
Fantasy HighSchool ( DXD )

Handsome, rich, smart, And Talented That is our protagonist! he lived like a king! but everything changes after he meets girls, is his perfect life will crumble?

WikkeRs · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Enemies Of Enemies is Your Friends

Hello nice to meet you guys again

and I hope This is not my last time.


Right now.

I'm Drowning after the jump to water that is deep enough to kill me

By the way, I think I heard that drowning is one of the most painful death.

seems it true

.....: Uaghh!

blup - blup - blup

Right Now

I can't even breath

My heart beating so fast

It feels like my body is crushed.

And You know what?

My body Can't even move

Maybe because My muscle is Suprise because of how fast my body conditions change.

that after struggling enough

I can't move my body.

And just like

You throw a stone into the water

Drowning like that

And not so long after that

I feel sleepy.



....: Oi...O

I feel Something nice

it feels like something soft...

and there is someone who's been screaming ever

I don't know but it feels nice.

Cold But Soft.

A little Sweet

Makes me Want it More




But Wait A minute!

didn't I drown? Then why can I feel something?

....: Oi...O!

And there is Someone who screaming enough to make my ears bleed!

...: Uaggg!

...: Woah You surprise me!

...: bluaghh

Vomit Again But Full of Water this time.

.....: Oi Old Men You alright?

There was only one person who called me Old Men and thought it makes me want to be angry

But seems like they save me, as an adult, I let it.

.....: Uhuuk...hukk..Y..you Guys Saved me ?

.....: Oh Seems Like you are alright if you can answer me. hahaha

...: Yahh, I little surprise, because you don't surface again after jumping.

.....: Old Men You need to warn us if you can't swim you know? hahaha

.....: Well how am I supposed to tell you if you just pull my arm and start running without my concern...Uhuk..huk

.....: Hahaha..seems like it's my fault, yeah? sorry old men.

...: then let's go if you already can stand up seems before that crazy girl found us again

.....: Yeah...let's go...

My throat still hurt.

....: By the way, My name is Anka, Everyone Calls me An, What's yours? Old Men

....: Well since before you I want to ask you, Why do you call me Old MEN? I'm still 20

An-Chan: AH...well sorry for that, Haha !! I always call everyone older than me "Old men" Aside from my friends, of course!

An-Chan: So what is your name, Old men?

...: ...Ah...my name is Allen, well you can call me Al thought I prefer if you use Allen, to call me.

An-Chan: Oh well Nice to meet you! old men


Allen: And you still calling me Old men.

An-Chan: Ahaha, I got used to that!

An-Chan: Oh that is my friends, lets go old men


Can I trust him?

Even though he saved me.

I should consider trusting him but well it's not my personality to trust someone so fast, but I think this kid is a Kind Fool type of person..but what about his friends?

An-Chan: Oi Sam! We Back

The Black Sunglass guy who before acted to fight with that girl name Koneko.

What about this guy Can I trust him? well doesn't matter if I can get out of here, then I will never meet this guy again.

Sam: Oh you alright? then it seems my help is effective.

An-Chan: Old men let me introduce you to My Best Friends Sam!

An-Chan: Sam this old man's name Allen, it's a cool name right?

Sam: Sure it's its

The black sunglass guy saying that with a husky voice

Allen: nice to meet you...Uhhuk..uhhuk

My throat after that still a little hurt, maybe because water gets inside me too hard.

Hmm..by the way, isn't this black sunglass name Sam saying he help me? How?

Allen: hey..by the way, how did you save me?

They both suddenly shut their mouth...Silence moment...

Allen: Hm?

An-Chan: ahaha old men do you know what after 4 ? IT'S 5!


Allen: Eh?

then get silent again

not long this guy named sam start talk with a little red face

Sam: Well...Allen-San you want me to talk about it?

Sam: You better, forgot it..sometimes reality just tends to hurt you...

Sam: i...I will Forget it...too







OH, Gaia What's trial again you give me!

Heyy ! how are you? I hope you guys doing good! by the way, I write this fanfic just for fun, and I will draw a manga later and this fanfic is just for my training, I have already done a 60 ch about a guy getting isekai but this isekai is different from other isekai manga or manhwa why? because i want to make more realistic and more like dark souls type. so stay tuned and if you can subscribe to my youtube channel, I will give you my youtube channel name in the next chapter!

WikkeRscreators' thoughts