
Fantasy: I Can Become Stronger By Lying Down

Ye Feng was born in a prestigious clan, and he was surrounded by powerful cultivators from birth. He had good relationships with his siblings, and his parents treated him well. He had an endless supply of rare resources. Miraculous elixirs were akin to snacks to him. What excuse did he have to not work hard in such a conducive environment? His decision was…to become a couch potato. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to him, even though his clan appeared peaceful on the surface, they were in a perilous situation now. Another clan, whose influences and resources were on par with theirs, was targeting them. Ye Feng’s clan members were very concerned, but they didn’t want him to worry about them. Therefore, they hid the truth from him, allowing him to be a carefree young master who didn’t even cultivate. However, unbeknownst to the clan members, Ye Feng was actually not useless. After he awakened the Couch Potato System, he only needed to lie down in order to improve himself. After lazing around for several years, he had already become one of the most powerful members of the clan in terms of ability. One day, after a small skirmish, war suddenly broke out between the two families. The elders of Ye Feng’s clan frantically pushed back the enemy and protected Ye Feng and the rest of the clan as they retreated. Even the patriarch was prepared to fight to the death. All their valuables had been packed, and the juniors only needed to take the items with them. However, the patriarch was still an old man and was no match for their enemy. He was severely injured due to oversight. The battlefield was filled with crying. Right then, Ye Feng sighed. He slowly came forward and said, “In the end, I still need to act. I will most likely never have leisurely days in the future.” There was the sound of a sword being drawn. That night, the blood of their enemies was splattered all across the Ye clan residence.

Loaded Dice · Eastern
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40 Chs

No Talent For Cultivation?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the Ye family mansion, a burst of crying could be heard, and the entire Ye family fell into a cheerful atmosphere.

At this moment, a baby lying in a cradle was looking at the scene in front of him with a dumbfounded expression.

"I've transmigrated?"

Ye Xing fell into deep thought.

The world he had transmigrated to seemed to be a fantasy world.

Furthermore, he had even transmigrated into a cultivation family.

If that was the case, then as a traveler, wouldn't he have to awaken the system and be cool and domineering, henceforth reaching the peak of the world?


Six years passed in a flash.

Ye Xing had been in this world for six years!

In the past six years, Ye Xing had gradually understood the world and the family he was in.

As Ye Xing had expected, this world was indeed a fantasy world. There were great cultivators who lived long lives and were capable of destroying the world.

The family that Ye Xing was in was not some eighteenth-tier family, but one of the top families in this fantasy continent!

There were countless experts in the Ye family. In fact, they had thousands of Saints and Grand Saints who could easily destroy the world!

Although this was not in line with the norm, Ye Xing did not care.

It was then, a middle-aged man walked over.

Seeing the middle-aged man, Ye Xing immediately bowed respectfully.

This middle-aged man was Ye Xing's father and the head of the Ye family—Ye Tu!

As the family chief of a top family, his strength was not to be underestimated!

He had heard from others that his father's realm was the second greatest realm on the continent!

He was only one major realm shy from ascending to the legendary Upper Realm!

The world called that realm the Pre-Emperor realm!

One could see how powerful the Ye family was.

"Xing 'er, today is the test for your cultivation talent. Don't feel pressured," Ye Tu nodded slightly and said.

"Don't worry, father. I'm confident," Ye Xing said with a confident smile.

As a transmigrator with such a strong father, aside from the protagonist halo and as the chosen one to transmigrate, Ye Xing's talent in the cultivation world would not be bad from a genetic point of view. 

After all, his father was a Pre-Emperor expert. No matter how bad Ye Xing was, he could at least become a Saint, right?

With the addition of the transmigrator halo, he should at least have the qualifications of a Grand Emperor!

Ye Tu looked at Ye Xing's confident smile and hesitated. He said, "Don't be disappointed even if your cultivation talent is poor. With the Ye family's strength, you can at least reach the level of a Saint."

"Don't worry, Father. I know what to do!" Ye Xing waved. 

Then, Ye Xing parted with his father and headed to the place where the family tested their talents.

Anyone in the Ye family who had reached the age of eight could go to the testing ground to have their cultivation talent tested. 

Other than Ye Xing, there were also disciples from other branches at the testing ground.

Everyone saw Ye Xing coming over.

"Young Master," an old man walked up and said respectfully.

