

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller's ordinary life is shattered when he's attacked by a werewolf during a moonlit hike. As he undergoes a transformation, Xavier struggles with heightened senses, a craving for blood, and an attraction to the night. Seeking answers, he discovers the hidden supernatural world and faces a moral dilemma: should he embrace his dark side or fight his inner beast? Along his journey, he meets others like him, each with their own unique struggles. "Fangs and Claws" is a thrilling story of identity, transformation, and the battle between light and darkness as Xavier uncovers Silver Mist's supernatural secrets. A/N: Character development will be slow at first but will speed up at later arcs (Novel cover image is digitally drawn)

blueorchid · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The Investigative reporters club

"What do you think you're doing?" Jade asked with a frown while holding on to Xavier's arm.

'Isn't she the new girl?' Xavier thought surprised as he glanced at his arm which was still being held in her grasp. 'No more importantly, why can't I pull my hand from her grasp?' Xavier thought surprised.

'What the… I'm applied a little force to my grip to inflict a bit of pain but he didn't even flinch." On the other hand, Jade had opposite thoughts as to what Xavier was thinking.

Unknowingly to the two in question, had entered a stalemate to see who will end up backing off.

"What are you doing Jade?" Jayden's voice was heard from behind her bodyguard causing her to release her grip on from Xavier's arm.

"Apologizes miss, but I caught him giving weird glances in your direction earlier in class so I acted once I saw him approach you." Jade explained.

"Well, this is my friend Xavier and he's not a threat." Jayden stated will glancing at Xavier who was busy caressing the part of his arm that was grabbed by Jade.

"Xavier meet Jade, Jade meet Xavier." Jayden introduced them.

"Hi" he said to Jade with a wry smile.

"I deeply apologize, I guess I acted impulsively." Jade immediately apologized with a short bow to which Xavier immediately dismissed as a simple misunderstanding.

"Let's go Jade, we'll be late for our next class." Jayden stated before walking away before Xavier could get a chance to speak with her.



Just before he could chase after her, a message popped up on his phone causing him to raise a brow after reading its contents.

[Jayden: Jade's my bodyguard and apparently baby sitter, so we can't talk about you know what, let's speak later at my studio.]

"Bodyguard huh? Whoever she is she definitely isn't your average teen or she wouldn't be a bodyguard." Xavier mumbled while still caressing where she held.

Several classes later, Xavier just couldn't help but think about Jayden's message. 'Jade Crimson…' Xavier thought while observing the red haired girl sitting next to Jayden. He was starting to wonder if there was more to this since she had opted to only talk in her studio.

"She's being monitored…" he mumbled with realization.

"Who's being monitored?" Amy's voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"Huh? Oh no-nothing…" Xavier hastily responded.

"You're one weird person, you know that right?" Amy stated a light chuckle, to which he could only give a wry smile as a response.

Xavier: (´-﹏-`;)

"I actually wanted to remind you we're having the investigative reporter's club meeting, since you never showed up for the last one." Amy revealed with a slightly disappointed tone.

'Damn I forgot.' He couldn't help but think since he had actually forgotten he had agreed to join the investigative reporter's club which Amy spearheaded. Although, with everything the young vampire had been through the past month, it was only inevitable he'll forget something he regarded less important.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there last time, but I'll definitely show up for this one." Xavier apologized and assured her.


As the bell rang, it signaled the end of all classes and the start of club activities as students paired up in groups heading to their various designated club locations while students who held flyers in their hands roamed the hallways looking for new members to recruit to the club they belonged to.

"This is the place right?" Xavier questioned after arriving at the location Amy texted him. It was the old teacher's lounge which was abandoned after a severe pipe leak and wasn't used ever since.



"Come in!" Amy's voice was heard from behind the door urging him to come in. Entering the room, Xavier was met with three individuals, Amy being the only one whom he recognized.

Looking around, he was slightly surprised with the state of the room since he expected it to be in shambles but he couldn't be more wrong.

The room still had the feel of the old teacher's lounge, with faded sofas and a seared coffee table now covered in notebooks and pens. A vintage bulletin board displayed a web of newspaper clippings, connected by red string. The kitchenette, now a makeshift office space had stacks of files and a perpetually hissing coffee maker.

The air smelled of old paper and coffee, filled with the soft rustle of pages and tapping of keyboards as Amy had seemingly gotten to work already.

"Xavier, you're here!" Amy called out to him in an excited tone, halting was she was doing as she grabbed his arm pulling him along to introduce him to the others.

"Meet my boyfriend Tyler, the only real member of the club other than me." Amy introduced Xavier to the individual who had walked up to them.

He sported light brown hair and stood roughly the same height as Xavier, but had a much leaner build which made him appear taller. Similar to his girlfriend, he wore a pair of glasses to aid his poor eyesight.

"Hello nice to meet you." Tyler said with a friendly smile as he reached out for a handshake which Xavier immediately returned.

"Over there is Trevor who just like you, I s just here to complete the headcount so we don't get disbanded." Amy said pointing at the person who lay on the couch while playing games on his phone and sipping on some canned soda.

Trevor was of average height and had a way more bulky build, he possessed a face that could be easily forgotten and sporting a buzz cut didn't help.

"Sup freak." He remarked whilst still playing with his phone.

Xavier instantly recognized him as one of the guys from Dylan's crew. Realizing this had caused him to look at Amy with an expression than had the word 'really?' written all over it to which she could only respond with a shrug.

"Make yourself comfortable, there are snacks over there in cas-"

"Actually I was thinking of being a more active member of this club." Xavier suddenly said causing Amy's eyes to widen in surprise before transitioning to a warm smile.

"Sure, we could really use that."