
Fanfiction for Tales of Demons and Gods / Rage of the Demon God Hybrid

In the Tiny World, where Svetozar stands. There are two Demonic Beast Empires: the Empires of Light and Darkness. Crown Prince Zhu Xi Yu, who has three of the strongest bloodlines, was born at the Legendary Rank! But as he finds out at 2 years old, he is a Hybrid - Disabled! Due to the conflict between these three bloodlines, his potential is limited to the Heavenly Fate Rank for the rest of his very short life! And even his very powerful relatives, in the person of his grandmother the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and the mysterious father of the Ancient Dragon, could not help him. Over time, everyone simply gave up and accepted this inevitable fact! What will happen if at the age of 4, while playing in the treasury, he receives a memory from a 25-year-old archaeologist from Earth who read "Tales of Demons and Gods"???

Kaniu · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 3 Svetozar

Svetozar. City Lord's Mansion. Lord Ye Zong's office.

In the office, a strong, tall man with dark purple hair and neatly groomed stubble, which adds masculinity, sits at his desk.

Lord of Svetozar City, Ye Zong carefully reads the documents on the table. From time to time he places his painting or pushes them aside with a gloomy expression on his face.

- Hello, Mr. Ye Zong. Could you give me a little of your time - suddenly an unfamiliar voice was heard, from which the City Lord shuddered, jumped to his feet and began to look around warily in search of the voice.

It didn't take long to search; the culprit behind Ye Zong's anxiety was sitting calmly in the guest chair opposite. And behind him, like a guard, stood a woman of 26-28 years old with the characteristic features of Laska. Outwardly, she seemed like a calm and caring girl dressed in a maid's outfit, but something on an instinctive level haunted him.

The source of the voice turned out to be a child of 12-13 years old, with incredibly beautiful facial features. Although his face showed childish features, due to its roundness with chubby cheeks, like an ordinary teenager. Still, it was not so much cuteness that was visible in him, but beauty. The eyebrows are black and thin. The skin is white without a single flaw. Milky white hair that goes down to the lower back. And a pair of horns that look like a work of art carved from milky white jade. But what stood out most were the eyes, red, the color of blood, with pupils like those of a reptile.

As soon as Ye Zong looked into the child's eyes, his instincts sounded the alarm. The body trembled, as did the soul, and his beloved Demonic Dragon Spirit shook in worship and reverence.


- You... You... - not finding the right words and not understanding what was happening here, Ye Zong hesitated, not knowing what to say.


But after only a few tens of seconds, which was enough for him to collect his thoughts and tune in to a conversation with the violators. Ye Zong's face darkened, and powerful 5-star Steel Demon Cultivator Spiritual Energy came out from his body.

"WHO ARE YOU AND how dare you invade the office of City Lord Svetozar," Ye Zong roared in indignation.

From the Spiritual Energy released from him, papers from his desk scattered throughout the office. And even the tiles under his feet created a web of cracks. But what is surprising is that his Energy had no effect on either the boy or the woman.

- HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT HIS IMPERIAL HIGHNESS? PATHETIC HUMAN, KNOW YOUR PLACE! - Before Zhu Xi Yu could even open his mouth, Ayane's indignant exclamation was heard behind him.


After which the power of Heavenly Energy from the 5 Spheres of Heavenly Fate was released. Because of which Ye Zong was slammed into the stone floor, in a kneeling bow. Yes, with such force that the entire floor within a radius of two meters around was covered with cracks.


- Ayane, that's enough! "I asked... Don't show hostility," Xi Yu said calmly and even energetically. He didn't pay attention to Ye Zua's anger, he was happy to see him, and even in middle age. After all, it meant a lot. Starting with the fact that what is written in the light novel is truly the future. And ending with the fact that he ended up in exactly the time frame when Ye Zong is alive, which means Nie Li is still in Svetozar...

"I apologize, Your Highness, this will not happen again," Ayane said humbly, after which all the Heavenly Energy disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.


And only Ayane's embittered look, and Ye Zong's instincts still screaming about danger, made him understand that this was not a dream!


"Like that...," Ye Zong, rising from the floor with a reddened forehead and pale face, wanted to start a conversation. But he was interrupted by a new visitor to his office.


- Who you are? Can I help you? - asked the voice of his father, who suddenly appeared from behind Ye Zong. The only Legendary Demon Summoner in Light City, Lord Ye Mo. He did not release his Spiritual Energy and did not threaten. The Energy he felt a few seconds ago made him understand. That guests in his son's office only need to snap their finger for him and his son to lose their lives.


