In the Tiny World, where Svetozar stands. There are two Demonic Beast Empires: the Empires of Light and Darkness. Crown Prince Zhu Xi Yu, who has three of the strongest bloodlines, was born at the Legendary Rank! But as he finds out at 2 years old, he is a Hybrid - Disabled! Due to the conflict between these three bloodlines, his potential is limited to the Heavenly Fate Rank for the rest of his very short life! And even his very powerful relatives, in the person of his grandmother the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and the mysterious father of the Ancient Dragon, could not help him. Over time, everyone simply gave up and accepted this inevitable fact! What will happen if at the age of 4, while playing in the treasury, he receives a memory from a 25-year-old archaeologist from Earth who read "Tales of Demons and Gods"???