"Elder, I'm here to test my cultivation talent," Ye Xing said.

The Elder nodded slightly and took out a piece of magnetite to test one's cultivation talent.

"Cultivation talents were divided into Heaven, Earth, Black, and Yellow. Heaven is the most respected, and every realm is further divided into four grades: Upper, Medium, Lower, and Supreme."

"Place your hand on it, and your cultivation talent will appear," the Elder said unhurriedly.

Ye Xing's eyes gleamed. He placed his hand on the magnetite that was used to test one's cultivation talent.

The mystical stone glowed in azure light.

"Look, the Young Master's cultivation talent has reached the Heaven-rank!"

"Looking at the quality, it seems to be the best among the Heaven-rank!"

"The family chief is a Pre-Emperor, so the Young Master must be also talented."

"Supreme-grade Heaven-rank cultivation talent. He's probably in the legendary Grand Emperor realm!"

"The Eldest Young Master of the Ye family has the potential to become a Grand Emperor!" 

The other members of the Ye family at the testing area were all amazed by Ye Xing's talent testing.

As for Ye Xing, he saw that the magnetite turned azure.

Before Ye Xing could rejoice, the azure color on the magnetite quickly faded and turned into a touch of dark yellow.

"What's going on?!" Ye Xing's eyes widened in disbelief.

Where's my Heaven-rank talent?

How did it suddenly become a Lower-grade Yellow-rank?

When the Elder in charge of the talent test saw this, he said helplessly, "Lower-grade Yellow-rank."

Ye Xing almost threw up when he heard the Elder's announcement.

Lower-grade Yellow-rank was way too low from his expectation. 

However, the result was already announced, and Ye Xing had no choice but to accept this fact.

The magnetite used to test one's talent had been carefully selected by the Ye family, so it was impossible to make a mistake.

"What's going on? The Young Master is a Lower-grade Yellow-rank?"

"That's impossible! Wasn't it Heaven-rank just now?!" 

"The magnetite can't be wrong. The Eldest Young Master's cultivation talent is really Lower-grade Yellow-rank!" 

When the Ye family members saw the test results, they were also shocked.

As far as they were concerned, as the eldest young master of the Ye family, Ye Xing must at least be at Upper-grade Earth-rank talent.

How could it be the lowest Lower-grade Yellow-rank?

It was worth noting that the average talent of the Ye family was at the Upper-grade Black-rank!

Ye Xing's father was a Pre-Emperor expert, so his cultivation talent should not be that terrible! 

The current outcome was difficult to accept. 

Then, a disciple from another branch of the Ye family walked over.

"Don't be discouraged, Eldest Young Master. With the Ye family's deep foundation, even if you are a Lower-grade Yellow-rank, you will at least be a Saint in the future!"

"That's right. Eldest Young Master! There's no need to worry about your cultivation talent. Throughout the history of the continent, there have been many great examples of Lower-grade Yellow-rank reaching Grand Emperor realms through hard work." 

"That's right. Eldest Young Master, you can't be so fixated on your talent."

Ye Xing looked helpless as he listened to their comforting words.

As one of the top families on the continent, the members of the family were well-raised.

There was no taunting or melodramatic scene.

On the contrary, they appeared to be supportive of their fellow brother.

Ye Xing waved and forced a smile. "Don't worry, I'm not dead yet."

With that, Ye Xing returned to his residence in a daze under everyone's eyes.

As the eldest young master of the Ye family, the person who would inherit the position of the family chief in the future, Ye Xing had his own courtyard residence.

After returning to the residence, Ye Xing sighed repeatedly.

'This…How could my talent be so terrible? That shouldn't be the case.'

Not only did he not awaken the system in the six years he had transmigrated, but his cultivation talent was also poor.

However, Ye Xing immediately changed his perspective on the matter.

He was from a top family, so it was fine if he was not talented.

In any case, there were countless experts in the Ye family, and his father was a Pre-Emperor realm expert.

His life and safety were definitely guaranteed.

Moreover, the Ye family was not like the other families who fought openly and secretly. 

Things seemed to be fine and prosperous with his brothers around. 

Therefore why not just lie down and waste his life?

If his family was so powerful, why did he have to spend so much effort to cultivate?

However, just as Ye Xing thought of it...

"Ding! The system is awakening."