


Images play behind her closed eyes and sleep eludes her. The cries of Africa roll across the compound...the distant cough of a hunting lion and the shrill cry of the jackal cuts through the dark still night as the moon hangs overhead...the haunting call of a lone owl outside the bungalow does little to erase the images in her mind. The animals, dead in cages inside the forbidden room...the ape with the wires, its brain exposed strapped into a chair...father dead on the floor.

Her mind runs back to the videos...videos of what she saw beyond the door...videos that father said was the evil that men do. Eve struggles to come to terms with what she saw, struggles to understand...so many questions but no answers. No one to answer the questions that cloud her mind...father is dead, she is alone in a world that is not ready for her, and all she has is Romeo and Juliet along with an uncertain future.