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Loki's World Hopping Journey by TheBetaReviewer (MarvelxOnce Upon a Time)

Latest Update:November 22, 2022

Summary: Assigned a task by the living Tribunal himself. Loki is 'forced' to set out and find mystical items across different worlds that could affect the balance. All while getting a second chance at life and perhaps even love.

Current Arc: Once Upon A Time

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41340054?view_full_work=true

Word count: 27k

Chapters:9 Check to see if new chapter is out.

Chapter 1: The Beginning

What sorcery is this?" Spinning around the pitch-black room, Loki grabbed his throat. Feeling for wounds that didn't seem to be there. It was strange as he knew he still should have them after getting sliced and blasted off Thor's ship. At that exact moment, his mind flashed back to the screams of agony and fear he heard from all the Asgardians killed. The memory seemed to echo in Loki's mind as the weight of what just happened began to settle over him.

"Calm down, my son."

Out of the darkness, Loki's eyes locked on the only light that appeared. Odin, in golden armor, with both eyes on his face, and Freya standing next to him, both of them looking at him with sadness and, strangely enough, pride. More so evident in his mother's eyes than in his father's. But it was a strange sight to Loki all the same.

"You've done well, Loki. Far better than anything I could have ever foreseen." Odin rumbled, moving forward and clasping a hand on Loki's shoulder.

"...Father... I died." Loki replied after a slight pause. He was now beginning to understand what was happening, and he was slightly worried. "Am I to be judged now? Unworthy to enter Valhalla and be thrown into purgatory for my crimes?"

"Is that what you believe?" His mother spoke up for the first time, the sound of her voice almost strange to Loki's ears. It had been so long since he'd heard or seen her. Their parting before her death not having been the most pleasant.

"Am I to expect anything else?" Loki asked.

"Loki, my boy, you've done marvelously. Better than I could have hoped. Yes, you strayed." At that, Freya's lips quirked into a smile. "But you returned, helping your brother defeat Hela and save Asgard."

"Which is now destroyed." Loki couldn't help but throw out. Instantly regretting it when he saw his mother's face fall. But he didn't apologize, no matter if he felt he should. He just couldn't bring himself to when he felt they were getting ready to tell him something they knew he wouldn't like.

Odin sighed, looking more his age now, even with his younger appearance. "Yes, though your brother still lives, along with a few others. Asgard isn't gone yet. They will find a new home on earth."

Hearing the news that Thor was alive was like a burden had fallen from his shoulders. He may have tried to kill Thor in the past. But now, after everything they'd gone through? He would have never been able to live with himself, even in death. If he'd gotten the other man killed all because he decided to grab an infinity stone again. That could be the only possible reason why Thanos had shown up... Which meant Asgard's destruction was his fault.

"But that's not why we're here. Son, you've caught the attention of the Tribunal." Here, Odin's voice began to change, sounding as if he was both proud and annoyed. "They've decided to send you out of our universe on a quest. One that will give you a new life and a chance out there you might never find here."

"And what is this... Quest?" Loki practically sneered out the last part. He knew very little of the cosmic entity. Only that they were under no circumstances to ever be messed with, and they were more powerful than even Odin. However, that didn't mean he had to like them or enjoy going on some forced quest that he probably didn't have a choice on.

"I would be a bit kinder, Loki." Freya frowned. "The living Tribunal didn't need to give you this chance. You could have just as easily been banished so as to not affect the balance of the multiverse. Yet you are receiving this change many would jump at for a new life, a fresh start somewhere no one can ever reach you."

Silent for a few moments, Loki nodded. "What is this banishment you speak of, and how is my quest any different from the former?"

Odin snorted a somewhat off-putting action. Loki had never once seen his father snort like that. "Loki, if you were banished, you'd be floating in a dimensional space with no way out as time bypassed you. All without oxygen, light, or even the feeling of your own body. Only you, you're consciousness floating in space until death. So yes, to answer your question completing a quest is quite different."

"... I see." Beside's the lack of light, he'd experienced something similar. But that was for all of a few days, and it had been total hell. Not something he ever wanted to go through again. "So what will I be doing on this quest?"

"We're glad you agree." Freya smiled kindly. "As for the quest itself. Nothing much. The Living Tribunal wants you to find certain items in different worlds throughout the multiverse. From the explanation given to us. Those items are either too powerful for said world and came there by mistake, or someone brought it there. Your quest is to fix that."

