our energy... but at the same time, different..."

Nazareth said, "Leave it... he is... different, quite different..."

Nazareth turned around and walked towards the crimson circle, murmuring, "Hmmm... it takes a little more, and I will be able to be in this world without problems..."

Suddenly, Nazareth felt a great amount of energy. He quickly looked behind him and saw Dante pulling the Rebellion out of his chest. "Damn... I'm thirsty and hungry..." He opened his eyes, and imposing crimson eyes were visible. Nazareth said, "Impossible... there was no vital sign in any way, even his soul seemed dead... how is it possible?"

Caeris quickly appeared in a blink of an eye in front of Dante, ready to hit him, but he stopped Caeris' fist with his hand. Dante said, "My head hurts a little, could you not... bother me?"

Suddenly, Caeris flew out like a rocket and crashed against the wall. Nazareth looked at Dante and said, "What was your name?"

Dante put Rebellion on his shoulder and said with a big smile, "My name is Dante... hey, do you want a second round?"