
Fantasy HighSchool ( DXD )

Handsome, rich, smart, And Talented That is our protagonist! he lived like a king! but everything changes after he meets girls, is his perfect life will crumble?

WikkeRs · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Enemy Or Friends


I vomit

and it's in front of her


I don't know, maybe this is because I vomit, but I feel so better after trow up

and it's not like before when my body can't move because of how scary it is

my head is so clear

And body feels so light

That I can run right now

Well it's not like I can escape from this girl

But is it alright for me to look at her?

And with that in mind, I look above me


Where Golden Glow Eyes

looks straight back to Me

Which made me stare straight down again




She looks pissed

Is this where I will die?



I don't really wanna die...

If I can I really wanna live.

There are still many things that I want to do.


I bit my lips

Even if I have to lick her feet and lower my head


I know it that's how this world work

the strong will always strong

and the weak become weaker

Even SO, I want to live...

I am a coward person

and for a coward person

this is the only way I know.

...: Um...Hey, looks miss, I really sorry for throwing up in front of you, but maybe I can compensate you..I will do whatever you want if you can forgive me

After saying that I bow my head in front of her

Maybe you think i do not have pride? low my head in front of some girl that I don't know.

but this is the only way I know

for a coward person

and my 20 years of life

even if I have to dirty my hand

I want to live...

From the looks of it, this girl doesn't really want to kill me

because if she wants

I am already killed.

So let's calm down and analyze this situation

What is she want?

My Soul? Why I don't think she wants it.

My money? I have a lot of money but I don't think someone who is strong enough to beat 5 thugs with one kick wants it, I mean if her purpose is really money the thugs already lost their money, and it's not like she knows I'm rich.

I don't know...

I don't know what she wants..


that's not the problem right now.

As long as she doesn't direct her anger toward me my chances of survival are still there.

So from now is a battle against how I can please her.

....: hey...Mr?

....: yes?

because she suddenly talks my head auto look at her

....: You don't need to bow to me, I think you're sick maybe? because you suddenly vomit..are you alright?

....: Ah..yes of course I'm just a little tired because I have been running since there.

Are you kidding me ? of course not!

it's you who make me vomit

is this girl really not knowing or just act dumb?

but as long as she still wants to talk with me, my survival chances still on my graps

....: Ah by the way Mr.SuperHero before I'm asking your name right?

....: My name is Koneko and you Mr?

....: Ah I'm..A-

But before I finish my name one of the thugs woke up,

...: F**k you B***H you think you can defeat us THE FIVE COLOR DRAGON! LIKE THIS!

The thug number one swings his hand so that girl named koneko jumps backward from their body.

And With one thug wakes up so the other.

....: Ciih...I don't think you can avoid it!

.....: Calm down An-chan..it's been a long we fought together, isn't it making you remember the past?

the last thugs wake up with black sunglass, black hair, and a gold ring in his hand.

....: ... I think I already kick you guys strong enough to pass out...

An-chan: HAH...you think kick from a girl like you strong enough to beat us?

The thug's number one talks like that but he standing with trembling legs.

.....: guys you remember the strategy Rainbow Dragons Right?

....: of course!

the thugs number three and four talk but Thugs number five looks Confused.

....: An-chan you still remember right?

An-Chan: You think I will forget that ? of course I remember it.

.....: Then I will be the one who first does it, you guys are ready!

The black sunglass guy straightened his hair, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared in a fighting style.

....: before we fight young girl can I know your name ? my name is SAM

Koneko: ....Koneko...

Koneko prepares for the fight in boxing style.

SAM: Then let's begin!

3 2 1

and not quite expectations

they actually run

An-Chan: Old men, What are you doing Let's go!

....: HAH..wait...

wait - wait - wait, why do you bring me too, let's be honest if we can escape from this girl then it's good but we talking about a girl who is fine after falling from the sky !.

But not quite my expectations

koneko not chased us why?

I don't know but it looks like she is a little shocked because she thought they will fight maybe?


after her mind come back again

she begins to chase us

An-Chan: Oi Old Men We Jump!

....: WAIT WHAT?

An-Chan: JUMP!

And We actually JUMP!









By the way, I know it's not time to kidding

but what are you doing if you jump Into the water?

Is that deep enough to kill you?

You will Swim, right? yes of course


I'm Sorry




...: F**K..!





hey ! thanks for reading this chapter ! if you have something to talk just comment or maybe you have some idea ? comment it and let me know ! THANK YOU !

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