"How big are these items?" Loki questioned. Depending on how small the items were, the quest might not actually take that long to accomplish. The only trouble would be finding it, but even then, that shouldn't be too difficult. No item of any level of power ever stayed completely hidden.

"Some are large, some small," Odin replied. "You're first item on the list is small. It's a watch that allows one to change the past... Without consequence, if done right. It's an item that should have never appeared in the world it did, so it needs to be removed."

"Do you have the location, or am I expected to search an entire planet?"

"It will be in a world identical to Midgard. One in another universe, in a place called Storybrooke, somewhere up in Maine." Freya explained, continuing what Odin left out. "However, you may not find it immediately. The quest could take years, many years before the item appears. So as perhaps insurance, or because of you're Father asking for you. You're allowed to live your life however you see fit, as long as the item is recovered before you die."

Glancing at Odin in surprise at that piece of knowledge, he never would have expected his father to ask anyone, anything for him. Loki asked a question that they both seemed to be overlooking. "How exactly am I supposed to find more items in other worlds if I die? Better yet, how am I expected to find this watch when I'm currently dead?"

"Oh, that's not an issue." Freya shrugged, looking entirely casual if it wasn't for the glint of amusement in her eyes that betrayed her. "You are now or rather will be a pseudo immortal. Upon you're death, you'll transport to a new world, continuing quest after quest until you want to stop."

"I-I what?" Loki, for once in his life, was flabbergasted. Immortality, even a bastard version like the one he was hearing, was incredible. It also sounded far too good to be true, and the catch was probably a brutal one. "What consequences will befall me should I fail a quest."

At those worse, Freya fell silent while Odin sighed tiredly. "Of course, you'd notice that. Very well, because of the generous 'perks' of your shall we say job. Should you fail. The planet the item is on will be obliterated, and you'll be sent to purgatory until you're punishment has been deemed sufficient."

Swallowing quietly, Loki nodded. He didn't want to contemplate how many years or worse, centuries he'd be stuck in purgatory. It would be better to focus on the quest, accomplish it, then enjoy life until the next world. A goal the old him probably would have never believed he'd want, the desire to be king of Asgard and get his father's recognition, having taken up most of his previous life. Now, now he wanted a change. A chance to be whoever he wished... And maybe even meet someone.

Loki, even to himself, would deny it if asked. But he had always been jealous of his parent's relationship. As well as Thor's with whoever he happened to be dating. Sure, his brother's lovers never really went anywhere, but that was more the blonde's fault than anything really. For Loki, though. He'd never even been in love. The magic stigma plus his constant and admittedly vicious pranks had ensured no one would go near him for the most part... That and he'd been busy trying to become king. There was no time for women or love during that period of life. Though maybe in his new one, that could change.

"So how does this work? Do I need to learn some magic? Find an infinity stone to take me to this other world?" Loki asked, coming out of his thoughts.

"Nothing so drastic. I'll do the honors." Odin shook his head, then waved his staff in the air next to Loki. A black portal swirled into existence, churning like molasses and ultimately looking more like what the entrance to purgatory should be than another Midgard. "Enter in, and you should find yourself in Maine. As for the rest, unfortunately, we don't know the details any more than you."

"...Very well." Loki clicked his tongue. Refusing to show the nervousness that was building up in him in front of the two Asgardians. He briefly considered whether it was all an elaborate trick, a nice way of throwing him into purgatory with a bit of backstabbing betrayal like he usually did. But then, Loki pushed the thought away. It was best not to think about that right now. He'd walk through the portal, and whatever happened would happen. Purgatory or his new quest in life... The latter was far more attractive, but it wasn't like there was a choice.

Giving a small nod goodbye, Loki walked through the portal, vanishing from view.


"Hey, mister, you alright over there?"

Eyes snapping open at the voice, Loki felt like he had just been hit in the skull with Mjolnir before the fog in his mind began to recede. Allowing him to both focus on the voice and where he was. Purgatory, thankfully not the answer, which was no small relief.

"I'm sorry?" Loki told the voice politely as he located the man who'd said it across the counter from him." Do you mind telling me where I am?"

"Ah, too much to drink?" The man smiled, wiping down a glass. "Can't say your the first around here. You're at the rabbit hole, my friend. Finest bar in all of Storybrooke."

