
Fangs Out

Playing these games were my way of an escape. But I cursed them for raising my standards so high that I probably would never be with someone if they didn't meet them. If only these characters were real....

Waii_Dortsy · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter Four

I was debating if I regretted my choices in life or not. And if this was one of them.

"This is the sixth time we've walked past this water fountain." Jerakai muttered by my side as Casper glanced around.

The twins I had bumped into earlier were also in our group. Jerakai could have been in plenty of other groups but decided to join us since many didn't want to be in the same group as Casper. 

I wondered if this was one of the reasons why.

"Look, why don't I just try to lead the way this time?" Jerakai sighed and Casper whipped around with that pout-frown.

"But I know the way, I swear."

"He's said that like...how many times now?" The tall twin mumbled over to the short one.

We had so far been to two of our classes. Well, all of us had been to one, that's counting homeroom. The twins and I had visited another class but Jerakai and Casper hadn't. And at this rate we all would probably have to do this tomorrow night, well if I weren't dreaming unless it went on that long, which would be ridiculous.

"This is Freya's class." The short one spoke up, stopping. We all decided to let her lead since we had more failures than successes with Casper. 

The tall one's face fell. "You don't have this class…?"

"No, but this is good. We can do some things on our own, explore new things." The short one gave her an encouraging squeeze on the shoulder with a smile but the tall one's shoulders drooped. 

"Yeah...that would be for the best." Freya mumbled peeking in before pulling back with a stiff smile. "Well, where to next?"

"Just one more for me, you're done." The short one glanced at us. "You all still have two more classes to find I believe."

Jerakai stretched a bit before leaning against the wall. "Guess we should split up then, you…."

The short one perked up. "Mia."

"Right, you two should go find your last class and just head to homeroom instead of waiting for us. It may be a while." 

"It will definitely be a while." I sighed watching Casper wander off somewhere, probably about to get lost.

I slipped away from the conversation to follow him, well catch him but he was actually moving quite quickly than I thought. By the time he stopped I was hunched over breathing hard. 

"Where are you going without us?" I panted out but he only stood still, some steps away with his back facing me.

After another deep inhale I stood up and glanced around. I wasn't sure where we were but instead of a wall on the left side it was one huge window that spread upwards to create half of the roof. It was pitch black outside besides the bright moon that lit up somethings below. I almost forgot everything staring at the sight, I glanced away quickly and moved over to get closer to Casper. 

Was he captivated as well?

Once I saw his face I felt my breath get caught in my throat.

His features seemed to be enhanced by the moon. His red hair, blue eyes- well he was already pale so he looked almost like a ghost. 

In a way I guess he was.

I forced myself to look away from him, my face heating up. I found his gaze not on the moon but on a person sitting underneath it. 

It was Spencer, in one of the garden areas where the large fountain was. It looked to be the front where pictures would be taken but in reality most took the other way to get inside. 

I noticed a dark figure in the bushes, moving closer to her. 

Normally someone would yell out to grab her attention, but I didn't. Something else caught my eye.

She was not alone.

Palemon had moved out of a blind spot, lit up some by the moon just as she. In one hand was what seemed to be some type of yellow or white flower and in that hand blood dripped from his hand. To anyone else it would have looked like water or the sort with it being clear, but it was indeed blood.

I couldn't hear them, no matter how much I pressed myself against the glass to try. Could they even hear me if I shouted?

I remember this moment perfectly, this is where she was in the spot to be turned.

"What are you two doing?" Jerakai rushed over pulling me away, in his other hand was Casper's sleeve. "We need to get going." He yanked us out of the area. "While looking for you two I already found the rest of my classes. I decided to head back to homeroom in hopes to find you two. We're supposed to be getting ready to head back home."

He went on with explaining but I wasn't listening. 

As wonderful this game was, the turning process I knew was practically unbearable. I wasn't her, but maybe I could have stopped it. Playing as her you can, but I wasn't her.

Palemon had her attention. Not me.

Ugh forget Palemon! I barely even know him. Why was I even getting so upset in a dream, I needed to wake up.


Fingers were snapped in my face, causing me to jump back into this world, not the world I was born in. And speak of the devil. Also was there a time jump?

"Come on, it's late and you know your pa doesn't want you back too late or he may skin me." Palemon grumbled tugging me forward. "I'm lucky enough that the guards seemed to back off this time."

Or just hid very well.

I easily slipped my arm away. "What were you doing with Spencer?"

I knew, but was he going to tell me.

His eyes cut to mine, for a brief moment they had gleamed yellow. "Oh, so you know her? I was just trying to get her number. No need to be protective." He laughed moving along and I followed in step.

"How can no one not know her, she obviously doesn't belong."

Wow, that sounded harsher than it did in my head. His pace slowed down.

"What do you mean?"

"She's human."


I mean he probably knew already but still. I guess I was really morphing into Leticia's ways now. 

He stopped.

"So are you."



His head whipped around in my way his eyes cut at me, sharper than before with a steady glow. "She's just different, special. I'm sure you didn't catch that but others have. And I'm going to have to fight to get to her first."

Special, unlike you. 

What kind of dream was this?! I already dealt with this in ordinary life. I did not go to sleep to deal with these types of elements here too.

"Good luck with that." I scoffed walking ahead and he instantly caught up.

"Where are you going?"

"Home." I sped up but he was still on my heels.

"You can't possibly be jealous." He scoffed.

"You can't possibly be an idiot." I snarled before breaking out into a run.

I don't know if I outran him or if he just gave up. But I do know I was done. Forget this dream- it had turned into a nightmare. It wasn't as bad as my past nightmares were but it still wasn't pleasant. 

Of course I found the guards driving nearby. I had hopped in and tried to stop looking for Palemon, feeling bad. Instead I attempted to go to sleep in the car, hoping to wake up back to the world I knew. But it didn't work.

As soon as I got home I walked past anyone who tried to ask me about my day, if I was okay, anything of the sort. I locked my door- Leticia's door then collapsed into her bed. I squeezed my eyes shut pleading to go to sleep and just wake up.

And I did.

Thank you all for reading! ❤

I have some ideas for the story but not really sure where to go. But I think I reached the word goal at least.

Waii_Dortsycreators' thoughts