- Oh, Mister Ye Mo! I am your fan... To become the only Legendary Demon Summoner among millions of people as a commoner... I doubt that just having the blue soul vessel talent will be enough! - Xi Yu said, standing up and showing his sincere respect. Admiring this Legendary figure with a stoic expression on his face, and the weight of millions of lives on his shoulders.


- Ka... How do you know my name, and how things are in Svetozar? How long have you been here? - Ye Mo asked with a long face in surprise.

- I apologize for my rudeness, this is our first day in Svetozar. To be precise, as soon as we arrived, we immediately went to Mr. Ye Zong's office. "I wish to obtain permission from the local authorities to stay in your wonderful city," Zhu Xi Yu said, showing maximum politeness.

"Who in..." Ye Mo didn't have time to ask the question when he was interrupted by Ayane's angry voice.

- Your Highness, I don't understand... Why are you being nice to these pathetic little people? Just give the order and in 5 minutes I will subordinate the entire city to your power, and those you dislike will die quickly and painlessly. - Ayane said sensually and incomprehensibly.

At this remark, Ayane, Ye Zong and Ye Mo's bodies began to shake, their faces darkened, and despair began to arise in the depths of their eyes. The kind of aura this maid emitted terrified both Ye Zong and Ye Mo. They didn't have the slightest doubt about her ability to do what she said.

- Haaaa... Well, you're always like this, Ayane. I asked you to be polite and not create conflict! You are looking at the situation too superficially. Like most Demonic Beasts, you look at everything from the point of view of strength alone. Mister Ye Mo felt your strength, and knows that neither he nor anyone else can oppose you here. And he also felt the fact that you are a Demonic Beast, the enemy of humanity. Although he is weak, his feelings are no worse than yours! But still, tell me why he didn't run away? Why did he still come into the office? Yes, this is his own son, but he has another one and a granddaughter. And knowing that there was no chance of salvation, he could justify his flight by saving his granddaughter and second son.

So why did he come to the office anyway? And not bow obediently waving his tail, as anyone else would have done in his place, forced to enter the office in such a situation, but speaks from the position of the owner? - Xi Yu excitedly bombarded Ayane with questions, and she thoughtfully listened to every word her young Master said, trying to understand the essence.

"I don't..." Without allowing her to say anything, since the expression on her face does not convey confidence, Xi Yu continued to bombard her with questions.

- It's simple Ayane. Courage, Devotion, Dignity, Self-Sacrifice, Responsibility and Virtue. This seemingly decrepit old man is one of the few creatures worthy of respect that you will meet in your very long life! The Draconic Ruins Realm is full of people who are much stronger than you, but I will never in my life ask you to show respect to them. Because although they have strength, strength is not an indicator that, in my opinion, is worthy of respect. Fight your instincts and trust your own judgment more about what deserves your attention or respect and what does not. And stop being racist! It doesn't matter what race you are from, the main thing is what kind of soul you are... - bye Zhu

Xi Yu explained his point of view to Ayana. Ye Mo and Ye Zong listened with their mouths open. Not believing that these words were spoken by a 12-13 year old child, as they had already guessed the Demonic Beast Race.


- Thank you for the instruction, Your Highness! "I will definitely think about it and listen to your words," Ayane answered with a respectful bow.

- I apologize for this performance, my name is Zhu Xi Yu, you can just call me Xi Yu. I am 12 years old, I am the prince of the Lakti Empire of Light. And this is my nanny, her name is Ayane. As you probably already guessed, we are both from the Demonic Beast Race. I understand that it is difficult for you to trust us, because you have been fighting Fierce Beasts for generations and burying loved ones in this conflict. I'm not asking you to trust me, but I still want to say that I came with good intentions. The purpose of my visit is simple, I want to live the life of an ordinary person for several years. If you ask why do I need this? The answer is simple.

I have a lot of theoretical knowledge from books, but no experience at all. By interacting with different parts of society, I hope to fill the gaps in the experience of communicating with ordinary people. I want to know what they think about, what they strive for, how they live? The reasons for their misfortunes and joy... These two chests are my sincerity to you, please accept - as soon as he finished speaking and waved his hand, two chests appeared on the table.

"In the blue chest is the Demon Spirit Four-Armed Blizzard Monkey of the Legendary Rank with awakened Spiritual Wisdom, it will suit Master Ye Zong well," Xi Yu said, after which Ayane, in her maid uniform, went up to the table and opened the blue chest, and in the office there was a whiff of dense Spiritual Energy with attribute of Blizzard. Ye Zong opened his mouth in surprise. He was well aware of how valuable and rare a Demon Spirit with awakened Spiritual Wisdom was.

