

Ripun was under the impression that she won't be able to go as the situation was out of control. She had no choice as she could do nothing about it. Lord Charles had begun meeting her often now. They spent time whenever lord craved for her company. Lord came to know about her likes and dislikes. He loved it when she laughed out heartily. It wasn't artificial as he had seen other ladies. She had a tender heart seeing her caring for other beings... the lord knew that he had to be careful for he didn't want to hurt her emotionally. He was growing fond of her day by day. It was like his life had started to get touch of spring again. He never thought that he would be able to smile again. One day the lord offered Ripun to go for shopping with him. Ripun had lot of interest in it but she hesitated as lord wasnt her husband whom she could openly ask to buy whatever ahe wanted. Seeing her hesitating,the lord said, "Ripun, please do not hesitate as it would break my heart if I couldn't do this much, if you consider me your friend, you must comply to what I offer. Its a simple gesture as I can very well afford it."

Ripun smiled giving her willingness. She had a strange feeling in her heart as if she had a deep connection with the lord but she didnt want to make it obvious. On the contrary, with his sharp skills, lord could make out what was going inside her mind and he was quite happy with her change of emotions towards him. He wanted to let that feeling bloom in her heart before he advanced with what he had planned. The Lord was ready waiting for her to come out of the room. Maya helped her with the dress. Ripun was looking beautiful with a little touch, when it came to dressing ,Maya was blessed with the best fashion snese. Ripun had a taste for sober looks which even she excelled at. Ripun had worn shin length ruby coloured dreas with long white fur blazor. She was wearing ruby studs and even in this simple and sober attire, she looked so pretty. The lord looked at her and smiled which was heart stealing for Ripun to bear. She felt more gulity at times like this. She had always stayed vigilant to the fact that she was a married woman and she couldn't let her values slide for her wavering heart. The lord couldn't resist his inner desires and held her hand while leaving for the market. Ripun was looking surprised at this sudden gesture from the lord but she didn't show any resistance. They went near the grand car to which a driver and a bodyguard opened the doors for them to enter. When they reached the place, the lord came out first amd offered her hand to come outside. Ripun had never received such a special attention before as her husband and her wereore of friends than being a couple. Sometimes she felt her heart longing for all this to happen but she never let these emotions disturb her relation with him. For a moment, she forgot all about her previous life. She wanted to enjoy lord's company. She let the feeling of gulit slide and thought of enjoying her favourite hobby -shopping!!!

Lord Charles could not help but felt overwhelmed being in his beloved's company.

He went to a grand looking store which was owned by Mr. Adam who too was a well known figure in his society but had this business just one of his time passes. He was born with a silver spoon just like Lord Charles.By chance, he was also there that day. Seeing Lord Charles with a chubby but attractive lady, he got up to welcome them. He looked at the lady and took her hand and kissed as a welcoming gesture and spoke, Hello Chalres! Its been a while since we met but what a pleasant surprise! And who's this beautiful lady with you? "

Lord Charles was never the one to be seen with women as he was known to be a sincere person when it came to relationships. He was known for the passion he had towards Vanessa but after her death, ge never let his heart open for anyone to enter but sseing him with Ripun, Adam could make out that the lady was simeone special buy she didnt seem as she belonged to their town.

Charles introduced Ripun to him .Strangely he felt attracted towards this woman though he knew very well that she held Charles' interest.Adam was also a strong pure blooded vampire like Charles but he was a gentle man who was also a womanizer. He could sense that Ripun was a human but that didn't matter as she caught his interest. Charles asked the woman who was at the desk to show the most beautiful collection to Ripun.