"What he means is the only bar!" Someone shouted from behind Loki in the bar, causing laughter to echo throughout the building.

"Yes, yes, whatever." The man waved a hand. "Here, let me get you something to help clear you're head. It should help ease your headache and hopefully remind you where you are."

"Thank you." Loki nodded, accepting the drink and taking a sip. It wasn't bad, but his headache had passed already, so it didn't do much of anything. "Is this Maine then?"

For some reason, the question got him a raised brow as the man looked confused for only a split second before he grinned. "Aye, looks like the drink worked better than I thought it would."

"Thank you, I think I remember where I am now." Digging into his pockets, Loki pulled out the remaining cash and gave it to the barkeeper. It wouldn't do to get someone angry and call the local police for not paying his tab. Then, he got up from the bar stool and exited through the double doors at the end of the establishment. He was apparently in the right place, potentially at the right time. All he needed now was to find the stopwatch, and his quest would be done. So far, for his first world, things were looking to be going in a good direction.

Looking up into the sky, Loki took a deep breath, relaxing as the breeze lightly blew past him. The reality of the situation began hitting him as he realized he could now do whatever he wanted. There was no Odin or superheroes to restrict his actions should he wish to conquer Midgard. There were no infinity stones with a titan chasing after them. There were no enemies or people he needed to worry about or watch for, such as Shield or the Avengers. It was just him, a new world and endless possibilities.




"And there goes the peaceful atmosphere." Loki clicked his tongue as he turned around to see who was screaming so loudly. Surprisingly, it was more than a few idlers. With people running out into the streets hugging and crying. The number of people who were shouting before getting louder, the voices blending together and becoming indescribable from the others.

Hearing the door slam behind him, Loki quickly moved aside and watched as all the patrons he'd seen in the bar ran out into the streets as well. Apologies and shouts to find some so and so person echoing everywhere, making the place look like a flea market he'd seen on Sakaar.

Taking a step back, Loki turned around and walked away. Heading in the direction with less noise coming from it. He didn't understand what was going on right now. But maybe with luck, he'd find someone calm enough to answer a few questions of his. The lot behind him was far too excitable and emotional for him to even bother attempting to interrupt the scene happening in the street.

A few minutes and four streets later, Loki was getting a little worried. Was he the only sane person in town? Everyone was crying, screaming, or now talking excitedly as if attending some decade-long reunion. It was honestly becoming a little worrying. Fortunately, though, he had managed to pick up bits and pieces of information during his walk.

The first was that everyone seemed to believe they were cursed. As for what curse or if it was magical in nature, he didn't know. Though it would explain a few things. The second was that no one liked the town's mayor, believing she was the one that cursed them. The third was that some blonde Sherrif was apparently responsible for saving them, and a few were calling her princess.

So, with what information he had, Loki had a new goal. Find the mayor, hope she wasn't like the rest of the people he'd come across, and get some answers before he started going mad. The only issue was finding the woman, who, if she was smart, wouldn't be out in the open with emotions running so high. Emotional people usually had the rashest action's under stress, so with a town full of them. He didn't expect things to go too well for the mayor if discovered.

Sighing again, Loki stepped off the sidewalk, looked up into the sky, and then frowned. Far into the distance, a rather strange cloud looked to be forming, quicker than should be possible. Momentarily forgetting he was still standing in the street. Loki continued to watch as the cloud-like mist got closer, growing larger and larger. Looking more to be a massive amount of purple energy than some natural weather phenomenon.

Coming back to his senses, Loki made his way across the street, eyes never leaving the 'clouds' as he walked. Moving closer, forming an odd contrast to the people running away. Those that noticed, that is, the energy having appeared within a minute. Which soon looked like it was about to hit the town any second. Deciding to take precautions, Loki used his magic to form a shield around his mind. Nothing too complicated, just a simple spell in case the energy in the sky was more dangerous than he felt it was.

Only a few seconds later, the purple energy mist washed past him, tingling his skin as he felt a remarkable amount of mana flow through him. Nothing too extraordinary, he'd been to many planets brimming with natural life that had a similar effect. But never in a world like Midgard. It was strange.

Observing a large group of people starting to form outside what looked to be a diner, Loki smirked. The town was getting more and more interesting by the minute.

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41340054?view_full_work=true