- The red chest contains a guide to mastering the Laws. Which I think will help Mr. Ye Mo a lot. Thanks to him, you can save decades or even more time on mastering the law - after Ayane opened the red chest, there was no breath of any Spiritual Energies in the office. But Ye Mo's gaze was filled with excitement and anticipation of mastering such coveted knowledge

He has been at the peak of the Legendary Rank for more than 10 years, and only the difficulty in understanding the law prevents him from going beyond its limits. And now, a few meters away from him, there is a solution to all his problems with achieving the dream of his whole life.

Father and son did not doubt what the boy in front of them said. After all, there is no point in deceiving them. If he only wished, he could do anything with sheer force.

- I have several requests for you. First, don't tell anyone that you replaced the demon spirit. Do not tell anyone in general, even your closest people. And the second request, I want my stay here to be incognito. No one should know who I am or where I come from. As for my appearance... - as soon as Xi Yu finished speaking, he took out an unremarkable ring.

And as soon as he put it on his finger and poured Spiritual Energy into it, his appearance changed. His hair color changed to brown, his eyes began to look like those of an ordinary person of the same color. And the horns and tail completely disappeared. The skin darkened and a few unremarkable pimples and blackheads appeared. He didn't become ugly, but he couldn't be called beautiful either. If you meet someone like that on the street, you won't even pay attention.

- Hmm... No problem, if that is your desire. We thank you, Your Highness Zhu Xi Yu, for such valuable gifts. And welcome to Svetozar," Ye Mo said politely, clasping his palms in a grateful gesture.

"Let Ye Xiu take our distinguished guests to the mansion next door and take care of all their needs," Ye Mo commanded his son, after which he quickly left the office.

- You mentioned the Lakti Empire of Light, if I'm not mistaken. What is this place and where is it located? - Ye Mo asked a question that interested him.

- You live in a very secluded area, and probably don't know. But this whole world is divided into two Empires, Light and Dark. The Empire of Light, Lakti, is ruled by my mother Rose. And the Empire of Darkness is Sharkha, her brother, my uncle Ratz. These two Empires rule over this entire world, with the exception of small pieces of land where the remaining Spiritual Gods rule. Spiritual God, this being who knew the chosen Law deeper than any other, and went beyond the Legendary Rank - while Xi Yu was enlightening Ye Mo, Ye Zong and Ye Xiu entered the office.

"These are our guests..." Ye Zong began to introduce Ye Xiu's guests, but he paused when he saw Xi Yu's new appearance. He immediately remembered the "requests" for non-disclosure.

- Hmm... This guy's name is Zhu Xi Yu, and this girl's name is Ayane. They will live in a mansion next door. Your task is to take care of everything they need," Ye Mo picked up, introducing Xi Yu and Ayane to his second son.

- Yes, Father! Dear guests, please follow me," Ye Xiu said, turning around and heading towards the exit. He thought to himself, "Who are these two? Even if Father was so polite to them"

Only Ye Mo and Ye Zong remained in the office.

"Father, is this Demon Spirit really a Legend-rank Four-Armed Blizzard Monkey with awakened Spiritual Wisdom?" - Ye Zong couldn't help asking. Having a Demon Spirit with Spiritual Wisdom will make it much easier for him to break through to the Legend Rank that he has dreamed of since childhood.

- They don't need to lie... The power of that woman... I won't hide this from you, while keeping an eye on the Dark Guild, I came across the underground world. There are a bunch of cities of different races, and many families have from one to 10 masters whose cultivation has gone beyond the Legendary Demon Sorcerer. I once even witnessed two such masters fighting to the death. Their strength was much higher than mine, but when compared to the strength of this woman Ayane. They're just ants... I can't believe it myself! Her power is simply incomprehensible... If she wants to destroy all the people in

Svetozara, all she needs to do is simply wave her hand once. And just imagine the power behind this Zhu Xi Yu, if he has such a strong nanny. We should not offend them under any circumstances, it is our blessing that this child Xi Yu has such virtue and is not subject to hostility towards people. He's very good! At the age of 12, not to have arrogance, and to talk so deeply about morality and dignity... What's most interesting is that I didn't feel anything from him! He sat in front of us, but I could not sense his cultivation and his characteristics.When you released your Spiritual Pressure, he didn't even raise an eyebrow, and yet he seems like an ordinary person... Okay, this thinking will lead to nothing. Integrate with the Demon Monkey Spirit, and I will handle the laws. We need to become stronger..." Ye Mo said disappearing from the office, and with him the red chest.

But Ye Mo didn't know that he didn't feel Xi Yu's cultivation not because it was so excellent, but for the simple reason that Xi Yu's Spiritual World was protected by the Soul Medallion. Even Ayane cannot sense Xi Yu's development.

"Okay, Father," Ye Zong muttered uncertainly.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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